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Oct 28, 2005
BLAZE said:
For those that want to see the truth about who was behind 9/11

you must watch the whole movie, it gets into the good stuff about 20-25 minutes into it.

There is alot more documentries that go indepth on other related things out there to. Check them out. The link cocaleafs posted to the illuminati film is good, that's bro for posting that.
You still ain't going nowhere. Look at your group mentality. You wouldn't have the courage to leave behind your friends, family, REPUTATION, JOB, and all of these things.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Fuck the democrats AND republicans. Not speaking on personal terms, just in general. They're all pieces of shit and are pretty much the same.

and LMFAO @ propaganda....Do you wear glasses? Cause you seem to be a bit blind.
May 9, 2002
It's funny how I get called a liberal, I 've been called this other places too for trying to open peoples eyes a see the proof that 9/11 was bullshit. I claim no political party.

I've been watching quite a few movies on 9/11 recently. There is alot of them for free on Just type in 9/11 truth once you get to the google video servers. There is videos from college professors, x-police detectives, scientists ect.. Some are more to the facts than that alex jones film link I posted wich has alot of convention footage.

There is many different people offering up to 1 million dollars to proove 9/11 was really done the way the US gov't says. Some are calling it a conspiracy, but after seeing it all on video I know that it's true. It all makes sense.

What concerns me is not much being done about it. Look what happened in LA over just one man, rodney king. But nothing happens when something way worse, like this happens. What in the hell is going on? No one knows?
May 30, 2002
these movies feed the parinoia that the goverment is corrupt and after everyone!!! You have no faith in mankind or America if you believe this b.s. Man if I thought this shit was real I would wanna kill myself!!! Use your brain. 9/11 was a horrible tragady and it sucks it took that many people to die for our goverment to do somthing about these extreamist. We should have done more the first time the wtc was bombed in the 90's. Or better yet when Clinton would have stoped Osama when he had the chance, which was more than one time!!!
Oct 28, 2005
^^ Very good observations.

People still aren't understanding that shit like 9/11 can and will happen. People are so terrified that their whole little world was shattered, that they are willing to believe just about anything other than the accepted version of events. Scared little pussies that can't even comprehend that there are people out there who hate them, no matter how Liberal or "Open-Minded" or all this other bullshit that they are.

Friends.....I know the world out there is scary, but you are going to have to grow up sooner or later. There are people out there who legitimately HATE the United States, and EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN IT.

NOT just Rich people. NOT just Politicians. NOT just the Government. EVERY SINGLE PERSON.....INCLUDING YOU. -- Just like the White Girl in the Malcolm X book, you CANNOT `help' them. They want to kill you; you will not be changing their minds; and they do not require your assistance.

Seriously though.....grow up.
May 9, 2002
503hustler, sorry to inform you it is not to inflict paranoia. It is to inform you of the truth. If you don't beleive it, research the stuff for your self and you wll find it's true.

There are many documentrys made, that I suggest you take more time to look at.The more you see, the more you will understand. One called "loose change" is good. You can actually see the implosions demolishing the building. I suggest taking a look at most of the movies on

The real paranioa come from these act's commited by high powers(gov't). It gives you the illusion that you need to accept things like the "patriot act" that took alot of your constitutional rights away. All in the name of fighting terrorism and to protect you, they pass laws that take away your liberties and freedoms. And give it a name"patriot" to make you think it is good. look at who realy benifits from these things. Gov't/cops are total control freaks and they love stuff that makes it easier for them to control you like a slave.

Do you think if we where in danger from a real terrorist threat our borders would be left as wide open as they are? There was not even enough gov't here to help the Katrina victoms, they are all out in other countrys trying to take over there resourses.

Type in "real id act" in google. You can see that it is real. It was passed by attaching the bill to a milatary funding bill for money for our troops. It was done that way so it would pass. The real id act inposes that we have a form of national id card. The card will have biometric details stored of a RFID chip. This RFID chips make it so you can be tracked. RFID is not as tackable as GPS. This is to take effect by 2008!

I have not looked recently at the artist PARIS(gorilla funk) website. But I did see one of these 9/11 documentrys done by him. Check his website out.

Dirtyshoez, it is quite odvious to me you are a FED or are associated with them, maybe your parents are. You live in Belingham, WA wich is FED central of the NW. I know for a fact DOD has a large office there and many training courses are done there for the fedral gov't.

So you think 503hulstlers observations is good, of course you would. Because he will be the type to follow the orders and believe that everything the gov't does is good and right. He is a prime example of how the gov't would like everyone to be, like a cattle or sheep. That will not give them any resistance and accept everything they do to you, even if it is humanly wrong.

If you are trying to imply that I'm one of these people that want all americans dead. You are very wrong. I want good things for this countrys people. Like Liberty,Freedom, low taxes, a goverment that helps it people and not restricts them, A gov't that does not inprision it's people more than any country in the world, a gov't that is not full of corruption, equal rights for everyone, no police killing and inprisioning inocent people. I could go on and on.

Dirtyshoes you are the bullshit, you are brainwashed like a phycopathic cops that goes and kidnaps people every day for petty crimes thinking what they do is good. Cops are suppose to to protect and serve, but they mostly control and imprison. I will not have my freedoms and libertys taking from me and I will die for my rights!

Prove the documentrys are not true!

I would not like to kill the good people in this country, I'd like to kill corrupted people like you that try and run this country like a nazi camp.I'm fully grown, Come get some pig!