My homie let me borrow his treal tv on dvd.Shit got skips in it...cant get past any scene....Shit sux.Anyway does anyone know how to put the dvd on my hard drive so i can click it and watch it on my computer instead of watch it from the dvd?What program does that...Holla....
That language you speakin is foreign to me Pino...I d/l it but have no idea what mounting is and if image means dvd...Is there a step by step somewhere for what im trying to do?
Its all about mounting the ISO's which are the images on the dvd's at least thats how I got doom3. Your going to need the program said or your going to need Alcohol. Alcohol is a bit harder to use then Daemon tools is,
thx yall.....What i did was hit up limewire....d/l imtoo dvd ripper.....and ripped it to my pc in mpeg format....worked fine and the skips tha are on the dvd didnt transfer.......thx yall..