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Feb 9, 2006

i will also be posting columns and the latest news!!!!!!!
cheaptimes i got ya back dogg

Hello folks and welcome to my debut column at I'd imagine that some of you are familiar with who I am and others aren't. If you don't, you will soon find out. Once a month, I will be doing a column called "The Fifth" which is actually pure sarcasm. I will take 5 wrestling topics and comment on them. It's a step outside of my usual editorials, but I am sure you will enjoy it. Let's roll......

I imagine the conversation with Vince McMahon going something like this...."Rob smokes pot? I had no idea!". Right. If this was a shock to anyone that's watched wrestling in the last 5 years, that is sad. At the first "One Night Stand" Paul Heyman even made a reference to "Lighting up the 420 with Rob Van Dam". The bust couldn't have come at a worse time for Rob and it's a shame that his major push had to be put on hold for awhile. I think WWE did the right thing here although I believe had their "bust" not have been so publicized, the punishment would have been a bit more leinent.


It seems the geniuses at WWE Headquarters are scratching their heads, wondering why Saturday Night's Main Event did such a poor rating. Despite what comes out of his mouth each and every week, Adam Copeland is not a "rating's getter". He may have been "the most watched Champion in the last five years", but honestly that was only for two reasons. One, everyone wanted to see how Cena would react and Two....well yeah there are two of them about 6 inches below Lita's chin.

Well it's about time. Sting is by far the biggest name in the history of TNA (unless you count Hogan's one appearance a few years back). Sting should have walked in and taken the title from day one, but Jarrett's politics shine through every time don't they. What is Jeff now, a 3,176 time NWA Champion? I have personally had contact with a few TNA Stars (who identities will remain a secret out of respect) who have told me that politics in TNA run a lot more ramped than anyone would think. Hopefully with Sting's influence and drawing power, the politics in TNA will seize. If only for a little while.


This is just another example of some useless wrestling web site owner who does nothing but copy and paste his news off of REAL wrestling news sites (such as this one). I am sure many of you are tired of clicking on links to false news stories so some idiot can make 2 cents off of your hit. Apparently, this phony posted this news to get hits and believed that he wouldn't be exposed for filing false allegations. I sincerely hope that Randy Orton and/or the WWE and the news reporter he alleged he got this story from all sue him for every penny he's worth. Perhaps then, he will need your "hits" more than ever folks.


This was a sudden move that didn't surprise me. What is the point of a Wrestling promotion or site in general having a place for their members to express their ideas and views and never listen to what they have to say? I was a member of the TNA Message Board and constantly would read people pleading for them to stop putting the NWA Title on Double J. As you can see they listened well. I will go on record once again by saying that Raven, Samoa Joe or Sting could draw more ratings in one week than Jarrett could in a year. The brain surgeons down in Orlando need to realize that they are not the WWE and need all the input they can get.
Feb 9, 2006
by Brian Thompson @ 11:37:00 AM on 7/29/2006

Oh, what a strange business we all find ourselves in! Professional wrestling, or sports entertainment to some, is a business that will definitely take you on an emotional roller coaster ride one way or another.

A lot of times, it becomes so easy to be negative toward the wrestling product of today. I am as guilty of doing this as the next party. However, this week, I’ve had a few revelations. Things are not as bad in the wrestling business as they could be.

I take a look at things from two perspectives. First, I’m a fan of the business and have been for the better part of 20 years. Second, I am also involved in the business on and off again, doing any number of things from announcing, promoting, marketing, managing and pretty much anything other than actually competing as a wrestler on some local events.

As a fan, it is really easy to get super negative about the product and the way things are handled. But, as a semi-regular performer, I look at things in a different manner.

Let’s step back in time, about 365 days ago.

In August 2005, the landscape of professional wrestling was much different.

Some things a year later are the same. We still have RAW and SmackDown! WWE is still the kingpin of the industry and Hulk Hogan is, once again, making a return at, once again, SummerSlam.

However, there are some major changes. Total Nonstop Action (TNA) Wrestling is now on SpikeTV with a Thursday night timeslot. One year ago, TNA was only set to debut on the network after a year long run on FoxSports. I don’t know a lot of financial numbers for the company, but I would venture to say that they are in much better shape today than they were one year ago. For the fan, this means an alternative to the WWE product. It may not be the perfect alternative all the time, but at least there is something that is accessible on free TV for any wrestling fan.

For the boys and girls in the business, it means another major place to ply their trade.

The deaths of WCW and ECW were bad enough. It was even worse that they happened at the same time. At least today, there is an option in TNA should the company be interested in your services.

ECW is back . . . well sort of. The WWE version of ECW is up and running each Tuesday night on the SciFi Channel. Once again, it is not the Extreme Championship Wrestling of old and, to a large degree, the announce team rarely even refers to this ECW as Extreme Championship Wrestling. Ever notice that? Now, I had this weird idea a few days back that Vince McMahon brought back ECW only to kill it and in the process kill the “ECW” chants that he has heard at almost every event he’s promoted for the last 10 years, but while it sounds good I doubt that is his real motive. Money! Maybe that’s better.

Needless to say, however, once again from a fan’s perspective, it gives us more free televised wrestling. For the performer, it is another place to work. I am glad that a few “ECW Originals,” have received the chance to be a part of ECW Round Two. Sabu, Sandman, Justin Credible, Balls Mahoney, etc., are all back in the ring on a national stage and more importantly receiving regular paychecks, something they couldn’t always be sure on when working for “Johnny” promoter in Joe’s Town, New York.

On a smaller scale, when reading and, I’ve noticed some promotions making noise with TV deals on a regional level. Two organizations that come to mind are Marvin Ward’s TNT Pro Wrestling, based in Virginia and Cleveland All Pro Wrestling, based in Cleveland, Ohio.

TNT Pro Wrestling has signed with upstart cable network MavTV. When checking MavTV’s listings, I noticed that this network reaches a pretty decent audience across the country. It doesn’t have complete saturation, but it has enough to hopefully make TNT a profitable organization both for management and the performers.

I had the privilege of being involved as a manager at one of Ward’s shows back in October 2004. Let me go on the record and say that Ward and his staff put on a FIRST CLASS SHOW. More than 2,000 people were in attendance at the event that featured Dusty Rhodes, Rick Steiner, Ivan Koloff, The Midnight Express, The Fantastics, just to name a few.

The TNT product will be good for our business. Ward plans to give his fans the feel of a Jim Crockett Promotions event. I have no doubt in my mind that he will do so. I wish him all the best.

In February 2004, a wrestler who I represent competed on a Sunday afternoon for Cleveland All Pro Wrestling, an organization that has been in business for the better part of 13 years now. That is saying a lot, trust me.

CAPW has come to terms with SportsTime Ohio, a cable network that I believe is available throughout the state of Ohio. It is also a part of Dish Network’s “MultiSport” package for anyone with that particular grouping of channels.

While it may not be 100% national exposure, it gives another set of wrestlers a chance to showcase their talents to a wider viewing audience. Good luck to them as well. They also operate a top notch organization.

So things may not be as perfect as we would like, but there are good things going on and hopefully more good things on the horizon. I would love to see wrestling return in the form of regional promotions. With the FoxSports networks and some of the huge major network affiliates still out there, it is definitely not a complete stretch of the imagination for this to happen.

That is all I have for this return edition of the Ringside Edition. I apologize to anyone who may have missed my column. Both of you will be glad to see it back I’m sure.

Take care all and for more info on TNT Pro Wrestling, visit and for info on Cleveland All Pro Wrestling, check out
Feb 9, 2006
by Bill Cullen @ 11:04:00 AM on 7/31/2006

As a writer, I have publicly stated that I have been disappointed in the way many wrestlers tone down their styles when they get to WWE. Many of the best if not the best and most versatile wrestlers in history such as Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit reached what was suppose to be the peeks of their careers and almost seemed to rest on their laurels to an extent.

Now I don't necessarily blame the wrestlers themselves because let's face it, In ECW or WCW they had a lot more creative freedom in the ring than they do in WWE. I am sure injuries attribute to their declining repertoires also. One of my more controversial complaints has been the one's concerning Rey Mysterio.

A common belief amongst my reader's is that I don't like Rey Mysterio. That couldn't be further from the truth. Just like every one of you, when Rey won the World Title at Wrestlemania, I was happy for him. He earned that as much as anyone and more importantly deserved it on every level imaginable (save for his size).

Now as someone who is an "old school" fan of Rey's dating back to ECW and WCW, I can't help but cringe at what is happening to Rey's career. Rey losing to Booker T at The Great American Bash was no surprise to me in the least. I figured they would need a way to set up Booker T vs. Batista for Summerslam and that's exactly how it happened. I wasn't even shocked by the fact that Chavo "turned" on Rey either. But to keep this feud between Chavo and Rey going, is going to be heavily damaging to Rey Rey's career.

