King Cool Nutz is coming out on Dec. 4th, and is already pressed up and ready to rock. The album was shipped to press outlets, and will be featured in the upcoming issue of the Source and Murderdog.
The Miracle is coming out in 2008 on Sick Wid It. So Portland artwork was lost due to our graphic designers computer crashing, and thus you have King Cool Nutz. Pick up your copy on Dec. 4th.
knowone likes every rapper, and that's expected for some people to think that you are wack.
Make sure that you pick up the King Cool Nutz album, or check out some of the music from the new album, might change your thoughts on my wackness. I'm feeling very confident about the album.
Thanks for your feedback though.
If you would like to get a sample of some some of the tracks, please feel free to visit and give us a chance atleast.