Can Someone Help A DSLR Newbie Dumb Down Some Of These Specs?

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Apr 9, 2005
So as I mentioned in another thread, I got a Canon 20D from a co-worker yesterday. He gave it to me without a down payment, and is letting me make a few monthly payments to him. He kinda rushed me into buying it, and now I am having second thoughts.

For the same price, I can get a brand new Rebel XSi. He claimed the 20D was only 2 years old, but I found out it was released in 2004. Maybe HE got it 2 years ago, I don't know.

I've found specs for both cameras here:


The main things I see are the megapixels, LCD size, etc which I'm not so concerned about, but then I see a couple specs I don't understand:

The Max Shutter on the XSi is 1/4000 sec and on the 20D it's 1/8000 sec.

The other is the ISO rating. On the XSi is goes up to 1600, and on the 20D it's 3200.

What do those 2 specs mean for me? This is probably a dumb question, but I am new to DSLR's, as I'm upgrading from a crappy 4MP Kodak. Also, is there anything else I should be aware of?
May 14, 2002
The higher your iso, the better you can shoot in the dark. But also adds a lot of noise to your photos.
What you also have to keep in mind is the prices of the extra eqp.
Check them of both brands because you also need lenses, filters maybe a flash etc.

There are a lot of pages with a lot of info but I cant post them right now Im not on my own computer right now..
Jan 5, 2006
LCD screen is a nice feature to preview the pictures and detail too, my D70 lacks that, my D40 has a nicer bigger LCD.

But ISO you don't really have to worry about. Worry more about the lens than the body, a good lens will outlast all your camera bodies. I doubt you'll ever have to go abve 800 ISO if you have a good and fast lens.