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May 13, 2002
Anti-Bush Protesters Battle Police at Chile Summit

Fri Nov 19, 2:52 PM ET Top Stories - Reuters

President Bush (news - web sites) was due to arrive later on Friday and his visit has become a lightening rod for protests.

Tens of thousands of people streamed through downtown Santiago carrying banners and chanting slogans against the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq (news - web sites), including "Fascist Bush is a terrorist."

The area affected by violence was small and had no effect on plans of APEC (news - web sites) leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin (news - web sites) and China's President Hu Jintao, to hold bilateral meetings ahead of the leaders' summit on the weekend.

Ministers paving the way for the weekend meeting have discussed ways to revive global trade talks launched in Doha three years ago. Cooperation against international terrorism is also on the agenda, at the urging of countries including the United States and Russia.

China's Hu has taken advantage of his South American trip to guarantee supplies of key commodities for his booming economy. He launched free-trade talks with Chile, the world's largest copper exporter, and promised investment during visits to soy-producing Brazil and Argentina.

Police estimated the number of marchers at 25,000, but protest leaders said the real number well over 70,000.

"The turnout is much bigger than we'd expected. This is a polite response to Bush's barbarity," said Ernesto Medina, a march organizer.

APEC officials were far away in their hotels or in a convention center overlooking the foothills of the Andes on the outskirts of Santiago.

Protest organizers from leftist, indigenous and environmental groups said the rights of workers and the need to protect the environment were being ignored in the free-trade agreements promoted by APEC members.

A violent minority pulled shirts over their faces and started throwing rocks when the march ended in Santiago's Bustamante park. They broke up park benches and burned a U.S. flag.

Police doused the crowds with water cannons and fired tear gas from armored vehicles at protesters who dodged behind trees. They made about 40 arrests.

At least one person, who looked like a marcher, was hurt, and was carried into an ambulance with blood streaming from his head.

Chile's government canceled all police leave and decreed a public holiday in Santiago on Friday as part of the strict security.

Aug 31, 2003
2-0-Sixx said:
We've had way bigger, WTO wasn't that long ago

yea but we need something like that now. everyone is waiting and all this .. sooner or later it's going to be too late man. starting to lose faith by the day in the revolution that's been in the making.
Apr 25, 2002
Yes, they are pist because our troops are in Iraq, a lot of people are pist about it. What I find amusing is, all of these anti-American protests going on around the globe have one thing in common...the people protesting have forgotten who helps them when they need it. A guy on TV hit the nail on the head earlier tonight when he said...."The United States is like your rich uncle who lives on top of a hill and gives you money and helps you whenever you need something...but you still resent him".

LOL, the revolution is coming right? By the looks of that election map, revolution isn't happening any time looks like shit isn't as bad as some of you think, cause if it was Bush would have been voted out of office.

I can't wait for the day Bush turns around and says FUCK YOU to all these countries screaming Anti-American shit, including but not limited to those fucks saying "die America"...and chanting it repeatedly. I can't wait 'til our government pulls our money back and tells these fucks to take care of themselves...because I'm a taxpayer, meaning some of my hard earned cash that I need is going to these bastards who want to see me and my family dead.

2Pac said it best...."Fuck The World"'s time we focus on US, focus on fixing our own country, and focus on our own people having money...and say FUCK what everybody else is doing.
Aug 31, 2003
Sydal said:
LOL, the revolution is coming right? By the looks of that election map, revolution isn't happening any time looks like shit isn't as bad as some of you think, cause if it was Bush would have been voted out of office.

Hitler was loved by the majority as well.
May 13, 2002
Sydal said:
Yes, they are pist because our troops are in Iraq, a lot of people are pist about it. What I find amusing is, all of these anti-American protests going on around the globe have one thing in common...the people protesting have forgotten who helps them when they need it. A guy on TV hit the nail on the head earlier tonight when he said...."The United States is like your rich uncle who lives on top of a hill and gives you money and helps you whenever you need something...but you still resent him".
LMAO!!! Do you know Chile's history? Let me ask you, WHAT HAS THE U.S DONE TO HELP THE PEOPLE OF CHILE?

Can't answer? How about Sept. 11th? Yes, 9/11/73 where our government assassinated the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED President of Chile, not to mention about 3,000 other people died on that day in the military coup. What followed was 17 years of a brutal Dictatorship, one that the U.S sponsored, that killed literally hundreds of thousands of innocent people and imprisoned and tortured thousands as well. LMAO@the U.S helping Chile!

The people of Chile were NOT simply protesting the war in Iraq smart guy.
Feb 9, 2003
The USA does help a lot of people, but we usually fuck them a hell of a lot worse before we offer any aid.

Iran: Those goofy Persian bastads only wanted to nationalize their national resources, in this case oil, in order to keep the money away from the British. A Coup followed.

Haiti: Aristide was elected fairly, democratically, and in a huge landslide over the American backed candidate. But this did not sit well with The US or Guy-Philippe. So when Guy-Philippe and the rebels expressed a wanting for a rebellion the US backed them. Most of the rebels used M16's and M60's, great and powerful weapons, but American made. The NATIONAL Haitian Army of about 3,000 was outgunned. Aristide was overthrown and when he was reinstated by Clinton Haiti was even more fucked than it had been with Bush Sr. [Thanks Democrats!]

Afghanistan: Russia, huge militarist facist country who promoted communism, attacked Afghanistan. They pretty much took it over. The US did not like this but was afraid of directly confronting Russia, much like Russia was too afraid to confront the US in the Vietnam war, so the US trained "Freedom fighters." The US believed that Afghanistan under the Taliban rule would make business over there more stable. But being a crazy asshole in the first place Osama supported most extremist-radical Islamic groups. So then we bomb the shit out of Afghanistan.

Vietnam: My Lai....

Phillipines: The Phillipine-American War. The Americans had just destroyed the Spanish Navy, this war is what actually made the USA a superpower. But the problem was that the Filipinos felt it was in their best interest to secede from Spainish AND American Rule. I guess white America felt that the Niggers, or gugu's, [both terms applied to Filipinos] deserved to die.
I want no prisoners. I wish you to kill and burn, the more you kill and burn the better it will please me...Kill everyone over the age of ten

--General Jacob Smith
We've helped all these countries by giving them our crumbs.
May 13, 2002
Sydal said:
2Pac said it best...."Fuck The World"'s time we focus on US, focus on fixing our own country, and focus on our own people having money...and say FUCK what everybody else is doing.
Hmmm. Why the fuck are we in Iraq then? If this was what the US focused on and worried about only our own, then less money would go into war and more into education of our own citizens. The US focuses more on foreign issues than domestic issues these days.


Sicc OG
Feb 5, 2003
Sydal said:
2Pac said it best...."Fuck The World"'s time we focus on US, focus on fixing our own country, and focus on our own people having money...and say FUCK what everybody else is doing.

It would be nice because then maybe Ben Laden and all his flakes would get off our nuts for once and we could start focusing on our country.