i didnt even notice when the music went out or nothin
n i saw a dude walkin around w/a camera takin pics n shit n i asked him if he ws nick n he said yup so i said somethin bout fuckoff n he was like why? n i said ya know from the siccness n he said was like wtf? so i was like nevamindude
i guess it was another dude named nick n not t9hq
really didn't get too fucked up or nuthin, just went to a tight ass restaurant & had some drinks, then went to a bar & had some mo drinks. didn't hafta pray to any "gods" or nuthin that nite.. so that's all good... & i'm 21 now. too bad NO ONE in Wichita serves Caribu Lou's.. gonna hafta make a trip up north sometime soon.
alright drew, happy bday man, but some advice,,
dont become some belligerent alcoholic,
cause we all love that laid back shaggy lookin pothead from wichita with that who gives a fuck attitude, hahaha
stay up man
alright drew, happy bday man, but some advice,,
dont become some belligerent alcoholic,
cause we all love that laid back shaggy lookin pothead from wichita with that who gives a fuck attitude, hahaha
stay up man