Clinton/Obama ticket "invincible"

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May 13, 2002
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Add another name to the list of political observers who think a Clinton-Obama ticket would be unbeatable: Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

Cuban President Fidel Castro, shown in a file photo, says a Clinton-Obama ticket in 2008 would be "invincible."

In an editorial in Cuba's communist party newspaper, Granma, the ailing dictator called the pairing of the two White House hopefuls "invincible," according to an English translation on the paper's Web site.

Castro, who has overseen communist rule of Cuba since 1959, did, however, make it clear that he is no fan of the two Democrats' support of democratic reform in Cuba.

"Both of them feel the sacred duty of demanding 'a democratic government in Cuba,'" Castro wrote. "They are not making politics: they are playing a game of cards on a Sunday afternoon."

The two Democratic candidates actually disagree over America's policy toward Cuba.
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Obama, a senator from Illinois, wants to grant Cuban-Americans "unrestricted rights to visit family and send remittances to the island." Such activities are strictly limited by current U.S. policy.

Meanwhile, Clinton, New York's junior senator, said through a spokesman that "we cannot talk about changes to U.S. policy" unless and until Castro passes from the scene and a new government demonstrates its intentions.

Castro also weighed in on the "will-he-or-won't-he" debate on former Vice President Al Gore's potential candidacy.

"I don't think he will do so," Castro said, but added that Gore, "better than anyone, he knows about the kind of catastrophe that awaits humanity if it continues along its current course."

Castro was not, however, entirely full of praise for the 2000 Democratic nominee, conceding, "When he was a candidate, he of course committed the error of yearning for "a democratic Cuba."


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
the only thing about if clinton wins then the US will have the same 2 families in the white house for the last 2 decades
Nov 21, 2005
Fuck Hillary! and fuck fuckin Obama!

Both are in the CFR who are for the North AMerican Union..
and for WORLD GOVERMENT.. which is HITLER's rule on the world wide scale..

Also Hillary... is in the Bilderberg Group.. which is a major outles of the NEW WORLD ORDER..

no wonder castro supports these assholes.. One Dictator recognizes another!!!

All I can say is if America wants to stay FREE... VOTE FOR RON PAUL!!!

Also Mike Gravel and one other might be good.. but the rest are all

CFT and new world order puppets...

But it's very simple.. elect ron paul..

or choose to sell your souls into slavery...


Sicc OG
May 26, 2002
Mi$ta-Murda187 said:
Fuck Hillary! and fuck fuckin Obama!

Both are in the CFR who are for the North AMerican Union..
and for WORLD GOVERMENT.. which is HITLER's rule on the world wide scale..

Also Hillary... is in the Bilderberg Group.. which is a major outles of the NEW WORLD ORDER..

no wonder castro supports these assholes.. One Dictator recognizes another!!!

All I can say is if America wants to stay FREE... VOTE FOR RON PAUL!!!

Also Mike Gravel and one other might be good.. but the rest are all

CFT and new world order puppets...

But it's very simple.. elect ron paul..

or choose to sell your souls into slavery...
Oct 6, 2005
nhojsmith said:
clinton/obama? unbeatable? its a chinese PC NAACP womens lib aclu rosie odonnel wet dream to be certain, but i think the combo is more beatable than either running with a traditional wasp as their VP. the combo of these two would be a revolution against the wasp, and i give my old evil cracka friends more credit than letting a woman and a mulato riegn. al gore and either of these two would be unbeatable, these two together will backfire. first all the dems had to do was pick ANY white male and they would be unbeatable. then they want the first female or first mutt in history to be president, and they still got a reasonable chance, but now they want both? might as well crown fred thompson right now.
Lieberman is Jewish... JFK was Catholic... Maybe the anti-WASP revolution started years ago...?
Nov 27, 2006
nhojsmith said:
liberman never had a real chance at prez and jfk got his brains splattered all over his wifes lap
same shit will prob happen to obama if he gets elected, there are alot of crazy fuckers in this country