I can't forgive any one of the WWE Superstars who have taken part in the exploitation of Eddie Guerrero's death, and Rey and Chavo are two of the guilty parties. But to keep this going on nearly a year after Eddie's death is just going too far. What is even worse is that Rey Mysterio's career will more than likely flourish by getting into a feud with Chavo.

Chavo doesn't put people in the seats. Rey does. Chavo doesn't sell merchandise. Rey does.

Now I understand the closeness of Rey Mysterio and the Guerrero family, but does Rey honestly believe that Chavo's career will finally skyrocket when he puts him over? It won't. It will do nothing but hurt Mysterio's career because I honestly believe that no matter who Chavo beats, he will always be looked at as a "mid-carder".

Rey needs to take a good look in the mirror and get back to doing what he does best. He needs to get in the ring with the very best because he earned that right to be in their company. At a mere 34 years old, Mysterio shouldn't be looking to bury his own career for the sake of Chavo Guerrero or for anyone but his wife and kids for that matter.

I suppose at this point, the only one that can save Rey Mysterio is himself.

Send all feedback to [email protected] and check out
Feb 9, 2006
by Michael LeBlanc @ 11:12:00 AM on 7/31/2006

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Triple H and Stephanie on the birth of their daughter, Aurora Rose, on Monday, July 24. Many happy memories await them, as well as a few sleepless nights, I’m sure!

Now, let’s get to the Wringing!

* * *


Oh, was that the King shooting on the Coach?

Why would Coach talk to Vince on the phone with the mic up to his mouth (and the phone)?

Actually, haven’t delivery rooms heard plenty of coarse language before…from the mothers in labor, while they’re giving birth!

So Foley won’t wrestle Flair again, but he’ll continue to talk about/to him, and also take the time to go out of his way to travel to Raw to attack him for “verbal abuse”?

Are Edge and Lita complete goofs for not noticing Coach was on the phone when they entered the room?

Did Shawn throw out a Michael Buffer reference?!

Doesn’t Armando spend an awful lot on cigars…that he doesn’t even smoke?

What, no conciliatory hugs for Maryse?

* * *


Can Knox seriously look at the footage from last week and say that Sandman hit Kelly on purpose?! So I guess Sandman is psychic, and knew Knox was going to use her as a shield?

How can fans of the SciFi network possibly complain about wrestling “invading” their network, when they have ridiculous programming like “Who Wants To Be A Superhero?” taking up space?!

What the hell was Test saying to Knox in the back?

So The Vampire finally debuts in the ring! Will we see the debut of a new Brood?...or just a lot of brooding?

Are they calling Shannon Moore “The Reject”, because that’s what the crowd is going to do to him once they see him in that outfit and makeup?

* * *


Is Canada so hated in Detroit, when it’s so close to that fair city?

Doesn’t a true King require a court? And a jester?

And if there’s anyone who has played a character to perfection, isn’t it Booker T?

When will someone get smart enough to throw a smoke or stink bomb (or something with similar effects) under the ring prior to a match with Finlay, to counteract The Little Bastard?

* * *


How long will it take the effects of the Wellness Program (layoffs, suspensions) to show how weak the company has been in effectively bringing up talent from the “minor leagues”…or is it showing it already?

Randy Orton spoke out about his recent suspension in the new WWE magazine, and boy, do I have a hard time feeling sorry for him.

First, he says he got caught smoking a joint, but he doesn't say if it was at work, or where it was, so I can't really go off on him totally. If it was outside of work, that's one thing (although I can't blame whoever ratted on him anyway - I have a problem with anyone smoking weed ANYWHERE - it's just plain bad for you, no matter what anyone says). So someone ratted you out Randy, boo hoo.

And the Amy Webber thing, WOW. He's pissed because she didn't know her way around the business? Grow up Randy, NONE of the Diva Search girls know there way around the business! What made Amy so different than any of the others that you had to mess with her like that? And as for your anger issues being resolved (like he says)? Time will tell if that is the case.

You can send all comments, praise, and hate mail to me at: [email protected].
Feb 9, 2006
by Buck Woodward @ 8:00:00 AM on 7/31/2006

July 31st

On this day in history in ....

1959 - Dick Gunkel defeats Fred Blassie for the NWA Southern Heavyweight Title in Atlanta, Georgia, ending Blassie's ninth reign with the title and starting his second reign.

1973 - Tim Woods defeats Paul Jones for the NWA Florida Heavyweight Title in Tampa, ending the second title reign for Jones.

1976 - Hurricane Castillo defeats Jose Lotario in Bayamon, Puerto Rico for the Caribbean Heavyweight Title.

1979 - Pampero Firpo defeats Abdullah The Butcher in Bayamon, Puerto Rico to win the WWC Puerto Rico Heavyweight Title.

1984 - Giant Baba defeats Stan Hansen to win the PWF World Heavyweight Title in Tokyo, Japan starting his fourth and final reign with the title.

1986 - All Japan Pro Wrestling ran a show at Budokan Hall, headlined by Stan Hansen defeating Jumbo Tsuruta for the NWA International Heavyweight Title. The card also saw Hiro Saito defeat Brad Armstrong in a tournament final to determine the first PWF World Junior Heavyweight Champion, and Riki Choshu defeat Killer Khan in a Death Match.

1988 - Jumbo Tsuruta & Yoshiaki Yatsu defeat Stan Hansen & Terry Gordy in Hokodate, Japan to win the All Japan Tag Team Title for the second time.

1988 - WWF held their "Wrestlefest" event at the Milwaukee County Stadium in Wisconsin, drawing a crowd of 25,866 fans for a 15-match card. The show was later released on Coliseum Home Video. Here are the results:
- Big Boss Man defeated Scott Casey.
- Brutus Beefcake defeated Hercules Hernandez.
- Jacques & Raymond Rougeau defeated The Killer Bees (B. Brian Blair and Jim Brunzell) when Raymond hit Brunzell with a low blow as he was about to slam Jacques, allowing Jacques to get the pin.
- Bad News Brown defeated Bret Hart by reversing a rollup and grabbing a handful of tights for the pin.
- Hacksaw Jim Duggan defeated Intercontinental Champion The Honky Tonk Man via disqualification when Jimmy Hart interfered.
- The Powers of Pain (Warlord and Barbarian) defeated The Bolsheviks (Nikolai Volkoff and Boris Zuhkov) after a flying headbutt by Barbarian on Zuhkov.
- Jim Niedhart defeated Lanny Poffo with a powerslam.
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion Randy Savage defeated Ted DiBiase.
- Curt Hennig defeated Terry Taylor
- Jake Roberts vs. Rick Rude ended in a double countout when Rude left the ring and Roberts chased after him.
- Haku defeated Sam Houston.
- Ultimate Warrior defeated Bobby Heenan in a "loser wears a weasel suit" match with a sleeper.
- WWF World Tag Team Champions Demolition (Ax & Smash) defeated The British Bulldogs (Dynamite Kid & Davey Boy Smith) when Ax pinned Dynamite after hitting him with Mr. Fuji's cane.
- Dino Bravo defeated Ken Patera with a side slam.
- Hulk Hogan defeated Andre The Giant in a steel cage match when Hogan climbed out of the cage after hitting Andre with a legdrop (and throwing around Bobby Heenan).

1992 - The Ebony Experience (Booker T & Stevie Ray, later known as Harlem Heat) defeat Gary Young & Steve Dane to win the Global Wrestling Federation Tag Team Title in Dallas Texas. On the same show, Alex Porteau defeats Terry Simms for the GWF Light Heavyweight Title.

1997 - Bull Pain defeats Ian Rotten in Louisville, Kentucky for the IWA Mid-South Heavyweight Title.

1994 - Atsushi Onita & Mitsuhiro Matsunaga defeat Mr. Pogo & Hisakatsu Oya to win the FMW World Brass Knuckles Tag Team Title in Yokohama, Japan.

1999 - ECW ran a show at their home base, the ECW Arena, that saw Giant Kamala II (aka The Botswana Beast) debut, and shoot to the main event, all in one night. Kamala II wrestled and defeated David (Kid) Kash early in the card, then ended up being the surprise partner of Justin Credible & Jerry Lynn in a winning effort against the Dudley Boyz & Rob Van Dam later in the show. Kamala II would be renamed 'Uganda' for the remainder of what turned out to be a brief ECW run.
Feb 9, 2006
by Terri Bey and Nigel Rhodes @ 11:12:00 AM on 7/31/2006

Terri Bey sent this report.

Edge was just on ESPN2's Cold Pizza. He talked about getting his start in wrestling. He mentioned liking Hogan. He was asked which pro athletes would make the best wrestlers and he said hockey player Scott Stevens and football player Brian Urlacher. They also did a little sports related question and answer session with him which every answer was "Edge."

Nigel Rhodes sent this report.

