Whenever you hit up a liquor store have you ever had kids come up to you asking if you could buy them some drank or smokes?
We use to do that in highschool but just the other day some 8 year old skater kid came up to me asking if I could get him some Marlboro Red's. If he's smoking that's on him but I told him to be easy and drove off.
I've been asked plenty of times and for my cousin's, who are well off close to being 18, I'll get them stuff on the low but I don't like helping out stranger kids. Let alone some crack heads.
We use to do that in highschool but just the other day some 8 year old skater kid came up to me asking if I could get him some Marlboro Red's. If he's smoking that's on him but I told him to be easy and drove off.
I've been asked plenty of times and for my cousin's, who are well off close to being 18, I'll get them stuff on the low but I don't like helping out stranger kids. Let alone some crack heads.