Tell you what. We went out to San Jose promotin and passin out fliers on the street with all the clubs like the Bee Hive. I heard abotu it but never really went down there. Man... I was amazed. They got their shit together. They had about 4 clubs onone street. Big time headlioners. Women lookin like they actually took the time to get dressed up. Very impressive. free parking. Pseople were hella polite. I knw that sounds stupid, but it was so different than everywhere else we've been. People were HELLA nice...sad to say, but it made me a little uncomfortable. You know, "WHy these mufucas bein so nice."
But on the real, I don't know shit about San Jose, but their night life for rap is excellent. I thik this was on about a Thursday, too. It wasn't even on the weekend. Only problem were two broads (notice I said women before. But these two idiots could only be described as broads) were talkin shit in a parkin lot, drunk as fuck and they had to call the police. FOr a minute, I realized that it is possible to have clubs in the bay; I had given up.
I'm noteven aware of all the violence in San Jo, but I do know that they have a solid night life