Don't know if you've thought of this many moons ago, but I've been seeing hella cats from the bay in the audience of 106 and Park. And just today I saw them do a segment where this cat from Knoksville, Tenn was up there and they gave him like 45 seconds to rap (had his own beat and is an independent artist himself). I have no doubt in my mind that Quinn would shut down that segment with his one about Bleek or anything else for that matter. Also, I can't see Quinn comin weak on the mic if he got on the freestyle friday gig. Basically, I wanna see Quinn and DD (shit Guce too now) get over to NY for some exposure if you didn't already. One more thing I gots to get off my chest is that if you can stack up enough currency, that you can shoot a video. Not something million dollarish, but being creative, come up with something along the lines of the new Scarface video: not hella different camera angles, but something different and somewhat inexpensive. I got some funny video ideas for ya if you want em....