Ok, so now that they've flooded the airwaves trying to convince us that we need this 700 Billion Dollar bailout for the banks. It goes without saying that this bailout was funded with our tax dollars. This is what's really crazy...the fact that the banks are the cause for so many Americans being over their head in debt. The tricks and scams that the banks are allowed to get away with. Things like charging "loan shark" interest fees on loans & credit cards, charging all sorts of fees on everything. Some banks even go as far as shredding a customer's payment or holding it until after it's due just so they can say that they never got the payment and charge them a late fee. The things that the banks are allowed to do should be illegal, but they aren't. Another thing that needs to be mentioned are the contracts. Trust me, the average person WOULD NOT understand the contracts unless you're a lawyer or you have a lawyer read over it for you. They know that most citizens cant afford to have a lawyer read over a contract for them. That's why they purposely write the contracts the way that they write them. The banks have been screwing American citizens for a while. Now when they get a taste of their own medicine, they want us to bail them out so they can continue screwing the citizens.
I also want yall to know that there was a Credit Card Company based in San Francisco, California that scammed a lot of citizens. This company's name was Providian. The owner was Andrew Kahr. That company was brought down, and had to repay 400 Million to the people that they cheated. Then the owner was hired by the federal government to be the new ethics czar of businesses. Also...please be aware that these banks that they want to be bailed out, these same banks funded a huge part of George Bush's presidential campaign.
Now I wonder, where's the bailout for the citizens? The average, everyday working citizen that's one paycheck away from being homeless. Or...the citizens that aren't employed at all because their companies were laying people off and/or firing people. The citizens that are in heavy debt because the banks have been greedy and used every nickel & dime tactic that they possibly could. Here's a quote from an owner of a popular bank in regards to their methods for cheating customers.
"Making people pay for access to credit is a lucrative business where it is practiced...the trick is charging a lot, repeatedly, for small doses of incremental credit."
Here's another quote from another bank owner.
"Slavery is alive and well in America. We target the lower and middle class because they are the easiest to rob. We love consumer lending. We're virutally in their wallets for the rest of their lives."
Now that you all see how dirty the banks are. Now ask yourselves...Where's the bailout for the citizens?