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May 13, 2002
Does anyone have any additional info on this??


'Bomb-plot' Cuban crosses into US

A Cuban exile, accused by President Fidel Castro Havana of plotting to kill him, is preparing to apply for asylum in the United States, his lawyer says.

Luis Posada Carriles managed to cross illegally into the US from Mexico, lawyer Eduardo Soto said.

Mr Castro called Mr Carriles, 77, "a monster" comparable to Osama Bin Laden, and demanded to know how he had breached US border security.

He is also wanted in Venezuela over the bombing of a Cuban airliner in 1976.

Seventy-three people were killed in that attack.

Mr Carriles once boasted of being responsible for a series of bomb attacks of Havana tourist spots in the 1990s.

In hiding

Five years ago he was arrested in Panama and accused of plotting to kill Fidel Castro during a summit there.

He was convicted of a lesser charge, but was later pardoned and freed by the outgoing Panamanian president - causing Cuba to break off diplomatic relations.

Since then he has been in hiding.

Mr Soto said he crossed the US-Mexican border some weeks ago, but would not reveal his whereabouts.

In a three-hour appearance on television on Monday, Mr Castro raged: "It is as if Bin Laden were in the United States and the US president did not know."

Mr Soto says his client will apply for asylum on Wednesday.

He says that his application will be based partly on his claim that he worked "directly and indirectly" for the CIA for years, and has thus helped US interests.
May 13, 2002
(I'm just posting this as I find it)

An active CIA agent from 1963 as confirmed in documents declassified by the Church Commission, Luis Posada Carriles was in Dallas at the time of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and more than a few experts suspect that he was one of the snipers who killed the US president.

He also acted as a CIA expert in demolition and sabotage and as an informant until his excessively foul-smelling relationship with the South Florida world of drug trafficking led the Company to suggest that he look for a job elsewhere.

Posada joined – with the best recommendations from the CIA – the Venezuelan DIGEPOL, where he rapidly ascended to its leadership until that political police agency became the DISIP, using bloody repression to get rid of the guerrilla movement. There, according to his own words, he organized and participated in a veritable massacre, kidnapping, torturing and murdering with a free hand.

Will the US legal apparatus continue to “negotiate” with the most dangerous terrorist on the continent?
Apr 25, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
He is also wanted in Venezuela over the bombing of a Cuban airliner in 1976.

Seventy-three people were killed in that attack.
^^ Ballerinas

2-0-Sixx said:
Mr Carriles once boasted of being responsible for a series of bomb attacks of Havana tourist spots in the 1990s.
^^ almost exactly the same as the one that hit in Egypt this week. his bombs ripped apart innocent civilians cuban and italian (can't remember what other nationalities)

2-0-Sixx said:
Five years ago he was arrested in Panama and accused of plotting to kill Fidel Castro during a summit there.
^^ not to kill just Castro though, but possibly hundreds to thousands of innocent civilians many students who would have been there. And that dick president in panama pardons dude for attempting a terrorist attack against the people of panama? That's some treasonous shit. Talk about failing your people.
Apr 25, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Does anyone have any additional info on this??
For more information about the U.S. harboring terrorists within our borders (and more specifically Cuban expatriots and Luis Posada Carriles) check out these previous threads i made on the subject:

The following comes from one of my posts in this thread:

Information about Cuban American terrorist networks and the extent of their crimes

A living example of the extent of this criminal tolerance is Orlando Bosch, the pediatrician of death, anti-Cuba arch-terrorist, protected by the Bush family, the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF) and the CIA. The brains, together with Luis Posada Carriles, behind the sabotage of a Cubana airliner in full flight, provoking the death of 73 passengers on October 6, 1976, killer Bosch is now personally represented in the White House by his lifetime buddy Otto Reich, who sprung him from a Venezuelan jail.

