Devout Baptists watch entire porno then complain

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May 13, 2002
The article can be found here,,2-2005041572,00.html


A DEVOUT Baptist couple spoke today of their disgust after they claimed they bought a classic musical DVD featuring Doris Day from their local supermarket, only to discover it was an Italian porn film.

Alan and Anne Leigh-Browne, from Wellington, Somerset, had been expecting to enjoy watching the Pajama Game, a romantic comedy featuring the 1950's icon.

Instead the shocked pensioners said they were confronted by raunchy sex film - Tettone che Passione, which roughly translates as Breasts of Passion.

Retired doctor Alan, 67, said he picked up the film, which was sealed in plastic wrapping, for £2.99 from the bargain bin of a Safeway supermarket in nearby Taunton last Monday.

On Thursday the couple, who are regular attenders of their local Baptist church, settled down with a cup of tea to watch the 1957 film which has a U (universal) certificate.

Mr Leigh-Browne explained: "We are big fans of Doris Day and were looking forward to the film, but we knew something was amiss when a warning flashed up on the screen advising under 18s not to carry on watching.

"Then some topless young women appeared and started talking in Italian - we were horrified, it's not what you expect from a Doris Day film.

"It was a pretty raunchy, explicit film, it certainly pulled no punches. My wife and I were very shocked but we watched it until the end because we couldn't believe what we were seeing.

"The film became progressively more graphic, there was no plot to it, it was just sex."

Alan and his wife Anne, 60, a retired teacher, said they complained to Safeway the following day.

A spokeswoman for Morrisons, who now run Safeway, said they would be willing to investigate the incident.

She said: "Regrettably the customers involved would neither leave their
contact details nor return the DVD to their nearest store or head office after being urged to do so on several occasions.

"We are anxious to undertake a thorough investigation into this isolated
incident, however until we receive the product and proof of purchase this cannot take place."

But the Leigh-Brownes, who are still to pick up a copy of the original Pajama Game, are anxious that the porn film could have fallen into the wrong hands.

Mr Leigh Browne added: "Our biggest concern with the whole episode was that small children could easily have bought the film and been exposed to its content. It was in the bargain bin alongside other children's films.

"There must be some way of ensuring that this cannot happen."
lmao, they watched the entire film. lol, "oh my god dear, this is horrible, it's the work of Satan! But lets keep watching because it's shocking! Whats that feeling in my pants?"


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
LMFAO...then after watching the whole movie they didn't even return it. The people from Safeway said "Regrettably the customers involved would neither leave their
contact details nor return the DVD to their nearest store or head office after being urged to do so on several occasions"

hmmm seems like maybe they kind of liked the movie :rolleyes:

Oct 8, 2004
thats some bullshit
they kept watching cuase they couldn;t believe what they were seeing?
or cause they loved it so much.. they couldn't stop staring!!! ???
lol omg thats hella dumb....
i guess they wanted to keep the movie....
so they can jack off to it later on....