They started it talking about how Edge got into wrestling noting it was by writing a "Why I want to be a wrestling essay" . He then asked what it feels like to king of the world and Edge said it's fun since it's been a childhood dream of his.

They then ask what the most exciting part of his reign was, and Edge said winning it since no matter what industry you're in, you want to be the top guy. They mentioned how he was voted to be WWE champion in high school and asked when he first wanted to be a wrestler. He talked about seeing Hulk Hogan at age 8.

They talked about Edge doing the spear and talk about soccer player Zidane being motivated by it and head butting his Italian counterpart in the World Cup Final but if Edge were to spear him, he would cut him in half.

They then talk about the horse jockey headbutting his horse and Edge says the horse would beat the jockey. They talked about other athletes getting in the ring, including Chicago White Sox catcher A.J. Pierzynski, even though that was for TNA. Edge says Chicago Bears Linebacker Brian Urlacher and a hockey player would be good wrestlers.

They then did a speed round, asking the lead guitarist for U2 (Edge) the running back for the Arizona Cardinals (Edgerrin "Edge" James) and if he bought a seat for a WWE event he would't sit on the black of his seat (Edge). Edge spun the title one final time and the host hypes SummerSlam PPV and that was the end of it.

Good quick interview to get exposure as Edge was himself not in character. He also left the building after the interview as they mentioned there goes the bling leaving the building.
Feb 9, 2006
by Ryan Morgan @ 12:10:00 PM on 7/30/2006

Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom
Hampton Beach, NH
Attendance: 1,800 SOLD OUT

Harry Smith d. Shelton Benjamin with a small package

Oleg Prudius d. Val Venis with a torture rack drop

Umaga w/ Armando Alejandro Estrada d. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan with the Samoan Spike

Tag Title match
Spirit Squad (Mitch and Nicky) d. The Highlanders with an inzuguri/spin kick combo

I-C Title match
Nitro w/ Melina d. Carlito when Carlito went to suplex Nitro from the apron to the inside Melina grabbed his leg and held onto it while Nitro fell on top of him for the pin

Women's Title match
Mickie James d. Torrie Wilson with a double axehandle to the back as she was going for a stinkface. Candice comes in to save Torrie from a post match beatdown and James gets a stinkface from Torrie. Candice kisses Torrie on the apron before they head to the back.

Randy Orton d. Kane with the RKO. Before the match starts, Orton goes out into the crowd to where the red hat/sign guy fan was sitting and grabs one of his signs. The sign read "How Does Randy's Head Fit Inside the Ring?" Orton responds by grabbing the hat and tossing it into the crowd.

The Fink introduces the Executive Assistant Jonathan Coachman. Coachman announces Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat as the special guest referee.

WWE Title match
John Cena d. Edge w/ Lita by DQ
Lots of comedy spots in this one. Cena does his best Hogan impersonation by hitting Edge with a big boot followed by a legdrop for two. Cena gets Edge in a sunset flip and there's a full moon out in Hampton Beach. Edge with the imfamous clawhold which Cena reverses. Edge applies the dreaded camel clutch to Cena which he gets out of by picking Edge up and dropping him backwards. At one point Lita interfered and a bunch of fans chanted Thank You Lita and her response was flipping them off. Ha! Cena goes for the FU, but Edge gets out of it and hits an impaler DDT and gets a two count with his feet on the ropes before Steamboat notices. Cena gets a rollup and Edge kicks out after a fast two count by Steamboat. Edge goes for a spear but Cena moves and Edge spears Lita off the apron to the floor. Cena hits the FU but Coachman pulls Steamboat out of the ring before he can make the three count. Coachman repeatedly bashes Steamboat's head into the ring apron. Edge hits the spear on Cena and Coachman gets to two when Steamboat calls for the DQ. Lita hits Steamboat with a low blow. Lita takes a packet of powder out of her shirt, but before she can throw it at Cena he knocks it into her own face. A blinded Lita hits Edge with a DDT, then receives an FU from Cena. Cena then does the same to Coachman. Umaga then hits the ring and he and Cena brawl. Cena eventually hits the Samoan Bulldozer with an FU as well. As I was leaving Cena got on the mic to thank the fans and to reminisce about coming to Hampton Beach when he was 12.

Notes: The sign guy from Texas was in the house as he attends the MA tent shows each year and must have decided to hit this show as well in between the other two. Some fans got their pictures taken with him at intermission. The building was very hot. It is closed in on two sides and open on the ends. It looked like they used the smaller ring that is used for the tent shows last night. It was great to see The Fink announce again. Cena vs. Edge was a really fun match that sent the fans home happy.
Feb 9, 2006
by Mike Johnson @ 12:45:00 PM on 7/31/2006

Hulk Hogan has just arrived at the Continental Airlines Arena and will be appearing on tonight's edition of Monday Night Raw.
Feb 9, 2006
by Buck Woodward @ 2:20:00 PM on 7/29/2006

The Good

It may ruin PPV cards, but it is for the better in the long run. If nothing else, WWE has shown us in the last week that they are serious about the wellness program. Even though it meant changing several Great American Bash matches, WWE sat out Great Khali, Bobby Lashley and Super Crazy when things came up during their physicals. When the wellness program was first instituted, everyone focused on the "drug" aspect of it. However, the long term health of the performers, following the passing of Eddie Guerrero, was the catalyst in WWE instituting the program, and I applaud them for sticking with it.

Taking the show on the road .... for over a thousand miles. TNA finally made it official that their October "Bound For Glory" Pay-per-view would emanate from the Compuware Arena in Detroit, Michigan. This will mark the first time TNA has taken their three-hour PPV events outside of Orlando, and they've picked a great market to do it in. Detroit is already buzzing about Wrestlemania, and with proper promotion, I'm sure TNA can draw a healthy crowd to the hockey arena on October 22nd. If TNA can establish themselves as a draw outside of Orlando, then the group can slowly expand outside of the "safety" of Universal Studios and bring in more revenue while at the same time building their fanbase.

Giving credit where it is due. I'm sure I wasn't the only one that groaned when Big Show revealed himself to be part of the new ECW two months ago. Watching him throw around Tommy Dreamer for a few weeks wasn't very entertaining either. Still, you can't take away from what he has done over the last few weeks. Four straight weeks of solid matches (RVD, Flair, Undertaker, Kane) and the Big Show looks better than he has since his feud with Brock Lesnar. He's gone from being "just another guy" on Raw to being a main event performer again, and all it took was a change of scenery and some time to show what he can do.

When you really think about it, all it means is one less rerun of Eureka. I guess depending on how you feel about the product (since some people can't let go of the fact that it isn't 1999 anymore), this might not be good news for you, but in the big picture, ECW being picked up by SciFi following this summer's "trial run" is great news for the industry as a whole. It shows that there is an audience out there for more wrestling, and we now have a third major cable network presenting professional wrestling to a prime-time audience. The more wrestling there is on television, the better it is for everyone (including this website). Who knows, maybe wrestling will even become "cool" again!

The best wrestling show on television today (at least, until I can get WWE 24/7). 'WWE Presents Madison Square Garden Classics' has become my new favorite show on television. In just four episodes, I have seen vintage Andre The Giant, Jimmy Snuka and Pedro Morales footage, flashbacks to the glory days of Hulk Hogan, and modern era classics like Steve Austin laying out a "pre-Mr." Vince McMahon. These shows are just a ton of fun to watch, and if nothing else, it has totally whetted my appetite for WWE 24/7(once Time Warner Cable gets their act together and actually offers it). For more on the show, click here.

The Bad

Just because they won't leave doesn't mean you shouldn't treat them right. I understand that WWE has a large, loyal core fanbase, the type of fanbase that will keep coming back no matter what. However, that doesn't mean WWE shouldn't take them for granted. Last week, WWE canceled the ECW house shows and didn't bother to update their site until late Friday night. And even then, if you weren't specifically looking for it, I doubt you knew the shows were cancelled. announced that Bobby Lashley wouldn't be wrestling at the Great American Bash (even though he was listed on the pre-show on PPV), but let fans believe that the Great Khali would be until after they spent their $40. There's no excuse for to not announce the ECW cancellations as soon as it was determined that the shows were off. There also is no excuse for (which WWE claims doesn't always follow storylines, see Triple H & Stephanie) to not announce that Khali would not be wrestling. A little honesty and consistency on for the diehard WWE fans would be nice.

I really want to see this match, but not now. Mike Johnson has already pointed out several times on this site why Samoa Joe shouldn't be feuding with Rhino at this point. Joe has unresolved issues with Senshi, Scott Steiner, and others that he should be attending to. From the other side, Rhino was riding a wave of popularity following his excellent promos on TNA Impact, and should be facing a true heel, not someone that half (or more) of the crowd will be cheering. Samoa Joe vs. Rhino should be a PPV main event in six months, not a throwaway match to set up a three-way feud with Monty Brown.

