day 5 wooohooo im on a tear

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Sicc OG
Sep 15, 2002
5 days now and counting im tryna see how long i can stay up and remain sumwhat sane its day 5 and im OK i feel great jus drank sum RESSURECTION coffee thats a cup of coffee with a half tenth of crystal meth in it woo hooo


Sicc OG
Sep 15, 2002
^^ no never brotha ahhaha im on a tear ahhah meth meth meth ahhaha jus did a line and smoked a fat bowl ohhh its so good ahah im bout to fuck this hoe too haha oh yea anit nuthin like fuckin when u been up for a good 5 or 6 days ahaha
May 12, 2002
Try nutting after being up for 5 days. I had trouble concentrating after my 4th day lol. Ive made it 5 one time, and i tell you i was also halucenating by day 4. Then you develop odd personallities and think people are talking about you. Just be careful cause my one friend who stayed up for 5 days, his brain swelled up and he had to go to the hospital.
Apr 25, 2002
The average person would be declared legally insane after roughly 72 hours of absolutely no sleep, of course we're all different. I stayed up for about 3 days once (without the assistance of narcotics, coffee or Caffiene). The end of the 2nd night, I sat up and squished little green bugs that were flying through the crack in my screen for about 2 1/2 hours straight. The 3rd day, I started hearing shit, and after a while I began responding to it. By the end of the 3rd night, I was seeing shit, hearing shit, and I wanted to rip the hair out of my head. I was scratching at my skin, I wanted to hit myself, and I hated my girlfriend. Then, I went to sleep...
Jun 24, 2004
i never stay up on meth anymore, its all about maintaining your shit, Do u want to look like a fucking tweaker? A 100 pound scum bag who hasnt bathed in days? But dont get me wrong, fuck ill hit the bong all day. But make sure u get at least a min of 5 hours of shuteye/sleep. Even if u cant truly get into a "deep Sleep" it still does your mind and eyes good with the rest. Now with eating, comes the hardest part, some people just cant fucking eat. But theres steps too make it easier. First off, dont play the pipe like a fucking flute, make sure u smoke it right. If not meth WILL end up in/on your tongue and general mouth area, I cannot stress how much that fucking sucks. If that happens, kiss your chance of eating goodbye for the next 2 to 3 days till that shit goes away. 2nd, alot of people go crazy tongue or grind there teeth way too much. 1. youll end up with a raw tongue 2. bloody gums. In a perfect world you should be able to control these habits. If not go out and get yourself a babies pacifier. Suck on it to negate the tongue madness. If not chew lots of gum( ive seen some dumbfucks who got too high and chewed there fucking tongue and didnt even know it).

If you can do this, its impossible for a normal person to tell if your a meth addict. Smoke 2 bowls get some sleep, wake up eat a big breakfast, smoke another 2-5 bowls, head off to work. Repeat
Oct 20, 2003
after three days of no sleep u become ccytzo... and i think they say if u go 12 days u cna die? i guess cuz ur body needs rest.. well shit- i knew kids that would go months ithout showering- but never have i met someone who isnt tweakin that wants no sleep.... SLEEP IS UR FRIEND!!!!!!! lol
Oct 20, 2003
oo nvm u are tweakin... i jus finished readin the thread.. well have fun.. u goin to go insane... well i can see u already are... SLEEP U BASTID SLEEP!!!!
Jul 15, 2002
UGT said:
5 days now and counting im tryna see how long i can stay up and remain sumwhat sane its day 5 and im OK i feel great jus drank sum RESSURECTION coffee thats a cup of coffee with a half tenth of crystal meth in it woo hooo
If, you ever wanna see how fast you can be put to sleep....WALK UP 2 A BLACK GUY and scream....WHITE POWDER!!!