TIMZ is back at it again. Channel 10 News just interviewed him and is going to air a segment tonight at 11pm. This is the second time in a week that TIMZ is being interviewed on the news. Last Friday Fox News Channel put him on Hannity and Colmes which is a national tv show that has about 1.5 million viewers a night. Tune in and support TIMZ who always represents San Diego. For those of you in the south east you can get a copy of his album "Open For Business" at 3655 Ocean View Blvd. 92113. Or stop by www.cdbaby.com/timz
The album is produced by E-Low and Al Rasoul. Support TIMZ and buy his album and hear for yourself what all the buzz is about.
The album is produced by E-Low and Al Rasoul. Support TIMZ and buy his album and hear for yourself what all the buzz is about.