Yeah, I know, I'm contradicting myself. Memo to TNA: Don't turn Christian heel. I've been saying in Elite audio for a few weeks that Christian needs to get an "edge" back, and that he turned into "DDP lite" during his World Title reign with his pandering to the crowd. Obviously, a heel turn would be one way to give him that edge. However, after watching his promo exchange with Sting, where Christian practically begs to be in Sting's corner against Jeff Jarrett, I am begging the company not to turn Christian heel. It is just too transparent. I don't know what TNA's plans are, but whatever they do, I hope they don't have Christian turn on Sting. It would just be too ridiculously lame at this point.

I know there were some extenuating circumstances, but that's still no excuse. I paid $40 to watch the seven match Great American Bash card last Sunday. That morning, I watched a five-match edition of Smackdown for free, and in my opinion, the Fit Finlay vs. Bobby Lashley match I saw was better than anything on the PPV. I understand that some plans were rearranged at the last minute, but it is utterly ridiculous that I got more enjoyment out of a free TV show than one I paid to see. If nothing else, take a few of the good workers on the brand and have them give us a long match, even if there is no storyline behind it. It will at least make us feel like we got something for our money.

This material is great for a shoot interview, but not for getting heel heat. I love Mick Foley promos, and he's done a great job of bringing up the past and incorporating "real life" into his feud with Ric Flair. Except for one problem... Foley is supposed to be the heel. Because Foley's promos are factual and he backs up all of his points so well, I can't see why fans would boo him for it. This past week, he ripped apart Flair's weak "fat boy" response in a total babyface fashion. Unless Foley decides to start ripping on the fans or something, I could see fans cheering him as much as Flair, or worse, not cheering either of them.

The Ugly

As Mean Gene would say, "Give me a break". For some reason, the following quote from Paul Heyman's chat with the Sun Online regarding the new ECW really stuck out to me:

"If the audience likes certain things it's in their best interest to let everybody know. And if the audience don't like something they should also be very vocal about it. But being vocal sitting on your couch doesn't help! You have to be there and say: "Hey, I don't like this direction. It sucks. I want it to change." You have to be in the game to win the game. And if the audience wants ECW to go in a certain direction you can't just sit at home and bitch about it. You've got to step up and let your feelings be known. Because it's going to move forward with us or without us."

Yes, that's right folks. If you don't like the direction of the new ECW, you should buy a ticket, give WWE your financial support, and then go to the show and boo what you don't like. That will help bring about change. Vince McMahon, who has claimed that he knows what his audience wants better than they do, will listen to your boos while counting your dollars. Last time I checked, nothing spoke louder to a wrestling promoter than empty seats and low buyrates. It's just my opinion, but I think Vince might be more apt to making changes if he isn't making money. I say, complain from your couch via the Internet! That way your voice will be heard, and Vince won't get your money for giving you a product you don't like.
Feb 9, 2006
by Buck Woodward @ 2:04:00 PM on 7/25/2006


With Smackdown recently losing quite a bit of their roster to talent switches (Angle to ECW, Orton to Raw), injury (Mark Henry, Batista), and the wellness program (Lashley, Khali, etc.) I thought it might be interesting to look at the listed Smackdown roster on and see exactly what the Friday night brand has left to work with at this point. To start, there are 45 performers on the roster page.

We can remove the announcers (JBL, Michael Cole, The Miz, Steve Romero, Josh Mathews) and Theodore Long from the list, since they're not in-ring performers. We can also remove Ignacio a.k.a. Nacho, and I have to wonder when WWE will do the same.

We're down to 38 performers.

Then there's Daivari, Sharmell and the Little Bastard, who aren't regular in-ring performers, and just work at ringside of others.

35 performers.

Currently out due to injury/surgery are Boogeyman, The Gymini Chris Benoit, Hardcore Holly, and Mark Henry.

29 performers.

Now remove all of the wrestlers who are currently (or are about to) be sat out due to the wellness program or other issues: Jamie Noble, Joey Mercury, Kid Kash, Bobby Lashley, Matt Hardy, Super Crazy, and Great Khali.

22 performers.

Let's take out those who have been sent to developmental and haven't appeared on television in weeks but are still on the roster page: Paul Burchill.

21 performers. Of which, four are Divas (Ashley, Jillian Hall, Kristal, Michelle McCool) and without trying to sound cruel, the Smackdown Divas aren't exactly going to be drawing viewers and fans to house shows.

So, that leaves us with 17 in-ring performers.

Main Eventers: King Booker T, Batista, Rey Mysterio, Undertaker.

Semi-Main Eventers: Fit Finlay, Ken Kennedy.

Tag Teams: Brian Kendrick & Paul London, Scotty 2 Hotty & Funaki.

Undercard Performers: Gregory Helms, Psicosis, Simon Dean, Sylvan, Tatanka, Vito, William Regal.

There you have it. The brand is relying on eight heels and nine babyfaces at this point. It might be a good time to call up some talent from OVW, begin cross-promotion with ECW, or start grabbing talent from the independent scene. Or, they could send over some of the talent they aren't using on Raw ... nah, never happen.


Maybe all those Sylvan promos have finally resulted in WWE fans not wanting to support French Canadians. Somehow Erica (who makes Kelly Kelly look like Stacy Keibler when she dances), dodged the bullet and Maryse Ouellet was sent home rom the 2006 WWE Diva Search. Let us take a moment to look back on her two weeks in the competition.

In week one, Maryse started off with a problem as she mentioned the Fabulous Moolah in her introductory promo. There is nothing sexy about mentioning Moolah in 2006. The language barrier seemed to work against her as well, since many fans are still wondering who "Sible" is. She actually tied for second in the Sgt. Slaughter Boot Camp, and managed to stave off being the first one eliminated. Maryse looked fantastic in a bra and skirt for the Dance Off, and showed she wasn't afraid to touch her own body (which probably got a few UPN censors nervous). However, I think she fell into the "just another hot blonde" trap and when you don't stand out from the pack, you risk being eliminated.

For one last look at Maryse, click here. And remember, losing the Diva Search doesn't mean your WWE career is over. After all, WWE needs all the help they can get in keeping their Canadian fans happy with the upcoming TV change up north.

Going into this week's Smackdown, which will feature the Musical Chairs competition here are the current rankings according to my revered and praised judging system:

1. Jen
2. Layla
3. JT
4. Rebecca
5. Milena
6. Erica

Eliminated: Amy, Maryse.

I'll be back after Smackdown with the Detailed Diva Search Analysis!
Feb 9, 2006
August 1st
On this day in history in ....

1963 - Eddie Graham defeats Hiro Matsuda for the (Florida) Southern Heavyweight Title in Jacksonville, Florida, beginning his fourth reign with the title.

1964 - WWWF World Champion Bruno Sammartino successfully defends the title against Freddie Blassie at Madison Square Garden in New York City, defeating Blassie with a bear hug.

1974 - Bulldog Bob Brown defeats Harley Race in Kansas City, Kansas for the Central States Heavyweight Title. This ended Race's sixth reign with the belt, and started Brown's fifth title run.

1977 - In a highly anticipated match, with Gorilla Monsoon as the special referee, WWWF World Champion Superstar Graham and former champion Bruno Sammartino wrestle at Madison Square Garden in New York City in a violent brawl that is ended at the 13-minute mark, with it being announced that both men were bleeding too badly to continue. Bruno continued to attack Graham until the two were finally separated.

1982 - Harley Race defeats Jumbo Tsuruta for the NWA United National Heavyweight Title (now part of the All Japan Triple Crown) in Tokyo, Japan. This ended Tsuruta's fourth reign with the belt.

1987 - Bill Watts' UWF held their final "Superdome Extravaganza" at the Superdome in New Orleans. Watts' had run several supercards at the Superdome over the years, with it peaking in the early 80's, when Mid-South shows (as the promotion was known then) drew up to 30,000 fans for shows with Junkyard Dog, Ted DiBiase and the Freebirds. This show drew 5,000 fans, up from two previous Dome shows Watts had run. Watts would soon sell the promotion to WCW. Here are the results:
- Shane Douglas defeated Gary Young.
- Davey Haskins defeated Mike Boyette.
- Terry Gordy defeated The Angel Of Death.
- Terry Taylor defeated Steve Cox.
- Barry Windham defeated Shaska Watley.
- Rick Steiner defeated Chris Adams in a Taped Fist match.
- Sting defeated The Enforcer.
- Tim Horner & Brad Armstrong defeated The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane) via disqualification.
- Dusty Rhodes & Steve Williams defeated Eddie Gilbert & Dick Murdoch in a Double Bullrope match.
- The Fabulous Freebirds defeated Black Bart, Big Bubba Rogers & The Terminator in a First Blood Elimination Steel Cage match, in which wrestlers were eliminate when they were busted open. Order of elimination was: Buddy Roberts, The Terminator, Michael Hayes, Black Bart, Bubba Rogers. Terry Gordy was the sole survivor.

