Dissin B-12
Killa Tay dissin B-12 is pure comedy to me. Only if on the day in question when K-Tay got his thong in a knot at B-12 If he had only woke up on the left side of the bed, drove in the left lane instead of the right, stayed in his car maybe a second longer, maybe his attitude would have been more positive and this shit never would have happened.
I was there that day and NOBODY hit 12! J-Dub and Illa-Tay were talking shit, but not doing a damn thing. I've got nothing against K-Tay, but fuck he didn't do shit. Personally, I feel B would have served him. J-Dub was an observer like the rest of us that day. I'm not talking shit, but I think Manslaughter-Tay (with a plea of negligence) is bi-polar. I've seen him talk major shit, and IN THE SAME BREATH take everything back followed with "I'm sorry, I'm just having a bad day"
Come on now. This fucking business is a motherfucker. Labels are hard on whoever they wanna be hard on. From the distributor to the manufacturer to the mail man.With Tay being upset is self defeating and harmful to independent rap.
Knowing that someone can be so volatile and want to diss the mother fucker trying to help him makes me know that I won't work with that person-------FOR SHIT!
So listen to Tay go off on a tangent, but remember---I was there and nothing happened.