On September 16, 1968, Bosch was involved in firing a projectile from bazooka on the Polish vessel Polanica, which was then docked in the port of Miami. On November 15, 1968, Bosch was convicted in the District Court for the Southern District of Florida of various felony offenses arising out of the assault on the Polish vessel. At that time he was also convicted on an indictment that had charged him with using the telegraph to send letters to the president of Mexico, General Francisco Franco of Spain; and British Prime Minister Harold Wilson, threatening to damage and destroy their countries’ ships and airplanes.

Bosch was paroled in 1972 and left the United States in 1974, thereby violating the terms of his parole.

More obsessed than ever with his terrorist mission, Bosch created and headed the Command of United Revolutionary Organizations (CORU) which, according to Whitley’s dossier, claimed responsibility for numerous bombings in Miami, New York, Venezuela, Panama, Mexico, Argentina and elsewhere.

Cuban American National Foundation (CANF), the main organization of the "anti-Cuba industry." From Jorge Mas Santos to Joe García, all the leading elements of the principal Cuban-American annexation-terrorist. It’s interesting to note that for decades now, the CANF has financed Luis Posada Carriles, who shares with Orlando Bosch the title of the most dangerous terrorist in the hemisphere. Posada Carriles masterminded the bombing of a Cubana Airlines plane in which all 73 people on board died; he is also responsible for more than 50 other attacks, including those that took place in Havana in 1997. In an interview with The New York Times, he confessed that for many years he has been able to count on the CANF’s unfailing economic support.

Other "experts" proven to have received money for terror (and above all from the network of Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch): Roberto Martín Peréz (also a participant in plans for bombing attacks), Elpidio Núñez, Diego Rolando Suárez Muñoz and Felipe Vals Brau.

At a short distance from the CANF troops, the former capos of the CANF’s most fanatical wing, ecstatic with beatitude; they are now "dissidents" joined together in an organization pompously christened the Council for Cuban Liberty. Ninoska Pérez-Castillón (spokeswoman for the group and promoter of support for Posada Carriles), Alberto Hernández (former CANF president), Feliciano Foyo (whom Posada Carriles calls his "financier"), and Horacio García. Many of them signed a call to terrorism published by the Miami Herald in August 2001, in which they coldly affirmed that all means, however violent, are admissible to change the island’s government. The document was also signed by Miami terrorist leader Orlando Bosch, accomplice of Luis Posada Carriles and defender of the principle that it’s "normal" for innocent people to die in any confrontation.

Félix Rodriguez, one of the Watergate burglars and the head of the drug operation in El Salvador’s Ilopango base that allowed the Nicaraguan contras to buy arms, financed by cocaine sales on U.S. territory. A buddy of George Bush I and Otto Reich, both of whom covered up his activities, Rodriguez was closely linked to terrorist activities by secret organization Omega-7, responsible for several attacks and assassinations.

Huber Matos, head of Independent Democratic Cuba, who "distinguished" himself in the dirty war in Nicaragua.

Armando Pérez Roura, a Batista follower, Alpha 66 member, leader of the terrorist group Cuban Unity, involved in various criminal activities in Miami, hysterical announcer on a well-known terrorist radio station. Over the years Alpha 66, led by Nazario Sargent, has instigated and organized many terrorist raids on Cuba (all of which failed). In Miami, he continues to openly advocate the absolute need for violent actions without any interference by the authorities. His son also trafficked drugs.

Killers Dionisio Suárez Esquivel and Virgilio Paz Romero. The two men were freed by President Bush in August 2001 (just before the September 11 attacks), after being imprisoned for the murders of Chilean Ambassador Orlando Letelier and human rights activist Ronnie Moffit on a Washington DC street! This horrendous crime was denounced throughout the entire world.

Roberto Rodríguez de Aragón of the Cuban Patriotic Junta, godfather of various violent actions, alongside Sisto Reinaldo Aquis Manríquez and his crony Eugenio Llameras Rondón, both members of the Secret Army and Commandos L, and with abundant antecedents of participating in acts of terrorism.