1987 - WWF business was booming, as the company actually ran three shows on one day. The Brendan Byrne Arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey was sold out for a show headlined by WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan vs. Killer Khan and Harley Race vs. Don Muraco. A second crew ran at the Kiel Auditorium in St. Louis, Missouri, headlined by Randy Savage vs. Intercontinental Champion Honky Tonk Man with Mr. T as the referee and a third crew ran a show in Worcester, Massachusetts with Tito Santana and Paul Orndorff.

1996 - W*ING Kanemura defeats Masato Tanaka in a tournament final in Shiodome, Japan to become the first FMW Independent World Heavyweight Champion.
Feb 9, 2006

The Andre The Giant Biography airs tonight at 11 p.m. ET/PT on A & E.

Ready for more Matt Hardy hijinx? Sure you are! Chris James sent this. ... I went to Matt Hardy's message board yesterday and today and noticed that someone brought up the rumors going around that Matt may not have health issues and that he may have been taken off the road for other reasons. Well, the first thread in which the topic was discussed was locked by the moderator and asked everyone to "move on" and in the second thread in which it is currently being discussed the moderator is asking everyone to not talk about the subject. I find that very interesting.

For the record here, the webmaster is the one who made the statement that Matt was taken off the road due to health issues. That isn't what we have been told, as we reported here on the site. We have been told he has been suspended for 30 days by the company. I have heard a few different things as to why he was suspended, so I won't guess at which one it was. Maybe Matt would be well served to shut this site down. It doesn't seem to be doing him much good right now.

Former superstar Bam Bam Bigelow was arrested yesterday in Brooksville, FL. He was appearing in the Hernando County court to contest a citation he received as a result of a motorcycle accident he was in last fall where he lost control of his bike and crashed, injuring himself and his girlfriend. In that case, he is being charged with a number of infractions including three different charges involving DUI since his blood alcohol at the time of the wreck was over .20. One of the charges is a third degree felony. The warrants were issued last year but the police had not been able to find Bigelow until yesterday. When he appeared in court, he was arrested and was being held on $5,000 bail as of last night.

The Independent Wrestling Federation sent out word that Shawn Donavan, Aaron Stride & Justin Corino, graduates of their wrestling school, were booked for WWE Raw and SmackDown last night to be used in skits. It's possible they were the police in the Triple H arrest skit.
Feb 9, 2006
along with news, and columns i'll be posting up reviews of pay per views when available

WWF Royal Rumble 1990

The event starts off with something that you just don’t get anymore with the Royal Rumbles in the last 15 years… you get a little video feature, voice by Vince McMahon, announcing all the participants of the Rumble along with a quick clip of the wrestler in action. If they still did that today, I’d pop for it. Anyway… the Rumble emanates from Orlando, Florida, and your hosts are Tony Schiavone & Jesse “The Body” Ventura (complete with Mickey Mouse ears).

Match 1: The Bushwhackers VS The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers (w/ Jimmy Hart)

The Rougeaus come out to probably the second-best late ‘80s/early ‘90’s era entrance music “All American Boys.” (Second of course to “Jive Soul Bro”) Basically their gimmick was that they were French-Canadians who moved to Memphis and were “All-American Boys.” It was silly… but that was the WWF at the time. Raymond Rougeau and Butch Miller start things off, with Raymond suckering him into a handshake before laying him out with some forearms. Raymond grabs a sleeper hold early, but Butch counters it by ramming Raymond into the corner. Butch then bites Raymond on the ass, then bites the ref on the ass, and after some double-teaming, the Bushwhackers clear the ring. Once back in the ring, Luke Williams and Jacques Rougeau both tag in, with Jacques taking early advantage with some right hands, but Luke retaliates in kind, then bites him in the face. The Bushwhackers once again clear the ring with some double-teaming before the referee restores order again. Back in the ring, Jacques takes control of the match and while he distracts the ref, Raymond chokes Luke in the corner with the ring ropes. Raymond tags in, taking advantage by ramming Luke into the turnbuckles, then throwing to the outside where Jacques has his way with him. Luke tries to mount a comeback with another bite to the ass, but Raymond puts a stop to it. After a failed pin attempt, Jacques tags in and nails Luke with a spinning leg lariat. Another quick tag out to Raymond and the Rougeaus double team Luke in the corner, then pick him up in a double press slam and clothesline him across the top rope. Rest-hold time as Raymond clamps on a chinlock, but the crowd gets behind Luke and he powers out of it, but can’t make the tag to Butch in time. The Rougeaus double team Luke in the corner once more, then Jacques applies an abdominal stretch. Raymond tags in and applies a camel clutch, wearing down Luke even more. Once again, though, the crowd gets behind Luke and he begins to power out, but Raymond beats him down once more. After a bodyslam, Jacques tags in and goes for a big splash, but Luke gets his knees up into Jacques’ midsection. Luke makes the hot tag to Butch and he cleans house. All four men eventually start brawling, and the Bushwhackers Irish whip the Rougeaus into each other, then go for the Battering Ram, but Jimmy Hart interferes to try and stop it. The Rougeaus escape and The Bushwhackers almost have their way with Jimmy before Jacques makes the save. Raymond grabs a Boston Crab on Butch, but Luke breaks up the attempt, the Bushwhackers hit the Battering Ram on Jacques and get the pin at about 11 minutes. It sounds like a silly match, I know… and it was for the most part, but the Rougeaus made this match this match entertaining and watchable. For those who don’t remember or have never seen the Rougeaus, they were one of the better work-rate tag teams in the WWF that never held the Tag Team Titles.

Interview: “Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase

One of the best talkers of the era, Ted DiBiase, cuts a great interview about drawing the number 1 in the Royal Rumble. You see, at the previous year’s Rumble, he “bought” the number 30, and as luck would have it, he “drew” the number 1 this year. Great interview.

Match 2: Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake VS The Genius

After delivering a poem that only Lanny Poffo could write, “The Barber” makes his way to the ring to a huge pop. This is embarrassing, but as a 10 year old kid… I always popped for “The Barber.” I don’t know if it was Mr. Ed Leslie himself… or the fact that I loved his music. Nonetheless, the match gets underway with the macho Beefcake taking on the effeminate Genius. The Genius did some stretches in the corner, and offered a handshake to Beefcake who refused it. The Genius stalled before locking up with Beefcake, then pranced around the ring and did some cartwheels. After finally locking up, Beefcake shoves Genius into the corner, and after a clean break Beefcake mocks the Genius to the delight of the kids in the audience. Poffo did some more cartwheels before tying up again, but no clean break here as the Genius rakes Beefcake in the eyes. Genius attacks Beefcake with some punches to the gut, backs him into the corner and goes for some punches to the head, but Beefcake reverses it with a reverse atomic drop. They tie up once again, and Genius nails Brutus with some right hands, then rams him into the corner, attacking him with more blows to the midsection. He Irish whips Beefcake into the corner, but misses an avalanche attempt. Brutus takes control and crotches Genius on the top rope, before The Genius leaves the ring to regroup. At this point the crowd starts chanting “F**got” at The Genius, and after some back-and-forth dialogue between Schiavone and Ventura, the future Governor of Minnesota delivers perhaps one of the most un-PC lines in WWF history “How do you know they’re not chanting at Beefcake Schiavone? He IS from San Francisco!” Wow. Anyway, back to the action… Genius is back in control with forearm blows and stomps to the back of Beefcake’s head. Genius hits a bodyslam, then goes to the top rope for a double axe-handle, but Brutus sees it coming and nails him in the gut on the way down. Beefcake hits a bodyslam, whips The Genius into the ropes and goes for the Sleeper Hold, but Genius escapes and the referee inadvertently gets knocked out cold. Genius takes back control with several right hands to the face and gut. Genius whips “The Barber” into the ropes, but Beefcake ducks a clothesline and locks on the Sleeper Hold. Genius is out cold, but the ref is still out cold. Beefcake, whose gimmick was to cut his opponents’ hair after they were out cold, went to the outside to get his scissors despite not winning the match yet. Beefcake then starts cutting The Genius’ hair and gets some progress done before The Genius’ buddy, Mr. Perfect, comes to the rescue and attacks Beefcake. Genius and Perfect double-team Beefcake with a steel chair, before referees and WWF officials come to the ring and break it up. The verdict is a Double-DQ in about 11 minutes. Another silly match, made watchable only by Lanny Poffo… who despite silly gimmicks, was a hell of a worker.

Interview: The Heenan Family

Sean Mooney interviews Bobby Heenan and his charges: “Ravishing” Rick Rude, Haku and Andre The Giant. Heenan tries to assure Mooney that the Heenan Family stands strong as a unit, but eventually they all begin to argue because they all want to win the Rumble.

