location: London, England
Bouts Scheduled to Air on Showtime Broadcast:
-Ken Shamrock vs. Robert Berry
-Masakazu Imanari (#5 Featherweight in the World)* vs. Jean Silva
-Gary Turner vs. Mustapha Al Turk
-Tom Watson vs. Pierre Guillet
Other Bouts:
-Ivan Serati vs. Roman Webber
-Rob Broughton vs. Neil Grove
-Danny Batten vs. Leigh Remedios
-Henrique Santana vs. Michael Johnson
-Aisling Daly vs. Aysen Berik
-Ryan Shamrock vs. Giorgio Andrews
-John Hathaway vs. Marvin Arnold
-Jack Bostwick vs. John Phillips
Main card airs in the United States on Showtime
any predictions?
location: London, England

Bouts Scheduled to Air on Showtime Broadcast:
-Ken Shamrock vs. Robert Berry
-Masakazu Imanari (#5 Featherweight in the World)* vs. Jean Silva
-Gary Turner vs. Mustapha Al Turk
-Tom Watson vs. Pierre Guillet
Other Bouts:
-Ivan Serati vs. Roman Webber
-Rob Broughton vs. Neil Grove
-Danny Batten vs. Leigh Remedios
-Henrique Santana vs. Michael Johnson
-Aisling Daly vs. Aysen Berik
-Ryan Shamrock vs. Giorgio Andrews
-John Hathaway vs. Marvin Arnold
-Jack Bostwick vs. John Phillips
Main card airs in the United States on Showtime
any predictions?