It has a psuedo-decent idea behind it, but its hard to evaluate until the entire plan has been released. The problem with it is the general population in this country is not educated in terms of financial management/investing. What percentage will we have control over and what amount will remain fixed. What happens to the people who put their money in a fund/index/stock/bond that goes under and they are left w/ nothing. What is the cost of bailing these people out, or are they simply s.o.l. (shit outta luck)...
I do like the idea of being able to have some control over our own financial destiny, but where is the ins.policy, what about people who want the fixed income and are not risk averse?
In order to make this feasable, the education system needs a total shifting of priorities, fuck make micro/macro economics a requirement, financial management, & other fiscal classes to teach fiduciary duties need to be implemented... if that was the case then yes lets move towards a more progessive SS system, if not, its fin to be big trouble ahead...