Match 3: “Rugged” Ronnie Garvin VS Greg “The Hammer” Valentine (W/ Jimmy Hart) – “I Quit” Match

Don’t get excited. This isn’t an “I Quit” match on the level of Bret Hart/Steve Austin… or even Rock/Mankind. Nope, not in the least. The match starts off fine enough with Garvin laying into Valentine with stiff chops and punches. Valentine fights back with some stiff chops of his own. The two exchange in a fun little slugfest, that Garvin eventually wins. Valentine escapes to the outside to regroup with Jimmy Hart. Back in the ring, Garvin goes for a single takedown, but Valentine jabs in the face, then drops two big elbows on Garvin’s neck. Valentine goes for a pinfall before the ref tells him its an “I Quit” Match… this won’t be the last time this happens. Valentine attacks Garvin with more lefts and rights, and Garvin retaliates with his own before hitting a jumping headbutt that takes both men down. Garvin recovers and goes for a piledriver, but Valentine backdrops out of it. Garvin comes down and tries for a sunset flip, but Valentine sits down on top of him but can’t pin him… Garvin reverses it… and the ref tells him no pinfalls. Back on their feet, Valentine and Garvin both run off the ropes and have a mid-ring collision, taking both men down. Valentine adjusts a brace on his leg, called “The Heart Breaker” with the idea being it would add extra pressure to his figure four leglock. Valentine applies the Figure Four, but Garvin feels no effect, because Garvin has his own brace called the “Hammer Jammer” (seriously), and he mocks Valentine while in the hold. The two break up the hold, and Valentine eventually scoops up Garvin and applies a Russian backbreaker, but doesn’t get a submission. Valentine drops a couple elbows, then goes to apply the figure four, but Garvin kicks out of it. Garvin hits some more stiff chops to the chest, backing him into the corner, hitting him with repeated headbutts. Garvin applies an Indian Deathlock, using the *sigh* “Hammer Jammer” to apply more pressure. Valentine reaches the ropes, and Garvin breaks the hold. Valentine regroups on the outside with Jimmy Hart, then grabs Garvin and pulls him to the outside. Both men chop the hell out of each other on the arena floor, and Garvin goes for a piledriver, but Valentine backdrops out of it. Back in the ring, Valentine pounds on Garvin in the corner, tying him to the Tree of Woe, and stomping him repeatedly. Valentine pounds on Garvin some more with forearms, then whips him into the ropes… with another mid-ring collision between both men. Jimmy Hart interferes and takes off Garvin’s “Hammer Jammer”… now Valentine can make Garvin submit. Garvin is locked in the Figure Four in the middle of the ring and is in a lot of pain. Valentine places himself in position so that Garvin can’t reach the ropes… so of course, Garvin reverses the hold. Valentine reverses it back, and grabs the bottom rope to add extra leverage to Garvin’s leg before the referee makes him break it. Valentine works over Garvin’s legs, and Garvin again (for the love of God) goes for a small package pin attempt. Valentine goes to the top rope (yeah, this’ll work), but Garvin slams him off the top rope… and rips off Valentine’s “Heart Breaker.” Now both men are “equal.” Garvin ties Valentine up in the ropes, grabs Jimmy Hart and throws him in the ring. He’s about to attack Jimmy, but Valentine frees himself and goes to attack Garvin from behind… but Garvin moves out of the way and decks him with “Heart Breaker” he still had in his hand. Garvin clamped on a Sharp Shooter (called the “Reverse Figure Four” by Schiavone, which makes sense as Bret Hart hadn’t been using the hold yet) and gets the submission at 17 minutes. Despite the repeated pin attempts, despite not having the blood and gore of future WWF/E “I Quit” matches, AND despite the fact this match was probably about 5 minutes too long… it was entertaining, if for no other reason than to just see Garvin and Valentine potato each other.

Interview: Mr. Perfect

Mr. Perfect promises a world of pain for Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake, as this would mark the start of a lengthy feud between the two that would last until the summer. Perfect then says he drew the “perfect” number for the Rumble… that’s right Number 30… and he promises he will win.

The Brother Love Show

Brother Love is in the ring and defines the word “lady” as “Sensational” Queen Sherri. Sherri (who I always had the hots for, don’t ask me why), hits the ring and proceeds to insult the fans, Dusty Rhodes and especially Rhodes’ manager Sapphire… saying she has no class, no finesse or no beauty. Brother Love says that the word “peasant” is defined by Sapphire herself. Sapphire hits the ring, bouncing and jogging. You know, it really says a lot about Dusty Rhodes as a performer that despite being given a stupid gimmick, a stupid outfit and bad entrance music, the fact that he was so over with the fans that he managed to get an overweight senior citizen as over as he was by mere association is nothing short of astonishing. Brother Love and Sherri have some fun at Sapphire’s expense, asking her questions, then letting her answer. Boy, Sherri was such a fantastic talker, and deserves her spot in the Hall of Fame purely for that. Eventually Sapphire tires of the insults, slaps Sherri across the face and a catfight ensues. Dusty Rhodes and Randy Savage join the fray, with the “Macho King” and Sherri making a getaway. Brother Love is back in the ring, insulting Dusty, so Dusty has his way with him, slamming him on the mat, then holding him for Sapphire to slap across the face. Man… Dusty was over.

Interview: “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan

Duggan is interviewed about his match the Big Boss Man. If you’ve seen one Hacksaw interview, you’ve seen them all. Not much here.

Match 4: “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan VS The Big Boss Man (w/ “The Dr. of Style” Slick)

Ahhh… Boss Man hits the ring with the greatest entrance song of all time, “Jive Soul Bro.” Anyway, the two men lock up, then get into a slug fest. Duggan reverses an Irish whip and hits Boss Man with two big shoulder tackles, driving Boss Man to the outside. Boss Man drags him to the outside, where the two men brawl around the ringside area. Boss Man rams Duggan into the post, but he misses a charge and crashes into the ring steps. Back in the ring, Duggan takes advantage with right hands. Boss Man reverses a whip into the turnbuckle, then nails Duggan with a big avalanche. Boss Man whips Duggan into the ropes and goes for a boot to the gut, Duggan catches the boot, but Boss Man actually hits an enziguri. For those who never saw him in his prime, despite being close to 400 pounds, the Boss Man was incredibly agile for a man his size. Duggan mounts a comeback, but it is short lived as Boss Man delivers a big ax-handle to Duggan’s back. Boss Man attacks Duggan’s throats with chops, then chokes him in the ropes with his boot. As he distracts the referee, Slick chokes Duggan in the corner. Rest-Hold Time! Boss Man applies a chinlock, but eventually Duggan fights out of it, runs off the ropes for an attack, but Boss Man nails him with a knee to the gut. Boss Man applies a couple chokeholds, breaking them at the 4 count. Boss Man stops another Hacksaw flurry, then goes back to another chinlock. After a failed pin attempt, Duggan tries mounting another offense, but Boss Man again denies him and locks him in a bear hug. Duggan tries boxing Boss Man’s ears, but Boss Man will not let the hold go. Duggan goes for headbutts instead, but Boss Man just falls on top of him. Luckily for Duggan they’re close enough to the ropes to break the hold. Duggan makes a comeback with several right hands, then clotheslines him over the top rope. Back in the ring, Boss Man attacks with several headbutts, but misses an elbow drop. Duggan backs Boss Man in a corner, and pounds him in the corner. He whips him into the opposite corner, but Boss Man moves out of the way and Duggan misses a charge. Boss Man goes up top for a big splash (do heels not pay any attention? That never works) and misses. Boss Man grabs his night stick and levels Duggan with it in view of the referee, getting disqualified in about 10 minutes. Duggan comes back in the ring with the 2 X 4, and nails Boss Man and Slick to the crowd’s delight. Not Flair/Steamboat ’89 by any stretch of the imagination… but the crowd was into it, and they worked a solid “big man” match.

Royal Rumble Participants

Another thing they don’t do anymore… quick 15 to 30 second interview promos of the Rumble participants talking trash about how they’re going to win the Rumble. We get interviews with Earthquake, Demolition, Dusty Rhodes, The Rockers, Rick Martel, “Superfly” Snuka (try to figure what he’s saying), The Ultimate Warrior (never mind Snuka, try to figure out THIS guy’s saying), Randy Savage, Jake Roberts, The Hart Foundation, Honky Tonk Man and of course, Hulk Hogan, among others. This was fun. It gives the match an important feel.

