Celcius Best Seller!!!!!!

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Apr 25, 2002
dove had his chance to make a new album with 70 mile ..i know for a fact because matt bought 5 beats from my camp so dove can use .....all dove needed to do was help matt sell the rest of the invasion so they can build a budget to start recording his new album ..but poor dove didnt want to ...so like any 1 calling the shots he moved on, plain and simple...so now he has to sell the invasion cd on his own to make back what he bought them for ...and ya the money does go in his pocket ..but if dove would have never been a hard head the money would of went back to him so he can work on his new album ....also i seen R.E.S. slipped out of the top 5 u guys need to put him back in there www.wlrecords.net :classic:
Aug 22, 2002
I'm not seeing the comparison between Matt and Dyamund...Matt started selling the Invasion CD's when DOVE was STILL working with 70 Mile on his next album, The Arrival..then DOVE left 70 Mile because he didn't like the way the album was going or whatever, and you expect Matt to stop selling the Invasion CD's he bought with his own money? And what, give them away (which, coincidentally, is what he's doing in the Sicc Shop for $5)? I don't think so.

If any of that info is wrong, check me on it.

**Hops off Matt's dick** :cheeky:


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
what is Matt doing that is so bad, you say that he is disrespecting Dove by trying to sell his album now and Dove aint getting anything from it. At the time when Matt purchased these units, Dove was working on two projects for 70 Mile, a short promo EP, and a new album, and Trajik wasn't even signed yet, but Dove and Matt couldn't come to agreements for whatever reason, I'm not gonna put all that out there and try to make either side look bad. But the copies of Dove Dawg's first album were purchased as a PROMOTIONAL tool to help hype Dove's name back up while they worked on the new projects, but Dove didn't wanna push it cuz it's "old" to him, so now that 70 Mile and Dove don't work together, is Matt supposed to just sit on 1,500 or so units of an album that is kinda getting old, what is he sposed to do with it? Open it and use the cds and frisbees and mirrors, it's only the right thing to do to try to make his money back and what did Matt say specifically....

" All I am concerned about now is recouping on my investment. Once that has been realized I won't push them anymore. I am not trying to make money of someone else or take anything from them.....just looking to protect my investment."

There you have it, all that needed to be said, plain and simple.
Oct 24, 2002
Heat baught the CD's for money from Lock N Load. So basically what some people are sayin is that he baught them and should just keep them and loose lots of money that he could be usin.

Anyway I think Matt is right. He baught them when im and DOVE was cool so now he can sell them. He has to make money.
Nov 14, 2002
Yo Heat, send me one for free and if it doesn't suck I'll hit you up with 10 bucks instead of 5, thus paying for 2 cd's. Then you can crumple up the extra 5, throw it at Dove and tell people to shut their holes about it.
Apr 22, 2002
We got our copies before we understood what the big deal was with Tech and Don Juan. We haven't ordered any more and will not, we're just going to sell what we have left. He's number one cuz people LOVE Tech N9ne and we sold Absolute Power in the store as well, but sales were almost non-existant because that album is easily found as opposed to Celcius..

But either way, it's none of my business. What Tech/Strange Music's relationship is with anyone is none of my business. If there is a demand for something, chances are we'll sell it. I'm not a cheerleader and I'm not trying to get in the middle of other people's shit. I'd advise you all to do the same..

Apr 25, 2002
Hey I'm not here to bitch about shit ............... But I only asked the simple question to Matt the real guy who knows the fucking answer......... but yet I get motherfuckers adding in shit that wasn't needed and for those who wanna know Dove didn't leave 70 mile........ Matt said Dove didn't fit the description to be with 70 mile plus Matt was talking to Trajik at the time Dove was with 70 mile thank you......... ZerOMedia FUCK YOU HOMIE YOU GETS NO RESPECT......... SAYING THAT SHIT.......... I have no problem with 70 Mile Ent., Hell my cousin is on the lable......... I just have problems what is said and done about one person.
Nov 14, 2002
MANRelle$h said:
Hey I'm not here to bitch about shit ............... But I only asked the simple question to Matt the real guy who knows the fucking answer......... but yet I get motherfuckers adding in shit that wasn't needed and for those who wanna know Dove didn't leave 70 mile........ Matt said Dove didn't fit the description to be with 70 mile plus Matt was talking to Trajik at the time Dove was with 70 mile thank you......... ZerOMedia FUCK YOU HOMIE YOU GETS NO RESPECT......... SAYING THAT SHIT.......... I have no problem with 70 Mile Ent., Hell my cousin is on the lable......... I just have problems what is said and done about one person.
First off, your respect means ish to me. And second, that "shit" I said sold at least one copy of the Dove album... How do I know that?


So if you're not here to bitch about shit... could you at least stop bitching about shit?
Aug 21, 2002
That's Doves loss....

He has skill, and the backing to make it, but instead, he wants to sit and do nothing with his life. He obviously doesn't want to be in the game so we cant feel sorry for someone that doesnt want to do shit for themselves...

Matt, do ya thing. No need in talking good shit on him when obviously you and him aren't in good standing!

Uh oh.... The Evil side of Matt is coming out, but in a professional way... Heh, heh, heh....
Apr 25, 2002
like I said at first I asked the simple question to MATT...... RIGHT???
ZerOMedia you bought a copy fine.... but yet you make dumb ass comments that don't need to be said but since you talking would you do that shit what you told Matt to do in Dove's face.... NIGGA I DOUBT THAT SHIT HOMIE........REAL TALK
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