Bush Vows Second-Term Push for Palestinian State

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May 13, 2002
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Will it happen?


Bush Vows Second-Term Push for Palestinian State

By Steve Holland and Peter Graff

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush (news - web sites) on Friday set a four-year goal of seeing a Palestinian state established and he and British Prime Minister Tony Blair (news - web sites) vowed to mobilize international support to help make it happen now that Yasser Arafat (news - web sites) is dead.

"I'd like to see it done in four years," said Bush, elected last week to a second four-year term. "I think it is possible."

At a joint White House news conference after their talks, Blair said he and Bush would work to mobilize international support to help bolster institutions for a viable Palestinian state that deteriorated under Arafat.

He cited the need to revive the Palestinian economy, build up its security institutions to fight terror and its government to fight corruption, and reform the political system.

"What we will do is anything that is necessary to make this strategy work," said Blair.

At the same time, Bush announced he would travel to Europe soon after he begins his new term early next year to stress that he wants to work together with European allies on the Middle East and other issues.

Much of Europe was in an uproar over the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq (news - web sites) and Bush was attacked on the campaign trail by Democrat John Kerry (news - web sites) for souring ties with traditional allies. Bush said he would use the trip "to remind people that the world is better off, America is better off, Europe is better off when we work together."

Aides said the itinerary was uncertain but the trip would likely be in February and that one stop would be to Brussels for European Union (news - web sites) and NATO (news - web sites) talks.


In another step aimed at mending fences, Bush's national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice (news - web sites), held an hour and a half of talks with her French counterpart, Maurice Gourdault-Montagne.

But while Bush spoke of strengthening trans-Atlantic ties, he did not leap to embrace Blair's proposal for an international conference on the Middle East early next year in Britain. U.S. officials said it did not seem the time was right for a conference.

"I'm all for conferences, just so long as the conferences produce something," Bush said. He also seemed doubtful about naming a U.S. envoy to the Middle East any time soon.

Blair told Britain's Channel 5 afterward that "at some point along the way, I think there will be a coming together at a conference or some forum" but that he was not asking America to appoint an envoy or hold a conference now.

Bush and Blair said Arafat's death on Thursday in Paris offered an opportunity. As an immediate goal they pledged to help the Palestinians hold elections within the next 60 days to choose a new president to replace Arafat.

Bush said the Palestinians "may decide to elect a real strong personality, but we'll hold their feet to the fire to make sure that democracy prevails, that there are free elections."

One vehicle for mobilizing international support is through the Quartet group that produced the faltering "road map" plan which envisioned a Palestinian state by 2005. The United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations (news - web sites) make up the Quartet.

A senior State Department official said the Bush administration was seeking to convene a Quartet meeting, possibly when Secretary of State Colin Powell (news - web sites) attends a conference on Iraq Nov. 22-23 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.

Bush and Blair said they would work with Israeli and Palestinian leaders to complete Israel's withdrawal from the Gaza Strip (news - web sites) and part of the West Bank. Bush gave no sign of applying additional pressure on Israel, saying it was up to both parties to come to an agreement.

Bush appeared irritated when asked by a British reporter if he considered Blair a U.S. "poodle" for supporting the Iraq war.

"Don't answer 'yes' to that question," Blair chuckled to Bush.

Bush said: "These are troubled times. It's a tough world. What this world needs is steady, rock-solid leaders who stand on principle, and that's what the prime minister means to me."

Blair dismissed any notion that he expected payback from Bush for having stood with him in Iraq.

(Additional reporting by Saul Hudson)
Jun 27, 2003
great.. he gives it a four year time period. So when ppl ask why it isn't happening he can say I have two more years left until it's no longer his problem? Also, he talks about "holding elections" like they wanna do in Iraq and with Afghanistan.. but this part really disturbs me.

Bush said the Palestinians "may decide to elect a real strong personality, but we'll hold their feet to the fire to make sure that democracy prevails, that there are free elections."

does that mean if the Palestinians want someone that Bush doesn't (just look at how the CIA intervened in South America when the ppl chose leaders unacceptable to the US) he's gonna overthrow them and instate his own dictator.. which this country seems to have a history of doing.
mayn, these next four years are gonna be a trip

for those that voted for bush this time... when 2008 comes around i'd like to see how many are singin a different tune
Sep 9, 2003
its nov. now. i have no idea how the fuck iraq can have a ligit election.

1st- threwout iraq their gonna have to have 15000 polling places for everyone to vote. i dont see that happening under the current condistions. half of them places will get car bombed, shot up, or suscide bombed. if that happens you know damn good and well that who ever wins will be rejected on the grounds that millions were left out of the election process due to a lack of security. thus leading to even more violance.

2nd. ITS FUCKIN NOV. they wanna vote in january. thats less than 2 mounths from now.....my point is does anyone even know who the fuck is running? to me thats a problem.....what are they gonna do wait till 2 weeks befor the election befor they announce whos gonna run for office? it takes our asses 1 year, a shit load of media, 3 debates, and all types of shit befor we feel informed enougth to elect a person. THEY GET 2 WEEKS????????????? we have about 10 partys they have over 100.
again this is another reason why i think people will reject whoever is elected...thus leading to more violance.

if you ask me its all going to pop off in a big way threwout the middle east.

you got saudi people ready to over throw the goverment their. leading to big econimic problems here in america

iran pushing foward full speed ahead on their nuke program. and nothing we can do about it scence 80% of our resourses are bogged down in iraq

palistan and iseral round # 873.462.123 about to begin.

iraq- we have no idea what the fuck were gonna do their.

afghanistan- getting back to their normal shit. you think those lil elections are gonna change shit their your crazy. their right back to tribal war, heron production, and most areas are now and will continue to be controled by warloards.

and all the other places plus the ones i mentioned above still produce and harbor terriost freely. in fact their doing it at a record pace now.

who the fuck knows whats gonna happen over the next 4-20 years.

but hey.......we got bush....so i feel safe hahahhahaha
Jan 9, 2004
He just has to deploy Condi, she'll get the job done.

Also, what the fuck are the Iraqi's voting on again? The media doesn't say what they are voting on do they.
May 8, 2002
Solidous_Snake said:
Damn I gotta deal with his sorry ass for 4 more years...depressing as fuck. like theres no hope.
who are you talking about again? who is it that you have to deal with for 4 more years? do you work with him or whats the deal??

Solidous_Snake said:
Hes all talk about the subject though. he cant even hold America down homie!
if you are talking about W Bush then he seems to be holding down pretty good to me. i mean hey 60,000,000 votes sounds like he is holding it down really well.

Oct 13, 2003
Mcleanhatch said:
who are you talking about again? who is it that you have to deal with for 4 more years? do you work with him or whats the deal??

if you are talking about W Bush then he seems to be holding down pretty good to me. i mean hey 60,000,000 votes sounds like he is holding it down really well.
Shut up with that shit. You're photos don't amuse me. He cheated his way in office they same way he cheated people in trusting him in the war. A war that costs $145,445,837,583. Not to mention 1342 deaths of military personel and the civilians in Iraq that are caught between the cross hairs.