China to test its 'artificial sun'

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May 13, 2002
Fusion is the future of our energy needs (hopefully).


Jul. 26, 2006 - - China to test its 'artificial sun'

China is due to conduct the first plasma discharge test on its Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), also known as the artificial sun, on Aug. 15, according to the People’s Daily.

Should the test prove successful, it would mark the completion of the world’s first nuclear fusion device, the paper reported.

Developed entirely by China, the EAST is located on the Science Island in Hefei city of China’s Anhui province.

The device has reportedly already gone through a series of tests, including low-temperature tests and power-on tests, to prepare it for its all-important plasma discharge test that will ultimately determine whether or not the test has been successful.

A tokamak is a machine that produces a magnetic field to confine a plasma, an electrically-neutral, highly-ionized gas composed of ions, electrons, and neutral particles.

The containment of plasma is a necessary prerequisite for the creation of fusion power, which is energy generated by nuclear fusion reactions.

China’s EAST has been dubbed as an artificial sun because it is designed to produce fusion power in a similar way to the sun, which is a natural fusion reactor.

Scientists working on the EAST are hoping that the energy generated by this artificial sun will be transferable to other devices and subsequently used by humans to replace their daily energy needs.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
First the weather, now the sun....Sounds like they're making some moves...I wonder how bad this will turn out in the end with an artificial "mother earth."
Mar 9, 2005
Reminds me of several science fiction scenarios - the development of an artificial sun results in the fusion reaction growing out of control and destroying the world. Of course, I don't think that's likely to happen in real life, but who knows... I wonder how much energy it will be able to produce if it does work. Obviously not much if it will be 'used by humans to replace their daily energy needs' - I would have thought that it would be a lot more than that...