You have to register yourself with one of the major companies, usually ASCAP or BMI... Getting paid for your works is another story. If you aren't one of the top 10 rappers then forget it. You have to get played to get paid... and you have to have companies who can track that you've been getting played... so if you're not all over the radio, clubs, and the television, you will not get a check. The record business is not what it's cracked up to be. I would bet my life that if you don't ever write something that someone else blows up, you ain't seeing a check. It's more realistic to make money making the music rather than making money off the music. What I mean is it's easier to provide services to artists (ghostwriting, beats, production, studio time, etc) and make money than to be the artist. But it's not that easier, we're talking maybe 10% easier to service the artists rather than being one... If you already have plugs into the industry for that and if you have skills then it should be pretty straightforward... As for your specific question, if you do blow and you write and perform your own shit, then you will be paid for both, as an indy artist... however, the standard issue record deal comes with a DICK up your ass and you won't get the publishing, guaranteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!