Please come and check out the hottest DC, MD and VA area rap music you'll ever hear.
The Houze of Reprezentativez Compilation is now available for a discounted price of $9.00.
Represent your city and region and support this phenomenal CD. Support local Rap artists and groups.
Be sure to go listen to some of the tracks at - www.soundclick.com/houzeofreprezentativez
Any and all questions and comments are welcomed?
Skinny Corleone, Executive Producer
[email protected]:devious:
Please come and check out the hottest DC, MD and VA area rap music you'll ever hear.
The Houze of Reprezentativez Compilation is now available for a discounted price of $9.00.
Represent your city and region and support this phenomenal CD. Support local Rap artists and groups.
Be sure to go listen to some of the tracks at - www.soundclick.com/houzeofreprezentativez
Any and all questions and comments are welcomed?
Skinny Corleone, Executive Producer
[email protected]:devious: