Suga free did some ole psychological jail tactics on him he didnt even catch..
Dude didnt even know suga free was fucking with him at first...and i dont think he knew he was fucking with him throughout the whole shit even AFTER that..the first parts the funny part the seconds more interview steez..
peep suga free's body language versus the interview dude (INF)
thats how you play someone like a bitch in front of a bunch of women
shit is hilarious and one of my favorite interviews..enjoy
for everyone up at thread
Dude didnt even know suga free was fucking with him at first...and i dont think he knew he was fucking with him throughout the whole shit even AFTER that..the first parts the funny part the seconds more interview steez..
peep suga free's body language versus the interview dude (INF)
thats how you play someone like a bitch in front of a bunch of women
shit is hilarious and one of my favorite interviews..enjoy
for everyone up at thread