Did Forrest Griffen KO Kimbo?

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May 13, 2002
According to a post on Sherdog, by the guy who runs Irish Whip Fighting which routinely does interviews with fighters, Kim Couture claims Forrest Griffin KO'd Kimbo when he came to Xtreme Couture to train.

You decide if you want to believe it or not.
Meeting Randy again (Fedor, HDNet, etc.)

Hey guys, I don't know if you remember my old thread a while ago when I paid a visit to Randy Couture at his grand opening of his Wellington Xtreme Couture gym in Wellington, FL, but I had a chance to go see him again today and it was quite the journey.

First off, me and my buddies got back at around 2 after the fights and went to bed and woke up at 5 to drive to Wellington in order to make it there at the opening time, which was 10 AM.

From Gainesville, it's about a 4-4.5 hour drive with a stop for food, bathroom, etc. It was brutal. With 3 hours of sleep I drove 4.5 hours there and stayed from 10AM to when the event was over at 4 PM and then drove back and now I'm here, nearly dead.

Anyways, I got a chance to talk to both Randy and Kim for about an hour each 1-on-1. I got a lot of interesting information and cool stuff. I'm just going to list it because I'm far too tired to organize it any other way.

Wanderlei is preparing for Jardine, working vastly on wrestling and an "effective gameplan."
Ray Sefo and Jan Nortje has started training @ Xtreme Couture in Vegas.
Randy is happy with his decision to sign with HDNET, and says they are treating him great.
Says he's going to fight Fedor around June or July and they are pushing for it to happen in a cage.
Said his strategy against Fedor will be to trade a little bit and wrestle him down and keep him there.
Said he was absolutely shocked at the outcome of Silva v. Hendo, he thought Silva was going to win, but not by a submission.
Said he's very interested in fighting Big Nog, but no way in hell in the UFC.
Is coming out with 3 movies soon: Big Stan, Redbelt and Scorpion King 2.
I'll think of more important things he said, I'm brain dead atm.

Her first fight last Sat was a Muay Thai "smoker" fight, nothing serious
Her real fight is in April or so, with an org. under Chael Sonnen
Says Gina almost never is in the gym training even when she has a fight coming up
Hasn't sparred Wanderlei.
Said most of Hughes' book was exaggerated and many of those who were there in the events in his book claimed things were blown way out of proportion.
Says Chuck's book was barely, BARELY written by Chuck at all.
Says Xtreme Couture clothing is doing great and so are the gyms. They are opening 3 more.
Fractured her wrist somehow.
Thinks Randy will demolish Big Nog and have a solid chance against Fedor.
Randy now has a ****l plate in his forearm similar to Tim Sylvia from the Gonzaga kick.
Said the Gonzaga head kick to him (the one that looked like it nearly killed him) was actually just a slap because Randy was moving his head away. (According to her and Randy) - it wasn't nearly as bad as it looked on TV.
Says Randy follows a diet, not too strict and his fore arm is healed and he's been back in the gym.
Really dislikes Dana White.
Not impressed by Big Nog's performances in the UFC at all.
Says Randy doesn't read Sherdog @ all, let alone know how to work a computer.
Says: "He only makes the news, doesn't care to read about it."
Says she absolutely loves Anderson Silva's fluidity and fighting style, and prefers stand-up herself.
Liked my necklace a lot :]
Says her and Randy live a calm life in Vegas, far from the strip, close to their gym.
Randy is coming out with his book and is waiting for everyone to release theirs. Has been working on his for nearly 2 years now and put a lot of time and effort in it. She says it will be a lot different from Hughes' and Liddell's books.
Likes to train for herself rather than money, fame, etc.

EDIT: Another thing she said which was very interesting, is they are trying to get Wanderlei away from the "bodybuilder - esque" workouts and more focused on circuits, etc.

***Also, the funniest thing she said was when I asked her opinion on Kimbo, she said at first she was a bit skeptical, but he came in one day to their gym in Vega and showed he had a very tough heart and trained hard. Also, him and Forrest sparred and he was KO'd by Forrest and he never came back again!

That's everything I can really think of now. I'm sure I'll think of more when my brain comes back to its senses...

Will post pics later I guess, so tired. All in all, event was incredible, Randy and Kim were so willing to talk to me and my bud because we had such knowledge of MMA and what was going on. Kim actually didn't like the whole people flooding Randy and all the media and came over to me and my friend to talk to us. Extremely sociable and awesome to talk to. Same with Randy.

It really is a shame that UFC let such a great character/fighter go.

That is all. Thanks guys :]
Dec 9, 2005
You never know...Kimbo's got a great chin...but then again...who has he fought at that caliber that could really test it ?