The Royal Rumble Match

DiBiase dominated early, eliminating both Koko B. Ware and Marty Jannetty, until Number 4 hit the ring, which was Jake Roberts, with whom DiBiase was feuding at the time. DiBiase meets him in the outside, and the two brawl in the ringside area. Roberts cleans house with DiBiase back in the ring, but DiBiase backdrops out of the DDT attempt. Randy Savage hits the ring at Number 5, and he and DiBiase promptly double team Roberts. Savage ties up Roberts in the ropes, and continue to abuse him, until “Rowdy” Roddy Piper hits the ring at number 6 to help out Roberts. Piper nails Savage and DiBiase with a double clothesline, then frees Roberts out of the ropes (which is dumb, he should have just tossed him out). The faces pair off and fight the heels. Savage nearly eliminates Piper, and Piper nearly eliminates Savage before number 7 hits the ring… The Warlord. Thankfully for him, no Pizza Hut Delivery trucks were in sight. Warlord does the predictable “big man” tactics and pounds all the baby faces in the ring. Piper and Warlord duke it out in one corner, while Savage and DiBiase continue the Roberts beat-down in another corner. Number 8 hits the ring: Bret “Hitman” Hart… now 3 baby faces and 3 heels pair off against each other… I thought this was every man for himself? Hart works on trying to throw out Randy Savage, while DiBiase continues to beat on Roberts, and Piper and Warlord duke it out. Bad News Brown comes out to the Haas Pop at Number 9, and the announcers make a big deal about how Brown doesn’t have friends so this environment is perfect for him. Roberts hooks up DiBiase for a DDT, but Savage makes the save with a clothesline that sends Jake over the top rope and out. Dusty Rhodes hits the ring at Number 10 to a huge pop and goes immediately after Savage. The focus is on those two for a few moments, as Rhodes eliminates Savage with a backdrop. As Piper tries in vain to eliminate Warlord, Andre The Giant comes down to the ring as the 11th entrant. Warlord goes after Andre, but Andre easily tosses him out. In a funny bit, Bobby Heenan (Andre’s manager) gets in a scuffle on the outside with Mr. Fuji (Warlord’s manager). Andre abuses Dusty and Piper in a corner, they mount a brief comeback, but Andre puts a stop to it. Future WrestleCrap entry the Red Rooster hits the ring at number 12, just as Roddy Piper tosses out Bad News Brown. Brown doesn’t take kindly to it, and Brown eliminates Piper from the outside. The two brawl around the ringside area and back to the dressing room, starting a feud between the two that would last several months. Back in the ring, Andre continues to dominate, pounding on Rooster, Hart and Rhodes. Lucky number 13 is Demolition Ax who goes after Andre just as he eliminated the Rooster. Ax takes Andre down to his knees, and continues to pound on him. At the time, Demolition were feuding with Andre The Giant and Haku over the tag team titles. As Bret Hart tries to eliminate DiBiase, Rhodes and Ax double team Andre who was stuck in the ropes. Andre’s tag partner, Haku, heads down to the ring at number 14 to help his partner out. Andre does the sit-down squash on Ax, while Haku pounds on Dusty. Dusty busts out the “flip-flop-and fly” and takes down Haku. Eventually Haku and Andre double-team their nemesis, Ax. Number 15 is Demolition Smash… hmmm, these “random drawings” certainly have a lot of coincidences. What are the odds that the two top tag teams in the company that are currently feuding with each other are all in the ring at the same time? As one would expect, Demolition and the Colossal Connection pair off, while Hart and DiBiase each take a breather. Akeem, the, *ahem* “African Dream,” comes to the ring at number 16… sadly “Jive Soul Bro” was NOT playing. Demolition double team Haku, then toss Andre The Giant over the top rope. Bret Hart also gets eliminated by DiBiase around the same time. Future Hall-of-Famer “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka hits the ring at number 17, and immediately gets pounded by Akeem. Demolition meanwhile double-team Haku, while DiBiase gets help from Virgil to attack Dusty Rhodes. Superfly hits a flying headbutt, eliminating Akeem from the ring. Dino Bravo heads to ring, being Number 18 and all, he’s got a right, and immediately goes after Haku, but can’t quite get him over. Meanwhile, Demolition pound on the Million Dollar Man… almost eliminating him from the match. The late John Tenta, in his Earthquake persona, hits the ring and immediately eliminates Rhodes. Demolition attack Earthquake, but Earthquake powers out and eliminates Ax. I forgot the monster push they gave Tenta back in the day. Number 20, Jim Neidhart, hits the ring and goes right after Earthquake. Neidhart, Smash, Snuka, DiBiase and Haku all gang up and get rid of Earthquake. The Ultimate Warrior is Number 21, he hits the ring and immediately destroys Dino Bravo, sending him to the outside. Snuka and Haku attack Warrior, but he shrugs it off. Smash attacks Warrior, but he shrugs him off as well. Rick Martel saunters to the ring at Number 22. Martel goes right after Smash and tries eliminating him, with help from the Warrior. Haku nails a crescent kick, and Smash is eliminated. Martel nearly goes over courtesy of Neidhart, but manages to hang on. Tito Santana, who had been feuding with Martel, hits the ring at Number 23 and goes after “the Model.” General battle royale mayhem ensues until number 24, the Honky Tonk Man, hits the ring. Honky and DiBiase double team Warrior, with Martel adding his muscle as well. Martel then manages to toss out Neidhart. Warrior then nails a big clothesline and eliminates DiBiase. Number 25 comes out to a huge pop… of course it’s the WWF Champ, Hulk Hogan. Hogan hits the ring and immediately eliminates Superfly Snuka. Haku meets the same fate as Snuka. Martel and Santana are brawling near the ropes, and Warrior eliminates Martel. Martel pairs off with Warrior, and Hogan pairs off with Honky. Shawn Michaels hits the ring at 26 and is quickly ejected by Warrior. Honky gets tossed by Hogan and Martel is eliminated by Warrior. And in one of the coolest moments in Rumble history, the two biggest stars in the company are alone in the ring together to a huge pop. Hogan and Warrior stare each other down and finally attack each other before both men get knocked down in a double clothesline. This is the start of the program the lead to the oft-remembered match between the two at WrestleMania VI. Barbarian is number 27 and attacks both men, and Rick Rude, number 28 hits the ring early and both heels attack the faces. Rude pairs off with Warrior and Barbarian pairs off with Hogan. I like that, because it acknowledges that Warrior and Rude had a past. Hogan gets put out of commission, and Barbarian and Rude double team Warrior. While they double team Warrior, Hogan comes to the save, but inadvertently eliminates the Warrior. The 29th man is Hercules, who goes to work on the Barbarian. General brawling continues until the final entrant, Mr. Perfect, makes his way to the ring. Perfect goes right after Hogan while Barbarian and Rude double team Hercules. Barbarian charges Hercules, but gets backdropped out of the ring for his troubles. The Final Four: Hercules, Hulk Hogan, Mr. Perfect and Rick Rude. But that doesn’t last long as Rude tosses Hercules over the top. Hennig and Rude double team Hogan, but when Perfect holds Hogan for Rude, Hogan ducks and Rude nails Perfect inadvertently. Hogan eliminates Rude, and its down to Perfect and Hogan. Perfect actually hits the Perfect-Plex, but of course, Hogan starts Hulking up… and its really only a matter of time… and Perfect gets sent sailing over the top. Your winner… Hulk Hogan! This was a fun, fun, fun Royal Rumble… but they usually are anyway. Very few Rumbles have ever been disappointing.


Ted DiBiase
Koko B. Ware
Marty Jannetty
Jake “The Snake” Roberts
“Macho King” Randy Savage
“Rowdy” Roddy Piper
The Warlord
Bret “Hitman” Hart
Bad News Brown
Dusty Rhodes
Andre The Giant
Red Rooster
Demoliton Ax
Demolition Smash
“Superfly” Jimmy Snuka
Dino Bravo
Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart
Ultimate Warrior
“The Model” Rick Martel
Tito Santana
Honky Tonk Man
Hulk Hogan
Shawn Michaels
The Barbarian
“Ravishing” Rick Rude
Mr. Perfect


Koko by DiBiase
Jannetty by DiBiase
Roberts by Savage
Savage by Rhodes
Warlord by Andre
Brown by Piper
Piper by Brown
Rooster by Andre
Andre by Demolition
Bret by DiBiase
Akeem by Snuka
Rhodes by Earthquake
Ax by Earthquake
Earthquake by Neidhart, Haku, Snuka, DiBiase and Smash
Bravo by Warrior
Smash by Haku
Neidhart by Martel
DiBiase by Warrior
Snuka by Hogan
Haku by Hogan
Santana by Warrior
Michaels by Warrior
Honky by Hogan
Martel by Warrior
Warrior by Hogan, Barbarian & Rude
Barbarian by Hercules
Hercules by Rude
Rude by Perfect
Perfect by Hogan
WINNER: Hulk Hogan
Feb 9, 2006

by Mike Johnson @ 8:45:00 PM on 7/31/2006

Mike Johnson is live at tonight's Raw/Smackdown Supershow and will be sending in reports throughout the evening.

