You like that? lol
Ummm...D-Sane has been real busy pressure washing his deck so he can refinish it this weekend. Gotta have the backyard lookin' nice for the summer ya know! What else?? Ummm...I just found out that I'm a grandfather. Yeah...I wasn't too happy to hear about that one (no congrats needed). Hmmmm....other than that I've just been chillin' with my girl. wanted to know what's goin' on with the music? As far as SLR...nothing. I'm thinkin' about doin' a 10th Anniversary album next year...I dunno though. Other than that I'm just recording, mixing and mastering alot these days...not too much beat making. Running the studio is paying the bills right that's where I'm focusing my attention. I'm supposed to have some tracks that I produced comin' out soon hopefully.....I'll let you know when they drop.