Definition of God

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May 13, 2002
As an Atheist trying to understand some of you that claim to know god(s) or believe in a god(s), it is very important to understand what your definition of god is.

I will not debate with any of you about your definition, this is simply for my own knowledge.

Thanx, Ric

May 14, 2002
Ender said:
Be good and God will be good to you.

This is not right, how many 'good' woman are being raped everyday?

how many 'good' children are getting killed everyday?

how many inocent people [ so they haven't done anything bad ] are locked up in the pen for years or have recieved an death sentance when they where innocent.

so some people do good.. but God isn't good for them...
Jul 6, 2002
Ed_Gien said:
i believe God is undefinable
Your god is whatever comes first in your life; it can be a

materialistic item that you may worship, it can be something you

work for, it can be something you created, or it can be whoever it

is that you strive to be more like everday, based upon your

admiration for who or whatever your specific "god" may be.

On tha rilla, to me god is undefinable becasue it is omnipotent,

omnipresent; a miraculous eternal energy force that is constantly

on the go, metamorphing and creating new enititieswhich are all

manefestations of his power. I have never seen my "god," but I

know that I will some day soon. I know He is real because I can

feel His presense in my life. God is in my heart, my conscious,

without His merciful grace, I would not be here typing these

wurdz on this scree..:rolleyes:
May 13, 2002
I feel sorry for those who don't belive in anything.Faith is a powerful thing and if you dont have any GET SOME!
Why do you feel sorry for me? Do you think Atheist are unhappy people? Are you more happy than I am just because you believe in something I dont?

Reality is a powerfull thing. You can choose to ignore it or understand it.
May 13, 2002
"I believe god is science, science is god."

So the STUDY of all which is around us is God? More sense can be made from saying what is being studied is God (although I personally wouldn't agree..but it would still make more sense). Sorry i just don't get how people's combined observations or explainations of what they see can be a God. Oh by the way did anyone hear that E=MC2 may be wrong? I'll post that in a bit.


The Founder
Apr 25, 2002
Ahh yes the good ole days are starting to come back to me. I used to love this board.

I can remember this discussion many of times but pretty much to sum up my belief is this.

In order to follow me you have to completly rid yourself of time as you know it. Time is a man made thing, only applies on this earth and it would be extremely closeminded to think that it would apply to something/someone like god.

I believe that when scientest preach evolution and religious folk preach the creation they are thinking of the same thing. The only difference being that creationists believe things happened instantly. Let there be light god snaped his fingers and made adam from sand and so on. Scientest believe that man was created over millions of years. They say he probably cralled out of some protozoa and things of that nature. (this is the short version of my theory get me drunk and you can hear the long one).

So throw out the notion of time and you are speaking of the same thing, god molded man over what we believe as thousands of years, evolution is his tool to make things take their shape. Shit for all we know he/she/it could still be shaping.

But noo we know everything, we know what is long and short because our fossil watch tells us so.

To say god is science and science is god is the extremely short version of my theory. Hell yeah I believe there is a god because science can never answer everything.

You keep asking why to a scientest and you will get "It just is ok shut up, not acceptable to me"

However here is the big kicker on my theory, I think mass religion is bullshit. The word of man can not be trusted, and no matter what you say the bible was written by man. IT was even edited in the midevil times by the only people who could read, preists/bishops and kings. How do you figure "The king james version" what about "The god version"

I have read the bible and about 75% of the koran, absolutly great stories. Both flawed by man and translations.

If I relate to anything it is probably buddhist and zen. However no church gets 10% of my money just so I can have a relationship with god.



Sicc OG
Jul 3, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:

Why do you feel sorry for me? Do you think Atheist are unhappy people? Are you more happy than I am just because you believe in something I dont?

Reality is a powerfull thing. You can choose to ignore it or understand it.
Kuz U dont have FAITH. I dont know but have U ever tried to reach God?

Ur right Reality is a powerful thing!

I belive that LIFE is a TEST to see if you do good or bad.I also belive that there is a better place than here.For those who do good deserve to go to a better place and those who do bad deserve to stay here.And iam talkling about spirit form. Do U belive U have a soul?
May 13, 2002
Kuz U dont have FAITH. I dont know but have U ever tried to reach God?
No, I dont think I have tried to reach God. Like millions of others, I dont know HOW to do such things. Please, PLEASE, TELL me how to reach GOD!!! Are you telling me that you HAVE reached god? If so, why dont you share with us how that experiance was?

I honestly think your talking out of your ass, 4real. Ya, your right, I dont have faith. Dont feel sorry cuz, I dont. There is a reason why I dont have faith. Is there a reason WHY you do have faith? Most likely cuz your family tought you your shit, or sociaty tought you your shit. Not cuz you learned on your own. Dont feel sorry for me. Dont doubt me and dont question me. We differ in opinions, simple as that. I dont feel sorry if someone like yourslef believes in the toothfairy or unicorns! I say to myself, this person has a different beliefe than I do, no biggie. You, you muthafucka act like George dubya or somethin. READ FOOL, READ. -Violence


Sicc OG
Jul 3, 2002
How to reach God?R U serious.LOL.U PRAY!!!!!! Trust me when Ur time comes U will! There is a reason why i have faith kuz everytime i need Gods help I ask 4 it and I always get it.

U don't learn faith you feel it in your heart! My connection with God is not from Church like U think! Church teaches Religion! And I don't feel sorry 4 you I feel sorry 4 the fact that U don't belive in God. If i diden't belive in God I would keep it to my self. And what's this shit about "toothfairys&Unicorns"LOL. Ur right we do have diffrent beliefs and it ain't no biggie. DONT GET MADD NOW!