Drunken Priests!

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May 13, 2002
Drunken Priest Shoots Mayor Dead
Thu May 13, 2004 08:54 AM ET

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A Catholic priest shot to death the mayor of a town in western Mexico early on Wednesday after the pair got drunk and began punching each other during a religious festival, state officials said.
After exchanging blows, the priest whipped out a 9mm pistol and fired four bullets into Lorenzo Ruiz, mayor of Chalpatlahuac, an indigenous town nestled in mountains 138 miles west of the Guerrero state capital of Chilpancingo, authorities said.

"It seems they were arguing, these two men. They were at a get-together, they had words and the priest shot the mayor. They were apparently both in a state of drunkenness," said Guerrero state spokesman Jesus Nava.

Local newspapers said the priest, whom they identified as Lorenzo Cuellar, was arrested after he also shot the mayor's son, injuring him.

The priest was in Chalpatlahuac to celebrate a local religious festival which started on Tuesday evening and lasted into Wednesday morning.

Guerrero is one of the poorest and most violent states in Mexico.

Feb 9, 2003
Nothing, just highlighting the fact that Australia also has MANY things to be ashamed of. Maybe the government should disban and give power to the real Australians.
Apr 11, 2003
Broadbeach, AUSTRALIA
Nothing, just highlighting the fact that Australia also has MANY things to be ashamed of.
Ofcourse it does, even worse thah that though, I'm not aware if this is shown in your media, but Australia has a number of high security prison camps in the middle of the desert where they are keeping refugees who tried to enter Australia. As a part of the United Nations we are obligated to provide for a certain number of refugees to come here every year, and the government basically completely ignores that responsibility and puts them in Hitler style concentration camps.

The worst part of this is that a large proption of these refugees are children, and a lot of them have spent more than 2 years of their life living in a fuckin prison.
Feb 9, 2003
FILA|AUS said:
Ofcourse it does, even worse thah that though, I'm not aware if this is shown in your media, but Australia has a number of high security prison camps in the middle of the desert where they are keeping refugees who tried to enter Australia. As a part of the United Nations we are obligated to provide for a certain number of refugees to come here every year, and the government basically completely ignores that responsibility and puts them in Hitler style concentration camps.

The worst part of this is that a large proption of these refugees are children, and a lot of them have spent more than 2 years of their life living in a fuckin prison.
never heard any of that. sadly if you want to learn about a countries dirty secrets you have to learn of them yourself. I doubt the American media would ever portray Australia as evil as North Korea, most people probably believe all you guys do is hunt crocs and drink fosters.
May 13, 2002
Nothing, just highlighting the fact that Australia also has MANY things to be ashamed of. Maybe the government should disban and give power to the real Australians.
Yeah, the american gov. should also disban and give power to the real americans.

Hey, FILA...

My appologies for my ignorance of your country, but, the average australian views america negatively, correct? The majority of the people are against the war in Iraq, even though the government supports it? Is this correct?
Apr 11, 2003
Broadbeach, AUSTRALIA

Actually, people here don't really give a damn about the war. No one ever discusses it whatsoever. If you ask them about it, you'll get mixed responses, but other than that its not that big of an issue here.

I'm originally from serbia tho, I lived in New Zealand 5 years and I been 5 years in Australia.
May 13, 2002
FILA|AUS said:

Actually, people here don't really give a damn about the war. No one ever discusses it whatsoever. If you ask them about it, you'll get mixed responses, but other than that its not that big of an issue here.

I'm originally from serbia tho, I lived in New Zealand 5 years and I been 5 years in Australia.
Ok, I was under the impression australians were against the iraq invasion because I remember before the war, I believe, there were huge protests there.

Hmmm. New Zealand. How was that?
Apr 11, 2003
Broadbeach, AUSTRALIA
New Zealand is awesome, no question they got to be the most down to earth nation in the world. A large population of Samoans and Tongans also. Very very multi-cultural, especially in the bigger cities. The only thingI didn't like about it is the weather, it rains constantly, but everything is green tho. The people there make it one of the best countries in the world tho, I really can't say that I took one bad memory back from growing up there. If you ever meet a someone and think 'damn this person has a really good character' I gurentee you an average New Zealander is probably twice that.

There's not much to see there really unless you're into seeing nature, it's mainly the character of the nation that makes the place what it is.