Can 20,000-40,000 More US Troops Save Iraq?

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May 13, 2002
Can More US Troops Save Iraq?
That's what George W. Bush wants you to believe.

Your thoughts please. (I've included a few of mine)

Will the Democrats oppose the so called "serge?"

Unlikely, since most of them don't even know they have that power. Newly elected Rep. Nancy Boyda (D-KS) said she would support funding for 20,000-40,000 more troops in Iraq because President Bush “is the commander in chief. …We don’t get that choice. Congress doesn’t make that decision.”

Do the Democrats even understand why the were elected and are taking control of the US Congress after 12 years as a minority? Do they care?

Democrat Harry Reid, elected Majority Leader of the Senate, would like you to believe so, saying “Last November, the voters sent us a message—Democrats and Republicans,” Reid declared. “The voters are upset with Congress and the partisan gridlock. The voters want a government that focuses on their needs. The voters want change. Together, we must deliver that change.”

Nancy Pelosi, elected Speaker of the House, noted that antiwar sentiment was the driving force behind the Democrats’ election victory on November 7 in her speech accepting her election as Speaker, saying “Nowhere were the American people more clear about the need for a new direction than in Iraq. The American people rejected an open-ended obligation to a war without end.”

But in her acceptance speech, Pelosi repeated the call for a “responsible redeployment” of US troops in Iraq. The congressional Democratic leadership has made it clear that there will be no official Democratic Party proposal on the Iraq war until after Bush’s nationally televised speech. This is because while the vast majority of Democratic voters want a rapid withdrawal from Iraq, the vast majority of Democratic congressmen and senators agree with the White House that a withdrawal would represent defeat.

The Democrats are united with Bush on the most fundamental issues—the war in Iraq, the attack on democratic rights at home, the maintenance of economic and tax policies that benefit only the super-rich.

Will Increasing the number of combat troops in Iraq win the war, or is their presence more likely to not be welcomed by the Iraqi people and create even greater support for the insurgency among the population?
Mar 30, 2006
Bush got what he needed to get done even though I don't support him. I honestly didn't think they would have captured Saddam and lead to his death. I would have figured that once he died that all the troops would have went home. There's no need for troops to be over there now. Iraq never asked to become a democracy and never needed us to interfere with their country. The only justification for Bush to win support back is to capture Bin Laden and kill him. North Korea's a bigger threat to us. We should have started a war with them. Hand to hand, gun to gun combat. No nukes involved.
Jan 2, 2003
Music Nfluenced said:
Bush got what he needed to get done even though I don't support him. I honestly didn't think they would have captured Saddam and lead to his death. I would have figured that once he died that all the troops would have went home. There's no need for troops to be over there now. Iraq never asked to become a democracy and never needed us to interfere with their country. The only justification for Bush to win support back is to capture Bin Laden and kill him. North Korea's a bigger threat to us. We should have started a war with them. Hand to hand, gun to gun combat. No nukes involved.
LOL...yah instead of bar hopping lets war hopping!!!!

Bin Laden in ONE person...i repeat, ONE person...

people wanna act like he has contol over everyone...and nothing happens unless he says so..

its ridiculous.
Mar 18, 2003
Does annihilating every last Iraqi "insurgent" who opposes U.S. presence constitute a save? If so then it is not out of the question.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
i mean, what do you mean by save?

i dunno if flooding iraq with 40,000 more soldiers can save it...sounds more like its destroying it to me..i dont think any of this shit has particularly saved iraq or even set it up to be 'saved'..maybe controlled, but not saved.....that said there is a percentage of people who despised either sadaam , osama or extremists in general and welcome bieng 'saved' america none the less

i know if the draft hits im taking the illegal immigrant tunnel INTO mexico...


Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
wasnt it colin powell who said iraq cannot be won militarily?? so what do they do? send in more troops!!!!

the military is at the breaking point.. i want u guys to mark my words, the draft isnt too far away!!!!!
Oct 30, 2002
in the post office yesterday i seen the registration cards for the selective service shit..its a sign up for the draft..(i did mine at 18)...basically if you 18-25 and we institute a draft and u signed up for that u could go to war...u have to sign up one of those things or go to jail. but i have about 10 -15 friends who said fuck that and nohting never happened..its fuckin wack...i did it to say fuck it lets see what will happened if i do sign up??? i like to do stupid shit just to see what will come of it.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
This country is FUCKED. I hope that bitch who said congress doesn't have that power, gets bitch slapped into the 22nd Century, or taken out of fucking office.

Some people should NOT be allowed to vote, if we have these idiotic fuck bags in office.

ECOSE said:
in the post office yesterday i seen the registration cards for the selective service shit..its a sign up for the draft..(i did mine at 18)...basically if you 18-25 and we institute a draft and u signed up for that u could go to war...u have to sign up one of those things or go to jail. but i have about 10 -15 friends who said fuck that and nohting never happened..its fuckin wack...i did it to say fuck it lets see what will happened if i do sign up??? i like to do stupid shit just to see what will come of it.
I did the same, I just hope it happens after I turn I hope it takes another 3 years...or maybe I'll just have to get the fuck out of this shit hole.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
well, he signed up, he should have known better...hopefully he comes back harm free though...

too bad we have people in power that think war is the way to go, this country should elect me.


Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
haha you all DO know they raised the age requirements to enlist to 45 right?? dunno if that would be the draft requirement tho..
Mar 30, 2006
I was having this debate with a friend of mine about the draft. He kept saying about how there hasn't been a draft since World War II. I remembered most of the stuff that Ecose was talking about from going through it in my teen years but didn't want to go into details about it. So basically what I'm asking is was a draft required for the war in Iraq?


Sicc OG
Mar 9, 2005
40,000 more troops cannot save Iraq. The war in Iraq has already been lost by the US. Sure, withdrawing the troops does indeed show that they did lose the war (something that the US does NOT want to admit!), but keeping the current troops there and even sending more troops not only shows that they've lost the war, it also shows that they're bad losers. They don't want to withdraw troops because doing so would put the whole reason for starting the war in jeopardy - who would be there to ensure the security of Iraq's oil and control the 'democratic' governmental puppets?
May 6, 2002
A good friend of mine just came back from Iraq (we have different view points on politics, but never talk about it) and said we need at least another 200,000 people over there to really make things move along. If they leave now, the country will fold.