Drunk George W. Bush imitating Don-King at wedding

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Oct 3, 2002
Drunk George W. Bush imitating Don-King
The Republican's wacky performance in this 1992 wedding video excerpt--shot years after Bush went cold turkey in July 1986--needs to be preserved for future generations. The video was shot at the August 29, 1992 wedding of Jamie Weiss, the daughter of Dubya's close friends Mike and Nancy Weiss. Mike, a Lubbock, Texas lawyer and CPA, was Bush's campaign chairman during his first political race (an unsuccessful 1978 congressional bid) and was one of the Texas governor's earliest political appointments. Nancy, also a Bush appointee, had a prime speaking slot on the final night of the Republican convention. She told the crowd, "I wish you could see how he reaches out to people, teasing those who can take it and protecting those who can't." Indeed, what a teaser! When cameraman T. Patrick Murray filmed Bush during the wedding reception at a Lubbock country club, the future governor took some rambling--and we presume good-natured--swipes at the newlyweds, the bride's parents, and her brother Kelly (Bush was being quizzed by a member of the bridal party). We love the part where teetotaler George actually disses two of the Weisses for supposedly not drinking or smoking. And as for those weird Don King-like "only in America" cracks--not to mention what's in that glass--your guess is as good as TSG's.

This is the 1976 Maine police document recording the arrest of George W. Bush for driving under the influence of alcohol. Bush, who was 30 at the time, was popped over the Labor Day weekend near his family's Kennebunkport summer home. Bush pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor DUI charge, paid a $150 fine, and had his driving privileges briefly revoked in the state of Maine. The arrest record card was released November 2 by Kennebunkport police. The Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles also released this summary of Bush's DUI conviction.

Off the topic of George W. Bush's alcoholism, Dick Cheney's first DWI conviction came in November 1962 when he was 21. According to this docket from Cheyenne's Municipal Court, Cheney was nailed for drunkenness and "operating motor vehicle while intoxicated." A Cheyenne Police Judge found Cheney guilty of the two charges and hit him with a 30-day suspension of his driver's license. Cheney also had to forfeit a $150 bond posted at the time of his arrest. Further information about the case--such as the defendant's blood alcohol content or whether Cheney was jailed following the bust--is unavailable since other court records from that period have been destroyed, according to Wyoming officials.

Details of Cheney's second Wyoming arrest, in July 1963, have also fallen victim to time and records destruction practices at the local Municipal Court. But a police arrest card (similar to the one that haunted Dubya) maintained by the Rock Springs Police Department shows that Cheney was fined $100 for his second DWI conviction. The card lists the charge against Cheney, who was then working as a groundman laying power lines, as "11-44," the criminal code classification for drunken driving, according to Police Chief Neil Kourbelas. At the time of the Rock Springs arrest, Kourbelas said that local cops and judges would not have known that young Cheney was a boozing 'n driving recidivist. The police department, Kourbelas said, "wouldn't have had the ability to automatically check with other jurisdictions to find out if anyone had had prior arrests or convictions. We could have arrested Jack the Ripper back then and had no idea what he had done."

Sorry, I couldn't find a video of an intoxicated Dick Cheney making an ass of himself like Bush...
May 13, 2002
The reactions that are being had from this are pretty damn funny considering the fact that I'm sure most of you probably get twisted too. I laugh at it because, yes it's funny. It ain't something to respond getting mad about---And I'm sure if someone video taped your ass and posted it up here it would be just as funny but I'm sure no one would be here getting mad at you. Honestly people don't know what they want. They say they want a real person to be in office but yet when they act like a real person (Clinton getting his dick sucked in office, Bush getting drunk at a wedding) you get all pissed at 'em.
May 5, 2002
ROFL, thats prolly the best I've seen that fool. He needa start drinking again maybe he won't be such a cocksucker. Get some interns up in the oral office clinton style. Thats how presidents should be. He'd be gettin sucked off and wont' be worrying bout startin some damn wars......
Oct 3, 2002
I think a history of alcohol abuse is a defiant red flag for this guy shouldn't be in charge of a country and millions of peoples lives. Maybe that's just me, but I don't think alcoholics should be driving or the president of the United States.

after being pulled over for his first DUI you know he was like "but officer I swear it's only pretzel breath..."