Smackdown Spoilers:

*The open the show announcing WWE World champ King Booker vs. Undertaker and Batista vs. Ken Kennedy for later on.

*William Regal beat WWE United States champ Finlay by DQ when Finlay got the shillelagh from Regal and nailed him. Lashley hit the ring and Finlay nailed him too. Regal and Finlay teased attacking Lashley but Finlay shoved Regal into Lashley and walked out. Lashley hit the Dominator on Regal.

*Elijah Burke (with Sylvester Turkay) defeated Scott Wright via submission, hitting the Stroke followed by a choke. Turkay beat on Wright after the match and cinched on the finisher he beat Matt Hardy with.

*Kristal Marshall pinned Ashley Massaro after rolling her up and hooking the tights.

*Tatanka pinned Sylvan with a sideslam.

*Batista pinned Ken Kennedy after the Batista Bomb.

*Michael Cole interviewed Batista at ringside congratulating him on his win. Batista said to congratulate him when he wins back his World title.

*Vito defeated The Brooklyn Brawler via submission with the dress over the face hammerlock.

*In his office, Teddy Long was talking to the debuting Montel Vontavious Porter (from Deep South Wrestling) who told him he needed to be signed if Long wanted the "MVP" (his initials) for 2006. Long said he was excited to sign him. Montel told Long to talk to his agent on the cell phone and walked out. Long was shocked at the financial demands mentioned over the phone and said to the agent that they needed to get together soon. The MVP character seemed to be based on Cuba Gooding Jr. in Jerry Maguire.

*KC James and Aaron The Idol Stevens debuted, managed by Michelle McCool, defeating Funaki and Scotty 2 Hotty. Fans began chanting "We want Raw" during the match, which no doubt will be edited off.

*Backstage. Sharmell got King Booker ready for the match with the Undertaker.

*In the building, they aired a music video on the WWE visiting troops overseas.

*Chavo Guerrero came to the ring and said everyone wants to know why he turned on Rey Mysterio. He claimed that Rey stole the Guerrero family name and their blood. Chavo said he grew up with Eddie Guerrero and they were like brothers together. Chavo said that Smackdown Magazine did an article on Latinos in wrestling and it was Rey on the cover in a Lowrider Los Guerreros used to come to the ring in with Eddie instead of Chavo. He said Rey wasn't a Guerrero and stole Chavo's spotlight. Chavo said Rey did everything to tie himself to Eddie to steal the spotlight, whether it was wrestling him or teaming with Eddie. He said when Eddie died, everyone felt horrible and Chavo retired. He said Rey didn't do the same and instead used Eddie's name to help himself. Chavo said that every 5 minutes, Rey was mentioning Eddie's name and dedicating all the matches to him. Chavo said when Rey won the World title, he still couldn't stand on his own. Chavo said Rey had to use another Guerrero, him, to save his title but keep the glory. He claimed Rey used Eddie's name until Chavo couldn't take it anymore at the Great American Bash and attacked him. Chavo claimed that Rey stole the memory of Eddie from the fans and his family and is a leech living off the Guerrero name.

Mysterio hit the ring and they brawled in the ring and around ringside. He slammed Chavo into the ring steps. Eddie Guerrero's wife Vickie hopped the railing to separate them. The crowd chanted Eddie's name. Chavo backed up the aisle and went backstage Vickie walked off without saying a word but glanced at Mysterio as she left.

*They replayed the clip of Batista wanting to go after the World title.

*Undertaker beat WWE World champ King Booker via DQ. Taker chokeslammed Booker. Khali hit the ring and hit him with the over the head chop. Taker sat up and clotheslined Khali over the top to the floor. Taker challenged Khali to a Last Man Standing match at Summerslam. Smackdown goes off the air with Taker doing his pose under the purple light and Khali glaring at him from the entrance.
Feb 9, 2006
August 2nd

On this day in history in ....

1962 - Almost a year before their famous WWF World Title match, Bruno Sammartino defeats Buddy Rogers for the NWA World Heavyweight Title in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. However, Sammartino refused to accept the championship since Rogers was injured, and the title remained with Rogers.

1975 - Jose Rivera & Ciclon defeated Pierre & Michael Martel in Caguas, Puerto Rico for the WWC North American Tag Team Title.

1977 - Antonio Inoki defeats kickboxer Eddie Everett in Tokyo, Japan at Budokan Hall in the fifth round of a Wrestler vs. Kickboxer match via knockout.

1984 - New Japan Pro Wrestling ran Sumo Hall in Tokyo, Japan, with Antonio Inoki defeating Riki Choshu in a highly anticipated singles match.

1985 - Harley Race defeats Jerry Blackwell in St. Louis, Missouri for the NWA Missouri Heavyweight Title. This marked the record setting seventh and final Missouri Title run for Race. The belt would be vacated when Jim Crockett Promotions purchased the Missouri territory.

1991 - Takako Inoue & Mariko Yoshida defeats Esther & Cynthia Moreno for the All Japan Women's Tag Team Title in Tokyo, Japan.

1992 - Ron Simmons defeats Big Van Vader in Baltimore, Maryland to win the WCW World Heavyweight Title.

1993 - Luna Vachon defeats Miss Texas (Jacqueline) in Memphis, Tennessee for the USWA Heavyweight Title, ending Miss Texas' fifth and final run with the belt.

1996 - Guerrero de la Muerte defeats Mascara Magica in Mexico City, Mexico to win the CMLL World Welterweight Title.

1998 - ECW holds their Heatwave Pay-per-view in the Hara Arena in Dayton, Ohio. Here are the results of the show:
- In a dark match, Balls Mahoney & Axl Rotten defeated the FBI (Tracey Smothers & Little Guido).
- Justin Credible defeated Jerry Lynn.
- Chris Candido defeated Lance Storm.
- Masato Tanaka defeated Mike Awesome.
- ECW World Tag Team Champions Sabu & Rob Van Dam defeated Hayabusa & Jinsei Shinzaki when Sabu pinned Shinzaki.
- FTW Champion Taz defeated Bam Bam Bigelow via submission in a Falls Count Anywhere match.
- Tommy Dreamer, The Sandman, & Spike Dudley defeated Buh Buh Ray, D-Von, & Big Dick Dudley.

1999 - The Monday Night Wars continued, with WWF getting the win this week. WWF Monday Night Raw, headlined by Steve Austin vs. Undertaker in a no-contest, D'Lo Brown defeating Jeff Jarrett for the Intercontinental Title, and Edge defeating Gangrel in a Bloodbath match, earned a 5.9 rating. WCW Monday Nitro, headlined by Chris Benoit defeating Dallas Page, Vampiro defeating Eddie Guerrero, and Sting & Bill Goldberg defeating Rick Steiner & Sid Vicious via DQ did a 3.1.
Feb 9, 2006
by Mike Johnson @ 11:29:00 PM on 8/1/2006

After ECW on Sci Fi went off the air, Big Show and Batista, standing on opposite sides of the ring on the floor pointed at each other and teased getting in the ring, as the fans booed them. They entered the ring, went face to face, and then smiled at each other. They shook hands and hugged while fans threw garbage at them. Show and Batista then walked around ringside, giving high fives to some fans, while others threw garbage and cursed them out. There definitely was a split reaction to them from the crowd. Before finally exiting, Big Show picked up the microphone and said "Seriously guys, from the bottom of my heart ... you can all kiss my ass".

Fit Finlay and Simon Dean were backstage at the show. Diva Search contestant Rebecca (who was eliminated yesterday) was sitting in one of the balconies.

The crowd was a mix of old-school ECW fans who weren't going to give any "WWE guys" a chance, and WWE fans who reacted positively to the Smackdown stars on the show.
Feb 9, 2006
I don't know if the link works but here we go!!!!!

DX & nWo Featured On WWE Survivor Series Poster



Reported by Andy Steven on 08.01.2006

Several people have e-mailed me over the past few days sending in and asking about a poster that has been released for WWE Survivor Series this fall. The poster itself features an all black background with the nWo logo, but overtop of that logo is the spray painted DX logo. Underneath that we see the wording, "Are You Ready." The poster looks very legit and I would say whoever made it would have to be a pro, but as far as I know it is a fake. First off, I believe it may be a bit early for the Survivor Series Poster to leak onto the internet. Secondly, I see no chance Vince McMahon would be able to recruit the "old" members of the nWo to make the angle work, seeing as how many of them are now in TNA. Also, it would just be too good to be true to ever see two of the most prominent factions in all of wrestling feuding in a great Survivor Series match, even though they may be past their primes. However, with all of that being said you can be the judge of whether or not you believe the poster is a fake or legit.

To view the WWE Survivor Series poster featuring the D-X and the nWo logo click here

Click Here To View The WWE Survivor Series Poster Featuring DX And The nWo! [>>]