So I'm a bitch because I posted a thread about buying it? lol
Anyway they probably raised enough money so they decided they could give it away for free. Thats cool. Maybe more people will get to listen to it.
i'm sure y'all e-groupies enjoy that kind of shit but i find them extremely lame and annoying...dude needs to realize that snoop doesn't give a shit about his irrelevant ass.....
^^ I was thinking like u. I mean Crooked I has his reasons to do that cause the comments Snoop made about him in that dubcnn intreview were cold. But that was back in '06... Crook needs to focus on this new west shit and let the old snoop do his thang... btw, here's an interesting article about Crooked I's album BOSS which seems not so far from being released:
"B.O.S.S. has a home! I can’t say too much because we’re waiting on the press release, but the ink is on the paper." - CROOKED I
Looks like he's finally signed a distribution deal... I bet its Bodog but we'll see...