..what are those meanings on the dollar bill..
..lets take a look..
..on the back left side..
..13 letters in annuit coeptis..
..13 stones in the pyramid..
..remember 13 is the mystical number assigned to satan..
..annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum..translates to ANNOUNCING THE BIRTH OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER..
..the all seeing eye above the pyramid is lucifer..
..if you put the star of david into the picture of the pyramid..it is no coincidence that it spells MASON..
..the star of david is not jewish..look close..six sides with six points within six triangles..
..on the right side..
..look at that..the star of david..right above the eagles head..
..9 tail feathers on the eagle..
..13 leaves in the olive branch..
..13 bars and stripes..
..13 arrows..
..13 letters in E PLURIBUS UNUM..
..13 stars in the green crest above..
..take a look at the shield on the eagle..see the vertical stripes..count..six stripes of three bars..666..
..on one side..the eagle has 32 feathers..that is the number of ordinary degrees in the scottish rite of freemasonry..
..on the other side..the eagle has 33..corresponding to the 33rd degree of the same rite..which is only given to the chosen few who prove outstanding mason service..
..and that is the basics..hope you learned something..
..what are those meanings on the dollar bill..
..lets take a look..
..on the back left side..
..13 letters in annuit coeptis..
..13 stones in the pyramid..
..remember 13 is the mystical number assigned to satan..
..annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum..translates to ANNOUNCING THE BIRTH OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER..
..the all seeing eye above the pyramid is lucifer..
..if you put the star of david into the picture of the pyramid..it is no coincidence that it spells MASON..
..the star of david is not jewish..look close..six sides with six points within six triangles..
..on the right side..
..look at that..the star of david..right above the eagles head..
..9 tail feathers on the eagle..
..13 leaves in the olive branch..
..13 bars and stripes..
..13 arrows..
..13 letters in E PLURIBUS UNUM..
..13 stars in the green crest above..
..take a look at the shield on the eagle..see the vertical stripes..count..six stripes of three bars..666..
..on one side..the eagle has 32 feathers..that is the number of ordinary degrees in the scottish rite of freemasonry..
..on the other side..the eagle has 33..corresponding to the 33rd degree of the same rite..which is only given to the chosen few who prove outstanding mason service..
..and that is the basics..hope you learned something..