Death to De Jesus!!!!

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Mar 12, 2005
Satan's Follower

Jesus Christ, man

Andrea Arango, Opinion Columnist
Rachel Lazarus | Cavalier Daily

HE WEARS gold Rolexes and diamond-studded rings. He owns mansions, luxurious cars and, according to his daughter/accountant, received a salary (not counting gifts) of $136,000 in 2005. No, he isn't a highly-paid working man. He's simply Jesus Christ Man.

Jose Luis De Jesús Miranda, a 60-year-old Puerto Rican ex-convict and former heroin addict, has followers in over 20 countries, including the United States. The question isn't why he's doing it -- as De Jesús said in an NBC interview, "Everyone should be rich," -- the question is why are people actually listening to him? The man is leading a cult, one that preys on the most universal and important of beliefs to human beings: religion. It is brainwashing at its most fundamental, but, disguised as religion, his movement is unstoppable.

De Jesús, who preaches that there is no sin, no hell and no devil, diverges greatly from common Christian beliefs and repeatedly states in his sermons that not even the Pope knows the truth like he does.

Jesus Christ Man, however, is far from consistent in his speeches. His teachings, and for that matter, his life, are full of contradictions, beginning surprisingly, with the issue of his own identity. When De Jesús founded Creciendo en Gracia (Growing in Grace) in a Miami warehouse some 20 years ago, he claimed a few hundred followers. As both his movement and reputation grew, so did his title. In 1988, according to the Miami Herald, he announced he was the reincarnation of the Apostle Paul. In 1999, he dubbed himself "the Other," a sort of spiritual demi-god who would pave the way for Christ's second coming. It wasn't until 2004 when he proclaimed himself to be Jesus Christ and the sole interpreter of the gospel.

"Well, it's like you," De Jesús says in a interview, in respect to the issue of why it took him more than 30 years to decide he was Christ. "You were a young man, then you got married, then you became a father, then your kids have kids and you became a grandfather. You grow into things in life."

Now to any kind of person with a rational brain, this would be a clue that something is wrong; one does not, for example, grow up to be Jesus. Contrary to what De Jesús believes, being Jesus is not a career choice. His followers, however, ignore this self-naming and adamantly proclaim that De Jesús is really God.

"I believe he's the lord," said Alvaro Albarracin, in a Miami Herald interview. "I will be thankful to him in as many ways as I can, especially with money, because money is nothing." According to the Herald, Albarracin, who started Dial tone Internet, a very successful Web-hosting company he recently sold for $16.5 million, contributes $12,000 a month to the ministry and now dedicates his life to "Dad." Named the entrepreneur of entrepreneurs, Albarracin helps other parishioners set up businesses that feed money into the ministry. According to the Miami Herald, the most devoted of these hundreds of business owners make De Jesús their CEO. The rest simply give him 20 to 80 percent of the take, which, for Leonel Martinez, a medical equipment importer, is $50,000 a year.

These are not the typical donations one is expected to make in church. Even the Bible only states the recommended tithe to be 10 percent. De Jesús, in the style of typical cult leaders is taking advantage of his followers by saying that although donations are only voluntary, they are eminent for the will of God to be carried out.

So where does all the money go to? Certainly not to the poor or others in need of aid. No; according to De Jesús in a Miami Herald interview, "Everything I get goes to making sure the word is spread."

De Jesús, for example, is not content with a few million followers (the exact number of which cannot be confirmed, since Creciendo en Gracia holds no record of its members). Instead, he envisions what his Web site ( proclaims as "the Government of God on Earth." The government, run by himself, would eventually get rid of any religion and follow only his teachings, bringing all nations to the obedience of faith. "I will be the president of the biggest government this Earth has experienced," he says proudly on a CBS interview.

This, of course, should hint at his true nature. After all, when was Jesus ever concerned with world domination? But again, through manipulation and the clever use of religion, he has all his followers believing this is how things are meant to be.

Under De Jesús's tutelage, his followers have destroyed icons and books from Christian churches, torn pictures of the Pope and other religious figures, and violently protested other religions. While many are blind to De Jesús's motives and actions, a few see it for what it truly is: a dangerous cult.

"Growing in Grace," says cult expert Rick Ross on a Today Show interview, "does appear to fit the primary criteria of a destructive cult: an absolute authoritarian leader, a process of persuasion that can be seen as brainwashing and then finally exploitation of the members."

"Well if it's a cult it's the best cult ever," argues De Jesús in the same interview. "It's a nice cult. I'm proud to lead a cult like this."

However, not even this admission has lost him any followers. In fact, the numbers only continue to increase every day.

He doesn't walk on water, turn water into wine, or perform any of the healing miracles Jesus of Nazareth was well-known for, and yet De Jesús has a crafty answer for everything anyone asks him.

Sooner or later, though, he will fall. Like the girl who realized the Emperor wore no clothes, Creciendo en Gracia's members will hopefully one day wake up to the realization that this man clothed in nothing but false statements is nothing and no one. A cult leader trying to get rich.

"I won't die. Even if you tried to kill me," De Jesús says on CNN. Perhaps this one statement will be his downfall; for while many things cannot be proven, death is always pretty obvious. Good thing he has all those bodyguards then.

Andrea Arango's column appears Fridays in The Cavalier Daily. She can be reached at [email protected].

