chapter 1 story of a cat on crystal

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Sicc OG
Sep 15, 2002
elijah he was born 2003 hmm sumtime around fuck i dont remember i
>>was so spun ..anyways it all started when i gave him his first line
>>of crystal methaphetimines eventually he moved on to the useage of
>>various forms of peezoes,pookies aka "the glass dick",then he
>>struck bottom when he learned a technique he study'd chris perform
>>many times a day,"The Hot Rail"ALL HAIL THE HOT RAIL!!..well weeks
>>flew by and taft seemed to get the worst of elijah ,it got to where
>>elijah wud only use chris for his dope sack and chris wud fall for
>>it everytime,cuz elijah was no normal cat this cats mind has been
>>genetically enhanced with 100% pure uncut meth ,he looks all
>>innocent but his mind is that of a twisted tweeker sum what
>>comparable to "crazy danny"danny lee,or"mr stands up in front of a
>>church and says god plz forgive me for masturbating"danny
>> be continued..
Jun 27, 2002
hey homeboy, put the pipe down....get some sleep, you been up too

i remember giving a cat some crank once, i dipped my finger in the bag and pull out hella...and just stuck my finger in his mouth and rubbed it around....i dont think he liked that, cause he started hissing....then he start spittin...i had a mad cat on crank spittin at me....i was crackin up

cat hid under the bed for 2 days....


Sicc OG
Sep 15, 2002
hid under the bed for 2 days lmao ahaha nah this is a story i made up theres kinda a inside joke to it so yall may not get it except the fact that its totally ate up and if u got a twisted sense of humor like me its funny as fuck