Can the Police???

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Sicc OG
Aug 1, 2002
I was just wondering what yah think of these two expriences I and my Peeps have had with the police.

1. Is it right when someone throws a beer bottle at your car on the interstate. And after you chase them down going 110 the police have a road block for you waiting in town. And the only reason they showed up, is because it was an off duty officer throwing the beer bottle in the first place? And ask to search your car, and when you say no do it anyway? (That happend to O-Dawg and Cmoke, they found nothing, and no tickets for reckless driving were givin).

2. For 6 officers to show up at an apartment for a "hang up" when no one really called the police. Come in because they have to check things out, and give someone an under age. (that time, Cmoke and I got away with nothing, because I lied saying I was 21 giving them someone elses name and birthday. Someone with Green Eyes and Blond hair for a discription, and me having brown hair and blue eyes. I don't know how that worked out. Cmoke was just lucky, only blowing a .04, and getting let off.)



Sicc OG
Aug 1, 2002
I'm hearing all that, and knew most of it already. I've never been convicted for anything besides a few traffic tickets(And I've been asked if they can search my car. Even if I know I don't have anything on me, I tell them NO YOU MAY NOT, i have no reasons for you searching my car). And I hope I never do. I was just wondering if you think, about the situations i've gave. The Police in Sioux Falls are anal. Fuck Em. They pull that type of shit all the time here. But Like that thread is saying, just don't give them a reason. And you can usally slide.

May 12, 2002
for #2 they can do that because if you had like a murderer in the house and you tried calling 911 but he cut your phone line while ur talking or some shit, they gotta come in and make sure he's not hiding anywhere... of course its a bullshit excuse to step inside your house especially if you never made the call, but thats how they work
May 12, 2002
Dont let them in.

AS FOR THE BEER CAN ISSUE... i dont see why theyd do all that just to be able to search your car. But if there was a road block, what happened to the guy who threw the can? He had to be going like 150 to be able to get away from you and let you alone to deal with the police.


Sicc OG
Aug 1, 2002

The guy who thought the bottle was there, when they were stopped. After O-Dawg told them what happend to one police officer, he told O-Dawg that that cop was straight as an arrow. If I was there I would of asked them to give him a breath aliazer(whoever the fuk you spell it). If hes so straight, then what the fuck would he be afraid of.

Jul 6, 2002
Blight said:
Yeah. Ive been dooped by them too. Fuck them is how i look at it forever. None are straight to me.
^glad some one else besides me thinks logically...
what are they for? to disturb and disrespect, they love fuckin up our liberties. hell, it's there job to rape pockets inthe name of the city/county/state youlive my part of alabama, i'm screamin FUCK ROBERT E. LEE & THE WHORE OF DIXIE!!!!
May 13, 2002
yea cops in my lil town dont do jack shit sept hand out tickets left an right....thats 104 bones a much is it where yall at ?

they aint stopped me tho...but they like to follow me around alot jus to get me shook man i hate em...
Aug 6, 2002
it depends what the ticket is for. like for a speeding ticket it's $20 for every mile over the speed limit. and for no insurance it's $500's all about the money with this system...sad.


Sicc OG
Aug 1, 2002
Fuck, if you park on the line of a handycape space our PIGZ will hit you with a ticket, and thats around 200.

My older bro once parked in one while this girl was getting something to drink. And the mother fuckerz called in back up. PUSSIES.

May 8, 2002
Fawg said:
I was just wondering what yah think of these two expriences I and my Peeps have had with the police.

1. Is it right when someone throws a beer bottle at your car on the interstate. And after you chase them down going 110 the police have a road block for you waiting in town. And the only reason they showed up, is because it was an off duty officer throwing the beer bottle in the first place? And ask to search your car, and when you say no do it anyway? (That happend to O-Dawg and Cmoke, they found nothing, and no tickets for reckless driving were givin).

2. For 6 officers to show up at an apartment for a "hang up" when no one really called the police. Come in because they have to check things out, and give someone an under age. (that time, Cmoke and I got away with nothing, because I lied saying I was 21 giving them someone elses name and birthday. Someone with Green Eyes and Blond hair for a discription, and me having brown hair and blue eyes. I don't know how that worked out. Cmoke was just lucky, only blowing a .04, and getting let off.)

for part 1 no, you have no right to chase some1 110 mph down the freeway even if he/she threw a bottle at your car. you should have got the licence plate, then stopped pursuit, and registered a complaint with the police.

2. cant say cause it seems that you left out some key information. but reasonable cause is very vague and can be used for almost anything.
for example if they went to the apartments for no reason and were walking around and happened to hear people yeling or acting suspicious thats reasonable cause


Sicc OG
Aug 1, 2002
Re: Re: Can the Police???

Mcleanhatch said:

for part 1 no, you have no right to chase some1 110 mph down the freeway even if he/she threw a bottle at your car. you should have got the licence plate, then stopped pursuit, and registered a complaint with the police.

2. cant say cause it seems that you left out some key information. but reasonable cause is very vague and can be used for almost anything.
for example if they went to the apartments for no reason and were walking around and happened to hear people yeling or acting suspicious thats reasonable cause
1. I'll get back to that one in a moment.

2. Their was 4 of us, and we were not making noise. Their was no info left out, exept the name and birthday I gave them when they asked me if I was 21, and you don't need to know that. The police here are just FUCKED UP. I'll fill you all in to let you know what this girl gets for her minor. She's 2 months away from her 21st so I think they will go easy on her. And its only her second one.

Back to 1: Fuck that way. If I was their I would of done the same thing. LOL, you should see what happens when we catch up to someone that gives us the finger. LOL, REMEMBER TEA P??? It involved some left over fireworks and a fire arm. LOL.

You see, O-Dawg (Reggz) has had someone from about 2 years ago do the same thing. And he did what you said we should do. And do you know what, they still havent paid for the damages to his windshield, so fuck it. You fuck with us, be prepaired to get something back in return worse then a court appearence. Yeah sure, we might get in a little trouble too, for what we will do to yah. But its worth it.


PEACE, thanx for your in-put