False Prophet said:
"I won't die. Even if you tried to kill me," De Jesús says on CNN. Perhaps this one statement will be his downfall; for while many things cannot be proven, death is always pretty obvious. Good thing he has all those bodyguards then.
This is the same thing MEXICANCOMMANDO and HERESY said, but in his case, Not True, get read De Jesus, I'm coming for ya bitch!
Mar 9, 2005
His divergence from common christian belief doesn't necessarily mean he's wrong... besides, if people are willing to pay him for talking shit, then why the hell not? The church has made billions and billions of dollars over the past two thousand years - there's still no proof that God exists...
Mar 12, 2005
Deadpool said:
Why you gotta hate on his hustle?
@Hutch, my grandfather, maybe at the most throughout his ministry made petty money, maybe a few thousand, total in his time as a minister. Without, having to claim to be God or a form of deity or reincarnation of a religious figure. He never led people to do extreme things for him, neither did he have riches except maybe the few things he could afford for his family. That's why.

Deadpool, read what I just posted, I don't hate on his hustle, would you get mad if I started a Cult and recruited your mom until she was broke as hell? Of course, I wouldn't mind pimping your mom, so the same applies to this man. I'm just joking about pimping your mom, but that's what he's pretty much doing. Most Cult leaders, have been known to be pedophiles and rapists.
Jul 22, 2006

There is a point where you have to acknowledge that if a person is stupid there is nothing you can do to stop them from falling for something incredibly retarded. These people control their own lives it is up to them to do with it as they please.

What ever happened to the principals of free will and freedom of choice?

How is you imposing your will upon these people and telling them they are supporting a cult any different from what you claim this jesus man is doing to them?

Why is belief in your God and the following of your religion more rational than these people believing in the jesus man and following him?

Every major modern religion started off as a “cult” at some point. It is just a religion regarded as unorthodox or outside of the mainstream at a given time. For Christian religious followers to be so threatened by this “cult” as to attack it in such a way is more a statement on their unstable status as a powerful world religion than it is an indictment of this “cult”.

Haters are usually the weakest or those that are losing or have already lost. You hating his game exposes your weakness.

Time for you to break for some self reflection.
Aug 26, 2002
@Hutch, my grandfather, maybe at the most throughout his ministry made petty money, maybe a few thousand, total in his time as a minister. Without, having to claim to be God or a form of deity or reincarnation of a religious figure. He never led people to do extreme things for him, neither did he have riches except maybe the few things he could afford for his family. That's why.

Deadpool, read what I just posted, I don't hate on his hustle, would you get mad if I started a Cult and recruited your mom until she was broke as hell? Of course, I wouldn't mind pimping your mom, so the same applies to this man. I'm just joking about pimping your mom, but that's what he's pretty much doing. Most Cult leaders, have been known to be pedophiles and rapists.

you preach a belief that does just that.

I dont give 2 shit that you dont agree with church...the fact that you sit here everyday and prech about Jesus and how he is real..
keeps people ...(maybe not on the siccness)..
believing in CHURCH!

Jesus = Church

I dont give a shit what is in your brain..
the reality of AMERICA..and most of the world is that they need to go to church to be "close" or get "closer" to GOD.
U think coming to the siccness and telling us how you dont agree with church is gonna actually change that?????


thats what people believe and it will never change..

Aug 26, 2002
Deadpool said:
How is you imposing your will upon these people and telling them they are supporting a cult any different from what you claim this jesus man is doing to them?

Why is belief in your God and the following of your religion more rational than these people believing in the jesus man and following him?

Every major modern religion started off as a “cult” at some point. It is just a religion regarded as unorthodox or outside of the mainstream at a given time. For Christian religious followers to be so threatened by this “cult” as to attack it in such a way is more a statement on their unstable status as a powerful world religion than it is an indictment of this “cult”.

Haters are usually the weakest or those that are losing or have already lost. You hating his game exposes your weakness.

Time for you to break for some self reflection.
basically what i was getting at!

Mar 12, 2005
JLMACN said:
you preach a belief that does just that.

I dont give 2 shit that you dont agree with church...the fact that you sit here everyday and prech about Jesus and how he is real..
keeps people ...(maybe not on the siccness)..
believing in CHURCH!

Jesus = Church


thats what people believe and it will never change..

I agree for the most part with Deadpool, who said that it was my intention to convert siccness member, when 99.3 percent of the siccness won't even conform to logical reasoning? When a thread pertaining to my faith has a question, I will answer it. Do I pray for people on here? Yes, do I have High hopes that the words I type may encourage them to learn more yes? But in no way am I forcing my religion, or using my religion to convert anyone on here.
I dont give a shit what is in your brain..
the reality of AMERICA..and most of the world is that they need to go to church to be "close" or get "closer" to GOD.
U think coming to the siccness and telling us how you dont agree with church is gonna actually change that?????
I agree that church brings us closer to God, church sometimes causes you to be farther away, because it may entice you to do something else, who said that my Heretic views contrary to those of the Orthodox Church would change anything, you're questioning me with your own idea that I'm trying to convert people with my dogmas. If a few people on this website can search the truth themselves, then I can give a shit what you, 206, and Monkey Evolutionists, commie, nazi, zionists, or ignorant Gangstah can say, because it's all worth it. I don't take the internet seriously, I like to get into debates to learn, and teach, and not necessarily to win over someone or trample them unless direct criticism is necessary.
Nov 1, 2005
this dejesus guy is no different then a dope dealer.he's giving people sumthing they want or need and they pay him for it.if he dont give it to them ,sum1 else quit being a hater stockton.
Aug 26, 2002

January 18, 2007 - KCTV5 News Investigation - Killer Cult?

She was just five and a half years old and she desperately needed medical attention. But a KCTV5 News Investigation has uncovered a dying little girl who never got the chance to see a doctor. Instead, she was told she had demons inside her, and it was not the only case we've uncovered.
More >>

Mar 12, 2005
JLMACN said:


You're just adding more to what I'm saying, Death to these Cult Members. Do you actually think by posting this you offend me or God, you're just making my case stronger!!!
Mar 12, 2005
Exactly, JMACLN, didn't even hand my ass out to me? If anything he actually helped where I was trying to get at, not killing me. It was never even a debate.