Pedro Remón — as the FBI’s own files confirm — killed Félix García Rodríguez, a Cuban diplomat at the United Nations in New York, in September 1980. In November 1979, he also murdered Eulalio José Negrín, a Cuban-American who supported the island’s government, in front of his 12-year-old son. He has participated in broad range of terrorist crimes.

Guillermo Novo Sampoli has maintained an extensive history of terror for the last 40 years. Accomplice in the assassinations of Orlando Letelier and Ronnie Moffit, he was arrested in Miami carrying half a kilo of cocaine. He was finally found guilty of the double murder, but was "absolved" on appeal, thanks to legal shenanigans by the CIA, whose director at the time was George Bush I.

Gaspar Jiménez Escobedo, old conspirator buddy of Orlando Bosch, was involved in the savage murder of Cuban technician D’Artagnan Díaz Díaz in Mérida, Mexico, and later escaped from jail there. He took part in various other assassination attempts on the Cuban president in Jamaica, Mexico, Spain, Honduras, Colombia, Argentina and the Dominican Republic.

He likewise collaborated in the sinister Panama conspiracy, along with Nelsy Ignacio Castro Matos, Santiago Alvarez Fernández and Rubén Darío López Castro. All live in Miami and all are "eminent" personalities in the community of professional terrorists who, one supposes, are fully documented by the FBI.

It’s worth asking: How much longer will the U.S. people put up with a president held hostage by a handful of mafia terrorists? How much longer will the U.S. people put up with a shameless gang of criminals directing their nation’s foreign policy on Latin America? How much longer will the U.S. people put up with the cruel punishment meted out to five Cuban patriots who were imprisoned for counteracting terror?
May 13, 2002
Thanks for the information CB...

April 14th

Bush silent as top terrorist seeks US asylum
By Bill Van Auken
14 April 2005

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“If you harbor terrorists, you are a terrorist,” were the words used by President George W. Bush in justifying the invasion of Afghanistan three-and-a-half years ago and launching the campaign of worldwide militarism known as the global war on terror.

But the Bush administration is itself harboring a notorious terrorist, wanted for the mid-flight bombing of a Cuban civilian airliner as well as other deadly attacks on civilian targets and attempted assassinations.

The terrorist in question is Luis Posada Carriles, a CIA-trained Cuban exile who slipped quietly across the US-Mexican border last month and is now formally applying for political asylum in the United States.

While Posada Carriles entered the country illegally, his presence here has hardly been a secret. His supporters in the extreme right-wing anti-Castroite exile circles in Miami’s Little Havana have launched fund-raising efforts on his behalf, and his lawyer held a press conference Wednesday formally announcing his bid for asylum.

Yet the Bush administration, in the face of demands from the governments of both Cuba and Venezuela for Posada Carriles’s extradition to face charges of international terrorism and murder, has remained totally silent. It has made no move to take the terrorist into custody and is, in every sense of the word, harboring him. Apparently, he has spent the past two weeks negotiating his status with US immigration officials and the Department of Homeland Security.

Cuban President Fidel Castro announced on Monday that his government has demanded the arrest of Posada Carriles and his extradition to face terrorist charges in Cuba. He delivered a stinging speech in Havana, denouncing the Bush administration for “hypocrisy” and comparing Posada Carriles to Osama bin Laden.

The Cuban President spoke before an audience that included survivors and relatives of victims of a series of US-backed terrorist attacks dating back to the early 1960s and including the 1976 airline bombing. Also present was the father of Fabio Di Celmo, the young Italian tourist killed in the wave of bombings of hotels and other tourist areas organized by Posada Carriles in Havana in 1997.

“Listen well, Mr. Bush,” declared Castro. “Here are the victims of the crimes and terrorist acts committed against our people going back dozens of years. It is in their name that I am speaking.”

