If you ever weed through all my old posts you would find out why I have been a Steeler fan for over 25 years. I know you don't have time for that shit though, because I don't, lol. There are several reasons for my Steeler roots. Remember, Portland folks never had a local NFL franchise to cheer for ever! Then the seachickens came into existance in 76'-77' as an expansion team. Most folks in Portland already had their favorite NFL team by then and most never have liked the local TV trying to force feed those shitbirds from Seattle to us 503's. When I was a kid I didn't even think the seachickens were a NFL team, but a USFL team, lol. I remember everyone like my pops, uncles, etc. would all be pissed off, because we would get stuck with the afternoon shitbirds game all the time! Thank god nowdays for the NFL Sunday Ticket. Before that, I use to go to A & L Tavern to watch all the Pittsburgh games.