First of all, yes this dude had major talent. He definitely deserves the utmost respect and it's being given from this direction no doubt. But, its Kind of ironic that this was posted today. The "Real" Charizma?? So, is my dude from Antioch the "Real" XO? or is the guy above me the "Real" EXXXO? And don't say "They spell it different." My point is don't hate on the next man to show love to your dude or the dude you're a fan of. No disrespect to you, EXXXO, just using your name as an example. This isn't even directed at you.
A perfect example is my dude Krypto. There are a shit load of Kryptos but the only one he has a problem with is the one who tries to be disrespectful. If it wasn't for that, he wouldn't even give a shit.
I have to admit, I had never heard of the "Real" Charizma when I started managing my dude, but I've done my homework and dude was nice and all respect to the deceased for sure. I'll say this for the last time though...My boy didn't bite the name from dude, he's never disrespected dude since the whining on Siccness about his name and he makes GOOD music under a name he has used since he got in the game. The name fits him perfectly. He's not going to change it and he'll keep on making great music for years to come. His career is just starting...
RIP Original Charizma