Consuming Cloned Cows

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May 13, 2002

Produce from cloned cattle 'safe'

Milk and meat from cloned cattle appear safe for human consumption, a pilot study has found.

Scientists in the US and Japan found that meat and dairy products from a bull and cow cloned using the "Dolly" technique met industry standards.

The team says its results suggest cloning techniques could be used to boost food production, particularly in developing countries.

The study appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Two beef and four dairy clones were used in the research, all derived from a single Holstein dairy cow and a single Japanese black bull.

The scientists, led by Jerry Yang from the University of Connecticut, compared the produce with that from normal animals of similar age and breed.

'Early stage'

The scientists found no significant differences in their comparisons of the milk and meat.

They did find higher levels of fat and fatty acids in the cloned cow meat, but said that these still fell within beef industry standards.

Higher levels of fat can also be seen as a desirable quality in the Japanese black breed of bull that was used for cloning.

The meat was also analysed against more than 100 meat quality criteria, while the milk was analysed for protein, fat and other variables.

The researchers said the milk results indicated that the genes of the cloned animals were functioning normally.

"The production of each milk protein constituent involves the elaborate regulatory function of many proteins and enzymes, and any abnormal gene expression would likely be reflected by imbalances in the constituents of milk," they wrote.

Big question

The scientists concluded that the study showed the produce to be within the range approved for human consumption. But they stressed the research was at an early stage.

They said the findings provided "guidelines" for further research with larger numbers of clones from different genetic backgrounds.

Cloning offers the possibility of raising yields by copying especially productive animals or ones that are resistant to disease.

"The milking production levels in the US are three to four times higher than levels in China; maybe even five times or more compared to cows in India and some other countries," Professor Yang told BBC News.

"Therefore cloning could offer technology for duplicating superior farm animals. However, all the products from these cloned animals must be safe for human consumption. ...and it is a major issue for scientists to provide a scientific basis for the data and information to address this question."

Inefficient technology

But the cloning technique has raised welfare concerns, as most copied animals do not make it to term before being born, and many of those that do are born deformed or prone to illness.

Opponents of the use of cloning in livestock husbandry are also worried that seemingly healthy clones may still have subtle defects that could make their food products unsafe to eat.

"We don't know what this technology will result in in the future; we know so far that it is unsustainable," Compassion in World Farming director, Joyce D'Silva, told BBC News.

"Huge numbers of animals die. They are born with deformed lungs, hearts and kidneys which don't function. They die slow and lingering deaths. Is this the technology that we need or want? I don't think so."

Animal food products from clones have yet to enter the food chain in any country.

Two studies comparing milk and meat respectively from cloned cattle with that from normal animals were published in the journal Cloning & Stem Cells last year. They came to similar conclusions.
Jul 10, 2002

This is so f**ked and agaisnt the laws of nature. If anyone payed attention in Biology, we all know that diversity is a necissity for colonies to thrive and flourish. Of course pilot studies report its all gravy, their getting chipped off by these lobbiest, gotmuphuckindamit!

Didn't any one tells these fools not to put all eggs in one basket (although I guess this isn't too different from the genetically modified corn) Garunteed this meat only gets distributed to the masses and the poor. Let's all feed off monotenous strains to evolve and expose our selves and the cattle to a limitied culture such that any variation or disease will wipe out ere'thing. We're making ourselves wearker!
Nov 17, 2002
"The team says its results suggest cloning techniques could be used to boost food production, particularly in developing countries."

Actually... NO.

It takes 16 pounds of grains and soybeans fed to a cow to produce one pound of edible beef. So it takes 8,000 pounds of grains to make 500 pounds of beef. Many more people can be fed with 8,000 pounds of grains and beans than with 500 pounds of beef. So I question their motive to increase food production.
May 13, 2002
n9newunsixx5150 said:
"The team says its results suggest cloning techniques could be used to boost food production, particularly in developing countries."

Actually... NO.

It takes 16 pounds of grains and soybeans fed to a cow to produce one pound of edible beef. So it takes 8,000 pounds of grains to make 500 pounds of beef. Many more people can be fed with 8,000 pounds of grains and beans than with 500 pounds of beef. So I question their motive to increase food production.
Good point.


Apr 25, 2002
Contagious Locc said:
^^^its a biased question because not everyone has the same beliefs..

Jeudo-Christian belief is that although animals have a spirit, they do not have a soul

It's a biased question because not everyone has the same beliefs? Have you read what he posted pertaining to his beliefs? Do a search for Karma (2 recent threads should pop up) and you'll see why I asked the question.

He does not have "judeo-christian" beliefs. If you were to classify his belief/doctrine/dogma it would be considered hinduism (in a generic/general way). When he gave his insight in the other two threads (and he did this respectfully) he didn't do it from a judeo christian position. With that being said I would like to know from him if the souls that inhabit the cloned animals are souls that fell into the "material realm"? It's not a loaded question but I would like to understand how his doctrine reconciles the obvious. Of course the scriptures he adheres to don't mention cloned animals but I would like for him to bring me up to date on current "hindu" thought concerning the subject.

I wish I didn't have to explain my reason/motive to you (because I didn't ask you the question) but it's all good :)

Nov 17, 2002
Like I said, there are not different types of souls. In other words, the soul in a cow is the same type of soul in a dog, tree, panda, human, etc, etc. Why should cloning make any difference? No one is artificially producing a soul. So yes, the soul in a cloned cow is the same type as any other living organism. There isn't anything here that needs reconciling.

The reason I said your question is biased is because you asked as if there are different types of souls. I am pretty sure we went over that in one of the other threads, but maybe I didn't clarify it enough.
Apr 8, 2004
HERESY said:
I wish I didn't have to explain my reason/motive to you (because I didn't ask you the question) but it's all good :)

you didn't have explain anything to me you just took it upon yourself too. since this is a message board i just added my two cents thats all but i hear what you sayin. peace
Jan 9, 2004
n9newunsixx5150 said:
" It takes 16 pounds of grains and soybeans fed to a cow to produce one pound of edible beef. So it takes 8,000 pounds of grains to make 500 pounds of beef. Many more people can be fed with 8,000 pounds of grains and beans than with 500 pounds of beef. So I question their motive to increase food production.

Grain and soybean farmers could really benefit by this too.