oh we on our way way right now. check out my boy tonight and tomorrow with the bullhorn promotin Mr. Doctor to the fullest and my other team riden around handin out flyers. come thru and holla at my boy wit the bullhorn (Robbie) he gonna set up a both style thang hitten fools wit flyers, havin dudes rap battle, we gonna youtube the event. shit is gonna be cool. i'm hopin i see some siccness gangstas up in reno that wanna open they mouths. we will see if any tuff guys grow some balls. fools is gonna get checked hahahahahahaha. come one come all bitches.........
but we gonna have a good time and anybody that wants some we gonna beat'em down and make them our pets real talk. i already bought leashes for dem and we gonna walk around with dem on the leaches. WATCH we aint bullshitten. they gonna wear EPIDEMIC T-Shirts too and hand out Mr. Doctor Flyers on my Mama this shit is going down real chop tight. Holla!