that doesn't prove anything. I could make that shit at my house. just a bunch of old footage and audio mixed together and it looked hella sloppy. I'll believe it when i see it
Well since Raw sucks so bad now, they aughta bring back the takeover gimmick. Since they are in the business of resurecting old gimmicks might as well rip off an old one from a company you bought out huh Vince
They could Use Waltman to trick DX and have him turn NWO on them and have Hunter and Shawn catch big time ass whoopins and have NWO sprayed on their backs
I understand most of can make those but there are three different ones some just extended versions....We will wait and see but Hogan in NWO dont make since to me dude can barely walk to the ring they need to flip Im telling throw Stone COld have him flip
Hogan, Hall and Nash would have MURDERED HHH, HBK and XPAC if they had wrestled back in the day. Now days it doesn't make sense. Nash can barely walk, Hogan can barely walk, Hall is a drunk, Michaels has a bad back etc.
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel no! Scott hallw ould have destroyed x-pac. Nash ALWAYS destroys Michaels and Hogan would have leg dropped HHH after he received the pedigree, kicked out and hulked up (yes the nwo hulk DID hulk up sometimes.)