So I guess When he says in the name of the Son, that dont pertain to him.
Yes it does but that's only part of what he said. If you just say in the name of the Son your missing two more parts.
If you cant find any thats OK just say you cant find any.
If you would have read my response you would have seen this...
Dude I haven't read where the disciples baptized in the name of the father, the son and holy spirit. It really doesn't matter. I told you that I would show you were Jesus himself said to baptize this way. Would you rather listen to Jesus himself or his disciples? You tell me.
But who is right? which is the way to be baptized?
The way Jesus has told us too.
I think you are taking That text out of Line of what Jesus said.
LOL. How am I taking it out of line? By simply following his instructions? So was Jesus lying to us? If he wanted us to be baptized they way you said, why did he say that?
If it was that way would it not make more sense to say "I baptise you in the Father son and Holy Ghost"?
Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit...same thing.
Yes I call my Mother "Mom" and My Father "Dad".
Thank You for answering my question.
Is your dads name Father? Does his Boss call him Father? Does Your mom call him Father?
God doesn't have a boss. God is everyones father. Why would you call your father by his name? I find that to be disrespectful. So if God is everyones father, then you call him father. Why is that so hard to understand?
Like I said if you cant Find any scripture of one Baptism the Apolstles did that were in that manor its ok.
Like I said if you would have read my response.....Also if you can't find where Jesus said to baptize in the name of me, then just say so. It's okay!