DEATH MATCH: Octopus vs. Shark [Video]

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May 15, 2002
That's crazy how quickly the octopus can change color so quickly. Ocean creatures are the shit, they're all hella creepy.

There's a website that has this and a lot of other "nature" videos. Let me see if I can find it.
May 15, 2002
I bet. Octopi are flat out one of the most frightening creatures I have ever seen in my life. I would almost rather get torn apart by a great white than get caught by an octopus.
Jan 11, 2006
SHEA said:
Trippy....I was in Maui, Hawaiii ( lahina ).....& I was snorkeling @ this place called "the slaughterhouse" right next to an octopus. I didnt even see him til it was too late, & he got spooked......took off leaving a trail of ink behind. Freaked me out somethin fierce.
i think its squids that spit out ink, maybe both tho. damn wut if u went deep sea diving hella meters deep down and u saw a big ass oct like the size of a fridge or sum shit haha id be HELLA spooked
May 15, 2002
Damn, those are some crazy animals, 2-0. That first squid looks like a jellyfish-squid hybrid. The Fangtooth? I've never seen an animal so aptly named. Still doesn't make the octpous any less scary. The deep sea kicks ass.
May 13, 2002
SHEA said:
Trippy....I was in Maui, Hawaiii ( lahina ).....& I was snorkeling @ this place called "the slaughterhouse" ....

I dislike the ocean very much. I went snorkeling in Mexico a while back, and shit was cool at first. I’m in the water looking at some pretty fish, lots of different colors, shit’s pretty dope. Then I see this fucking mean ass barracuda lookin mahfucka swimming towards me and naturally I gasp for air, but I’m fuckin snorkeling underwater right, so I inhale a lung full of seawater and now I’m about to die either by drowning or this big toothed fish type creature is going to eat me or maybe both. Luckily I fucking swim to the top and as soon as my head gets out of water I’m literally about 1 foot away from this huge fucking bird, the ones with the huge beaks right, and it starts fucking flapping its wings and making all this sound at me, I nearly had a fucking heart attack, all the while I’m choking and coughing up seawater while I’m worried about the creature below my feet. I swam my ass off back to shore and just laid in the sand for awhile. Last time I ever went in the ocean.
Dec 9, 2005
2-0-Sixx said:
I dislike the ocean very much. I went snorkeling in Mexico a while back, and shit was cool at first. I’m in the water looking at some pretty fish, lots of different colors, shit’s pretty dope. Then I see this fucking mean ass barracuda lookin mahfucka swimming towards me and naturally I gasp for air, but I’m fuckin snorkeling underwater right, so I inhale a lung full of seawater and now I’m about to die either by drowning or this big toothed fish type creature is going to eat me or maybe both. Luckily I fucking swim to the top and as soon as my head gets out of water I’m literally about 1 foot away from this huge fucking bird, the ones with the huge beaks right, and it starts fucking flapping its wings and making all this sound at me, I nearly had a fucking heart attack, all the while I’m choking and coughing up seawater while I’m worried about the creature below my feet. I swam my ass off back to shore and just laid in the sand for awhile. Last time I ever went in the ocean.

Damn...crazy first I thought you were gonna say how the big bird saved you from the monstrous it didn't work out like that...glad your ok though..
Feb 17, 2006
lol barracuda are some cool fish tho. i go on some deep sea fishing trips and the cuda would come up and bite in half the king fish we had on. bout 4 foot fish swimmin about 40mph and a cuda come up take off half its body and we would reel in a head lol. cuda are some mean fish but wahoo, scarrryyy muhfuckas. got a row a teeth thatll slice you wide open if you graze em barely. that and they swim 75 mph. gotta use wire to fish em lol
Feb 28, 2006
RedStorm said:
I bet. Octopi are flat out one of the most frightening creatures I have ever seen in my life. I would almost rather get torn apart by a great white than get caught by an octopus.
forreal. a shark would just tear you up on the spot, but the octopus looks like itll torture the shit out of you.