Crooked Interview
Never Interview Click Below
"This is Crooked from DRF and I'm here to set the record straight. These are the facts, Darkroom has been releasing s--- years before Lowdown. In '93, Darkroom was the only ones releasing s---. In '95 Lowdown released a black & white cassette. Saying that when you think of Darkroom, you only think of Dyno is ridiculous because it was three people that started that studio. Three people that bought equipment for that studio and Duke is the one that came up with the name DARKROOM. Those three people are Crooked, Duke and Dyno. When we (Darkroom) got a deal with Explicit Entertainment, we decided to help out these guys and pass their names along to our label. Same thing happened with DogDay. DogDay wanted Me, Duke and Dyno and nobody else, but we brought them in anyway to help them out.
Darkroom quickly dropped five or six albums through DogDay, within a few months realizing that they were screwing us over for money, we decided to leave. DogDay never paid any of us what we were supposed to get paid. It wasn't anybody from Darkroom not handling out money. It was all Jo and Chris from DogDay. We decided to leave them, Lowdown decided to stay and then DogDay ripped them off. It's funny that Never claims that DogDay ripped him off, but he can't believe that they ripped us off as well? So instead he blames some homeboys instead of those crooks from DogDay. Regardless, Darkroom continued while others fell off.
We're still currently releasing s---. We make a living doing it. I don't think too many people can say that they make a living off of it. As far as Dyno, I don't know why he likes to drop Dyno's name on the internet but let's get this straight, Dyno is NOT Never's homeboy. Never is NOT Dyno's homeboy. He hasn't known Dyno in 6 years. Me and Duke are the ones who accept his collect calls from jail. Me and Duke are the ones who write him every week and visit him in jail. Me and Duke are the ones who Dyno writes letters to every week. Me and Duke are the ones who put money on his books. So, I hope he does us all a favor and quit mentioning MY homeboy's name. As far as Darkroom. It's still Darkroom. It's still Crooked, Duke, Dyno and Oso and K.I.D, and Young D and Dub. We're all still the best of homeboys. We're all still together. We're also putting out a new slate of young artists: Unknown, Venomous, Young Cra-z and many more. It's pretty funny how people exaggerate their soundscan also. But you know what? Who cares? Who cares about all this childish bulls---. Muthaf------ are in their thirties and I feel bothered that I have to explain s--- to people."
Never Interview Click Below
"This is Crooked from DRF and I'm here to set the record straight. These are the facts, Darkroom has been releasing s--- years before Lowdown. In '93, Darkroom was the only ones releasing s---. In '95 Lowdown released a black & white cassette. Saying that when you think of Darkroom, you only think of Dyno is ridiculous because it was three people that started that studio. Three people that bought equipment for that studio and Duke is the one that came up with the name DARKROOM. Those three people are Crooked, Duke and Dyno. When we (Darkroom) got a deal with Explicit Entertainment, we decided to help out these guys and pass their names along to our label. Same thing happened with DogDay. DogDay wanted Me, Duke and Dyno and nobody else, but we brought them in anyway to help them out.
Darkroom quickly dropped five or six albums through DogDay, within a few months realizing that they were screwing us over for money, we decided to leave. DogDay never paid any of us what we were supposed to get paid. It wasn't anybody from Darkroom not handling out money. It was all Jo and Chris from DogDay. We decided to leave them, Lowdown decided to stay and then DogDay ripped them off. It's funny that Never claims that DogDay ripped him off, but he can't believe that they ripped us off as well? So instead he blames some homeboys instead of those crooks from DogDay. Regardless, Darkroom continued while others fell off.
We're still currently releasing s---. We make a living doing it. I don't think too many people can say that they make a living off of it. As far as Dyno, I don't know why he likes to drop Dyno's name on the internet but let's get this straight, Dyno is NOT Never's homeboy. Never is NOT Dyno's homeboy. He hasn't known Dyno in 6 years. Me and Duke are the ones who accept his collect calls from jail. Me and Duke are the ones who write him every week and visit him in jail. Me and Duke are the ones who Dyno writes letters to every week. Me and Duke are the ones who put money on his books. So, I hope he does us all a favor and quit mentioning MY homeboy's name. As far as Darkroom. It's still Darkroom. It's still Crooked, Duke, Dyno and Oso and K.I.D, and Young D and Dub. We're all still the best of homeboys. We're all still together. We're also putting out a new slate of young artists: Unknown, Venomous, Young Cra-z and many more. It's pretty funny how people exaggerate their soundscan also. But you know what? Who cares? Who cares about all this childish bulls---. Muthaf------ are in their thirties and I feel bothered that I have to explain s--- to people."