Posada Carriles is still considered a fugitive from justice in Venezuela, where he escaped from prison after being sentenced to 25 years imprisonment for having organized the 1976 terrorist bombing of a Cuban civilian airliner flying from Bermuda to Venezuela. All 73 people aboard were killed. Stating that Venezuela was stepping up its demands for extradition, Vice President Jose Vicente Rangel told the press, “I hope Mr. Bush will take note of his own anti-terrorism policies and hand over Posada Carriles.”

In the bid for political asylum, the lawyer for the terrorist said he intends to argue that his client faces political persecution if he is returned to Cuba and that he carried out his crimes in collaboration “directly or indirectly” with the US Central Intelligence Agency.

Posada Carriles’s involvement in terrorism spans over four decades. After going into exile to oppose the Cuban Revolution of 1959, he was trained in the use of explosives by the CIA in preparation for the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in 1961. He subsequently underwent military training in the US Army’s officer candidate school.

He was implicated in the 1976 Washington, DC assassination of former Chilean government minister Orlando Letelier, a prominent opponent of the Pinochet dictatorship who died in a car bombing together with his American associate Ronni Moffit. At the time, Venezuelan police found maps and other evidence at Posada Carriles’s home in that country tying him to the terrorist killings.

After his escape from prison in Venezuela in 1985, he made his way to El Salvador, where he played a key role in the illegal operation organized by the Reagan administration to fund and arm the contra terrorists attacking Nicaragua.

In 1998, he admitted to the New York Times that he was responsible for organizing a string of bombings of Cuban hotels, department stores and other civilian targets the previous year, having hired a group of Central American mercenaries to do the dirty work. The bombings killed one person and wounded 11 others.

At the time, Posada Carriles said that his terrorist activities were funded by the Cuban American National Foundation, the powerful exile group that both the Democrats and Republicans have courted and awarded government funding.

Posada Carriles is responsible for several attempts to assassinate Cuba’s Fidel Castro. The most recent was uncovered by Cuban intelligence in Panama in 2000, where he directed a plot to bomb a speech by Castro during the Ibero-American summit.

He was arrested together with three other Cuban exiles. One of his co-conspirators was Guillermo Novo, who was tried, convicted and then released on a technicality in connection with the 1976 Letelier assassination. The other two were implicated in assassinations of Cuban diplomats and others targeted by the anti-Castro terrorist groups.

Despite overwhelming evidence that the four intended to bomb a crowded lecture hall, a crime that would have produced massive casualties, the right-wing government in Panama tried the four only on lesser charges. Then, in August 2004, just days before she left office, Panamanian President Mireya Moscoso pardoned them, in response to US pressure and in return for $4 million from Cuban exile groups in Miami.

In timing that seemed to be more than coincidence, the pardon came on the eve of a major campaign rally for George W. Bush in Miami, where the Republican president refused to condemn the release of the four convicted terrorists.

Posada Carriles’s three co-conspirators all had US citizenship. Allowed back into the US with no questions asked, they were greeted as heroes by the right-wing exile groups. While not a citizen, Posada Carriles was supplied with a false American passport by the US embassy and made his way to Honduras and then El Salvador, where he apparently had powerful protectors.

There is no reason to believe that Posada Carriles would have returned to the US without a signal from top government officials that they intend to protect him and continue supporting the terrorist activities that he has directed over the past four decades.

If it were to adopt policies analogous to those utilized by the Bush administration in its so-called global war on terror, the Cuban government would be entitled to send special forces into Miami to either kidnap or assassinate Posada Carriles, or even launch a military attack on Washington.

That such a scenario seems farfetched only underscores the fraud of the US war on terrorism itself. While using the supposed threat of terrorism as a pretext for carrying out global military aggression and a means of stampeding the American people into accepting war and social reaction, the US government remains the greatest purveyor of state-sponsored terrorism on the face of the earth. That is why a monstrous killer like Posada Carriles feels safe coming in from the cold.