okay, i see a lot of people on here who are religious and every single time someone who doesn't believe in god makes a comment they say, "you're just closed minded" or some weak ass arguement like that. I don't think it's necessarily being closed minded, I think it could be knowing what you believe in. For religious people they know what they believe in, whether there is a god or not is up for discussion, but a lot of people talk shit to athiests because they don't believe the same thing. NEWS FLASH.....not everyone believes the same thing as you...There are a lot of ignorant mother fuckers on here that don't seem to realize that. At one point in my life I believed in god, but through higher education and several life changing experiences, I don't believe there is a god anymore and people always try to argue with me about it.....I don't understand why people feel the need to convince me (or anyone else) that there is a god. Just thought i'd say that, seems like some people need to read that and let it sink in to the mush inside their skull. :dead: