RedStorm said:
Why are people so sensitive? Put America in an asscrack and see how much I care.
Im not sure if your aware of whats going on right now in our society but if you are then you might just understand that it is a very sensitive subject especially to middle easterns.
And at bay giant...
First of all please spell check your posts its hard for me to understand all your errors.
second please emphasize on your calling me ignorant.
(which by the way I find hilarious ...I hope you co me a bit tighter than earlier...hint hint)
And again I ask you read my posts carefully prior to any implications you might have.
If you would of done so then you might of realized that I didnt say shit about the picture being about terrorists...although I do believe that the middle east is clearly being ridiculed in this post and frankly I cant think of any other reasons why that would happen besides the terroists related attacks...If Im wrong then please correct me.
what other reasons would one have to post such a thing?
If its clearly a joking matter then forgive my lack of humor.