I figured you'd say something like that.
I think it's funny that athiests are quick to say something like that from someone that demands more out of the science community. They challenge each other in their faith in science or religion. I think they both benefit from the debates.
A lot of athiests hate Ben Stein when his stance has mostly been a more open mind in regards to science.
woah there, my comment had nothing to do with athiesm or religious beliefs. My comment is based on his ultra right ring fucktardism:
The cultural left in this country is responsible for causing 9/11 ... the cultural left and its allies in Congress, the media, Hollywood, the non-profit sector and the universities are the primary cause of the volcano of anger toward America that is erupting from the Islamic world.
He's also a racist, believes African Americans are highly dysfunctional, "defected" criminals, etc.
Here are some more gems of his:
“The American slave was treated like property, which is to say, pretty well.” (from D’Souza’s book, The End of Racism)
"Am I calling for the repeal of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Actually, yes." (from The End of Racism)
“...within the United States, black males have (you may be surprised to discover) the highest self-esteem of any group. Yet on academic measures black males score the lowest. The reason is that self-esteem in these cases is generated by factors unrelated to studies, such as the ability to beat up other students or a high estimation of one’s sexual prowess.” (from D’Souza’s book Letters to a Young Conservative)
"[f]or many whites the criminal and irresponsible black underclass represents a revival of barbarism in the midst of Western civilization." (from D’Souza’s book The End of Racism)
“What impact did the abortionists, the feminists, the homosexual activists, and the secularists have on the Islamic radicals who conspired to blow up the World Trade Center and the Pentagon? Unfortunately, this crucial question got buried, and virtually no one has raised it publicly.” (from The Enemy at Home)
So yeah I wouldn't' mind a bullet going through his skull. There is nothing scientific about his "work" and he provides the ultra right with a specific role in their agenda.