Would've posted this in the Sports section, but thought it would get more replies here...seems like most of these things are playing to Oscar's advantage...
De La Hoya/Mayweather: A Fair Fight? What Happened To The Old Way?
13.02.07 - By Ernesto Morales: When I was a youngster growing up in the tough South Bronx and in the barrios of P.R., there existed an almost forgotten tradition of a fair fight. Statistically speaking, my hood, Fort Apache, Bronx, 42nd police precinct, had for many years the infamous reputation of having the highest crime rate in New York for well over a decade and, indeed, the whole nation almost as often and all on official stat list, no less.
But even in this barrio, if two contestants would call each other out to a fair fight, no one, no matter of what race, origin, religion, barrio, colors, would dare violate the code. No one. Fair fight was a Man's code and respected. I personally prevented (at times with difficulty) my homies from breaking our gentleman's agreement. Whether your man won or lost and/or there were gang /barrio/race/boundary issues still pending, they would be resolved afterwards in declared rumbles and even they sometimes had rules of war that we abided by.
Sure we resorted to ambushes, barrio style gorilla warfare, BUT fair fight was respected. It is important I add that those innocent bystander shootings we find common today were considered so cowardly that they just didn't happen.
Now, where am I going with this? Well, let's consider the May 5th, 2007 extravaganza. Sure, it's a mega fight but is it a Mega Fair Fight? I invite you all to take a closer look.
Here we have a great, physically bigger fighter vs a great smaller fighter. But it's the bigger fighter that has deliberately stacked the cards in his favor as far and as long as believably / unbelievably possible by forcing the smaller fighter to accept all the pre-fight conditions or the fight's off, cancelled or aborted like some undesired pregnancy. Isn't being bigger and getting the Lion's share of the event enough?? Apparently not.
Floyd must concede to Oscar's demands of:
1-Financial arrangements
2-Pre-fight promotional demands
3-Ring size to cut his versatility. If we remember well, when Oscar fought Trinidad he also then demanded a ring size to his liking, but that time it was a demand for a larger ring or the fight was off! Needless to say, his demands were met.
4-Oscar's Pre-arranged/conditioned weight agreement where Floyd must come in at a certain weight and no lighter in an attempt (a logical attempt) of the Golden Boy to slow down the fleet footed Pretty Boy.
But this fair fight doesn't stop here, there's more;
5-The gloves to be worn are also conditioned to Oscar's wants and desires.
Fair Fight? Some might consider it quite the contrary or more of an un-fair affair reasonably speaking. Well then again, that may depend on whom one is rooting for, should it? Doesn't fair mean just that? No more and no less. Was it ever fair for the bigger schoolyard combatant to get his even bigger brother to help him fight his battles? Or have some one grab or hold down the faster smaller guy? Use brass knuckles? Is it right for the more popular MVP demand that the pitcher inform him of what pitches he's about to throw or the game is off. Or can a Carl Lewis demand that the opposing sprinter run with lead weights on his ankles? No? Why not? Because although it might/can be legally worked out it still doesn't sound fair.
I'm not a hater. Those who know me can attest that that isn't my style. It's only my way of seeing things. I'm old school although some might consider me too Old fashioned for today's boxing modern times.
But then again, my interpretation of a fair fight may be biased and un-fair on account of my upbringing and really doesn't hold water. Like I already said, it might depend on whom one has their money on or rooting for. Personally, I'd like for The Pretty Boy to get some ring dust on his behind but that would only satisfy my dream craving if it were done on even terms or in a fair fight.
Do I believe that Oscar can't beat Floyd on even terms? Good question. What do you guys think? Whether you or I believe or think he can or can't IS not the issue. Does Oscar believe he can? Stop and think about it. Well, judging by his conditions and his demands, he...Oh well, you be the judge. I believe I've said enough.
De La Hoya/Mayweather: A Fair Fight? What Happened To The Old Way?
13.02.07 - By Ernesto Morales: When I was a youngster growing up in the tough South Bronx and in the barrios of P.R., there existed an almost forgotten tradition of a fair fight. Statistically speaking, my hood, Fort Apache, Bronx, 42nd police precinct, had for many years the infamous reputation of having the highest crime rate in New York for well over a decade and, indeed, the whole nation almost as often and all on official stat list, no less.
But even in this barrio, if two contestants would call each other out to a fair fight, no one, no matter of what race, origin, religion, barrio, colors, would dare violate the code. No one. Fair fight was a Man's code and respected. I personally prevented (at times with difficulty) my homies from breaking our gentleman's agreement. Whether your man won or lost and/or there were gang /barrio/race/boundary issues still pending, they would be resolved afterwards in declared rumbles and even they sometimes had rules of war that we abided by.
Sure we resorted to ambushes, barrio style gorilla warfare, BUT fair fight was respected. It is important I add that those innocent bystander shootings we find common today were considered so cowardly that they just didn't happen.
Now, where am I going with this? Well, let's consider the May 5th, 2007 extravaganza. Sure, it's a mega fight but is it a Mega Fair Fight? I invite you all to take a closer look.
Here we have a great, physically bigger fighter vs a great smaller fighter. But it's the bigger fighter that has deliberately stacked the cards in his favor as far and as long as believably / unbelievably possible by forcing the smaller fighter to accept all the pre-fight conditions or the fight's off, cancelled or aborted like some undesired pregnancy. Isn't being bigger and getting the Lion's share of the event enough?? Apparently not.
Floyd must concede to Oscar's demands of:
1-Financial arrangements
2-Pre-fight promotional demands
3-Ring size to cut his versatility. If we remember well, when Oscar fought Trinidad he also then demanded a ring size to his liking, but that time it was a demand for a larger ring or the fight was off! Needless to say, his demands were met.
4-Oscar's Pre-arranged/conditioned weight agreement where Floyd must come in at a certain weight and no lighter in an attempt (a logical attempt) of the Golden Boy to slow down the fleet footed Pretty Boy.
But this fair fight doesn't stop here, there's more;
5-The gloves to be worn are also conditioned to Oscar's wants and desires.
Fair Fight? Some might consider it quite the contrary or more of an un-fair affair reasonably speaking. Well then again, that may depend on whom one is rooting for, should it? Doesn't fair mean just that? No more and no less. Was it ever fair for the bigger schoolyard combatant to get his even bigger brother to help him fight his battles? Or have some one grab or hold down the faster smaller guy? Use brass knuckles? Is it right for the more popular MVP demand that the pitcher inform him of what pitches he's about to throw or the game is off. Or can a Carl Lewis demand that the opposing sprinter run with lead weights on his ankles? No? Why not? Because although it might/can be legally worked out it still doesn't sound fair.
I'm not a hater. Those who know me can attest that that isn't my style. It's only my way of seeing things. I'm old school although some might consider me too Old fashioned for today's boxing modern times.
But then again, my interpretation of a fair fight may be biased and un-fair on account of my upbringing and really doesn't hold water. Like I already said, it might depend on whom one has their money on or rooting for. Personally, I'd like for The Pretty Boy to get some ring dust on his behind but that would only satisfy my dream craving if it were done on even terms or in a fair fight.
Do I believe that Oscar can't beat Floyd on even terms? Good question. What do you guys think? Whether you or I believe or think he can or can't IS not the issue. Does Oscar believe he can? Stop and think about it. Well, judging by his conditions and his demands, he...Oh well, you be the judge. I believe I've said enough.