Bush: Sing 'Star-Spangled Banner' in English

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May 13, 2002
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The national anthem should be sung in English -- not Spanish -- President Bush declared Friday, amid growing restlessness over the millions of immigrants here illegally.

"One of the things that's very important is, when we debate this issue, that we not lose our national soul," the president exclaimed. "One of the great things about America is that we've been able to take people from all walks of life bound as one nation under God. And that's the challenge ahead of us."

A Spanish language version of the national anthem was released Friday by a British music producer, Adam Kidron, who said he wanted to honor America's immigrants.

When the president was asked at a Rose Garden question-and-answer session whether the anthem should be sung in Spanish, he replied: "I think the national anthem ought to be sung in English, and I think people who want to be a citizen of this country ought to learn English and they ought to learn to sing the national anthem in English."
May 13, 2002
Next time why don’t you do a little bit of research…

FACT CHECK: U.S. Government Commissioned Spanish-Language ‘Star-Spangled Banner’ in 1919

Yesterday Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) introduced a resolution requiring the Star-Spangled banner to be sung only in English:

That flag and that song are a part of our history and our national identity. … That’s why in 1931 Congress declared the Star-Spangled Banner our national anthem. That’s why we should always sing it in our common language, English.​

In his press release, Alexander said the Star-Spangled Banner has “never before…been rendered in another language.”

But in 1919, the U.S. Bureau of Education commissioned a Spanish-language version of “The Star Spangled Banner.” The State Department’s website also features four-separate versions of the anthem in Spanish.

It appears xenophobia isn’t part of the American tradition.


National Anthem Sung In Spanish At First Bush Inaugural

On Friday, President Bush blasted the idea of singing the Star Spangled Banner in Spanish. But Bush’s highly-scripted 2001 inaugural ceremony actually featured a rendition of the national anthem sung in Spanish by Jon Secada. From Cox News Service, 1/18/01:

The opening ceremony reflected that sentiment. A racially diverse string of famous and once famous performers entertained Bush, soon-to-be First Lady Laura Bush, Vice President-elect Richard B. Cheney and his wife, Lynne, who watched on stage from a special viewing area.

Pop star Jon Secada sang the national anthem in English and Spanish.​

Apparently, Secada singing the anthem in Spanish was a regular feature of the Bush campaign. From the 8/3/00 Miami Herald:

The nominee, his wife Laura, erstwhile rival John McCain and his wife Cindy joined Bush on a platform where children sang the national anthem - in “Spanglish,” Secada explained.​

This morning, ThinkProgress revealed that, according to Kevin Phillip’s book American Dynasty, Bush himself sang the national anthem in Spanish. Looks like Bush’s conviction that “the national anthem ought to be sung in English” was something he acquired very recently.

Source: www.thinkprogress.org
Oct 28, 2005

“According to an article in the Washington Post last Friday, at least 389 different versions of our anthem have been produced over the years, in many musical styles, including rock and roll and country. But, the Post also noted, never before has it been rendered in another language."

Source: http://alexander.senate.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=PressReleases.Detail&PressRelease_Id=997

Your words:

"In his press release, Alexander said the Star-Spangled Banner has “never before…been rendered in another language.”

Might want to re-word that one. This man Alexander didn't "say" any such thing. He misquoted a source, if anything. Other than that, Good research.

The anthem will continue to be sung predominantly (if not 99.9% of the time) in English, save publicity stunts and other such RARE PERFORMANCES. This much ought not to change.
Sep 30, 2005
California Bear said:
wow you'er a smart one , what a fuckin mental gaint
Try not to insult someone's mental capacities while spelling all your shit wrong.
I don't believe that bad spelling means one is necessarily dumb, but a lot of people seem to.
May 13, 2002
I might be wrong but was not the national athem written by a french man in french? He wrote it while he was locked up an just wrote about what he was seeing, i might be wrong so my bad if my info is off.
It was written by an Amerikan, Francis Scott Key, who wrote it after watching some ships battle in the War of 1812. The song is inspired, and sung to the tune of a popular English song "To Anacreon in Heaven."


It’s kind of interesting if you click the above link and check out the lyrics. Apparently there are four more verses than what is commonly sung.
Nov 27, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
It was written by an Amerikan, Francis Scott Key, who wrote it after watching some ships battle in the War of 1812. The song is inspired, and sung to the tune of a popular English song "To Anacreon in Heaven."


It’s kind of interesting if you click the above link and check out the lyrics. Apparently there are four more verses than what is commonly sung.
yeah like i told other homie my info was way off,just shows i aint really up on that kinda history, which i kinda should be but sall good yall have a firme day.