Tooper said:
my doctor told me drugs period damage the brain and it takes up to 5 years to gain and make it normal again.
Evidence? Evidence? Evidence?
And does that broad, sweeping statement of yours include the anti-pyschotic medications that they put you on?
Listen Toop, I respect your opinions and I sympathize with your predicament, but to think that marijuana is responsible for "triggering" your disease when there is mental illness on both sides of your family is merely looking for a scapegoat.
How can you honestly think a drug is responisble when you have such a strong genetic predisposition for this illness? Toop, you would have developed schizophrenia REGARDLESS of whether you smoked pot or not.
If there had been no history of mental illness in your family, and you developed this condition after using pot, then I might agree with you, but as things are, the conclusion of your doctor is completely illogical.
If you research your condition, you will find that AGE is a much more likely "trigger" than pot.
Anyway, I wish the best for you and hope that you can keep this illness under control.
Stay up.